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A Passage
Intel on Riddick's 'Verse  «
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Friday, 27 April 2007
Thoughts about a timeline...
Mood:  hungry
Topic: Intel on Riddick's 'Verse
I was looking at something the other day... Oh, yeah, the eyeshine info ;)

Anyhow I realized that Toombs gives us a date!

it's 6004.05

not much, I know. How do we interpert it? This will require more thought.

But here's what we do know or can infer: At that time Riddick was at Ursa Luna/Slam City. This was before Johns caught him and put him on the HG. According to Johns' chase log, they left Butcher Bay and Riddick was on the run 63 days before Johns catches him again.

We know that the Slam City webcomic had to happen sometime during the chase log. Johns was stabbed in the back at Butcher Bay, and when he shows up at Slam City he's got a red shotgun shell. From Pitch Black we know that its the red shells that contain John's stash of morphine. Johns himself tells Fry that he started using morphine after Riddick stabbed him in the back (Extened DVD footage shows him making her touch the scar, which is in the exact same place where Riddick stabs Johns in the scene in Butcher Bay before Vallance is killed).

So toombs date is sometime between day 47 and day 55 of Johns log. I'm inclined to place it at day 52...

Posted by planet/gm_andy at 9:38 PM EDT
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Monday, 23 April 2007
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Intel on Riddick's 'Verse
Okay I think it's time to post something about Riddick's eyeshine.

Here's what we have to work with:

Pitch Black: Riddick tells Jack that he got the eyeshine done in 'a no daylight slam' for 20 kools.

In the 'Slam City' webcomic this is shown to be Ursa Luna / Slam City where the eyeshine is done by Cutter. Cutter explains how it is done when he tells Riddick that the cornea is peeled back, the eye pentrated by a laser and a 'reflecto-coat' is applied to the back of the retina.

The CoR movie Website Riddick's profile reveals that there is an operation that can be done. it is very risky, and according to Toombs most people having it done end up on the slab. Here's the direct quote:

"On or about 6004.05 subject underwent extreme surgical procedure performed at Ursa Luna Double Max Slam Facility.
.2% of recipients survive the procedure.
.005% of recipients recover vision."

Another clue comes from the 'Hunt for Riddick' webgame. In it, while on Riddick's trail the player uncovers that a Kovan freighter, the Amanjaro, was stolen from an automated Aquilan outpost by someone with what is first thought to be an illegal flake of some sort inside their eyes. Further anaylsis revealed that it is actually a 'hydro-luminescent film, surgically applied'.

And yet one cannot ignore the scene in EFBB where Shirah tells Riddick "You have been blind for too long. Your world is about to become much more colorful..."

Personally I follow my own theory. Riddick's sight is a Furyan power, enhanced through surgical means. Either Cutter did the eyeshine or Riddick got it someplace else. All I can hope for is that the various clues resolve into a single picture.

Posted by planet/gm_andy at 12:26 AM EDT
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Thursday, 12 April 2007
Slams Riddick's escaped from.
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Intel on Riddick's 'Verse
I've been itching to get this down again.

Here's the list as I know: Mind you, most of the intel here comes from the Pitch Black and CoR movie sites. The "Black Box" re-enactment, the "Slam City" webtoon, and the "Hunt for Riddick" flash game all give lists of the prisons Riddick's escaped from. I've got screen caps of them.

The "Hunt for Riddick" game actually provides two lists. One of them, the first one from Toombs, shows the same slams that Johns provides as part of the "Black Box" data on the Pitch Black site. The second one is unlocked through the course of the game and is keyed to Riddick's DNA rather than his name.

This is important as it ties to the Pitch Black book that says Riddick's first trip to prison was "deep storage" after he ratted out on the Company over something that happened on Sigma 3 (See page 27 of Frank Lauria's novel).

Going by that unlocked info I deduce that Riddick spent his first "nearly 3 years" in deep storage (Which according to EFBB is triple max cryo containment), in this prison, accounted for by only a DNA sample. The Company wanted to lose him and the evidence he'd collected. Makes me wonder what happened...

Oh, I imagine you want the goods, huh?

Right. Let's work from the older stuff first.
<Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Here you see the screen from the Black Box data found at the Pitch Black Movie Site (Check out my links on the left if you want to double check it)

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Now here's Toombs data from "Hunt For Riddick" before the other records are unlocked.

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And After... Notice the "Altiar Prison Network" on there? That's new.

So Here's what I've got:
Altiar is the mysterious location of Riddick's "Deep Storage" time before he actually killed anyone.
Other slams he's been to include Slam City (Ursa Luna), Butcher Bay, Hubble Bay, Ribald S. Correctional, and Tangiers. And, of course, Crematora.

I think it's safe to assume that Riddick did spend 11 or so hours at Ursa Luna while on the run from Johns... After he ditched him from the escape at Butcher Bay. It's likely Riddick took goggles from there because he lost his at the end of EFBB. As to if Cutter actually gave Riddick a shinejob or not, well, that's another blog...

Posted by planet/gm_andy at 10:54 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 12 April 2007 11:09 AM EDT
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Background Data: Got that here!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Intel on Riddick's 'Verse

I just spent all day building this webpage. I've neglected my cats in favor of teaching myself how to write html. Can you believe that? Me either. Amazing.

On my old homepage there was a small group of us that debated several topics in the Riddick 'Verse. Top of these were the role of the mysterious 'company' Sol Trak and others. Another hot topic was the eyeshine. Of course Riddick's background and the number of slams he'd escaped from and their security level also occupied us. I worked up a timeline for Riddick's life at one point along with a list of slams he was known to be held in. I've got the research still and plan on attempting redoing them.

One final thing: I have chapter 26 of "A Passage" finished and for some reason cannot upload it to If this remains a problem I shall post the entire story here for my readers. See... I knew I shoulda done this from the start.

Posted by planet/gm_andy at 12:48 AM EDT
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