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Great Divide Shooting Club

This is the website dedicated to Rawlins & Carbon County shooters.

Anyone who would like more information should contact the director.

Typically this is text , and it will stretch out this box. This website will be able to register people for shoots, keep track of results, list upcoming events, show all past results from a particular event. adadfadfadfadfadfadsw erewerqwtrtarta yafhertkhlspbx njret;iuawrnfmkgsj gueriotfvnma aoi e a elkdfjg oitpit kgj aoiurotgmi n aioeutioejkldj oiatijaklk aoieio ;ioe rrfadlkfa;io a eoiraoefkld fuaoiralkdf uo;i uiooia daioeraoei; rdfuian fiaeraoi fio oieioasdfioadifoaieor uiweo

Here is more information to fill this space. This would possibly be were you would put a mission statement... )))SDadkfjasdkfjadkfj akldfj akd jfakjd ajklsdfjpaoidf adkfa lkdfoakd ufioadjfklad jfkla udiof aidof jakdlf jakld fajhnadlkf jaio;dfia'df jaiodfu ad'sf aidfads fji daf;idfa;odif jaiodfj aiodjfoiadjfioadjf;ioadsj f;iadsfia dfio;ad fia dfia dfia dfi;aisdfj;ailsdjfoiajsdifoajds;ifj;adsifj