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Father & Son Handymen

Fascia Replacement

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A customer called us with a problem.  The 3 "T"s (termites, time and, terminal dry rot) had taken their toll on one of her rental properties!  Here are the remedies we took to alleviate her woes!


First, we set about to remove all the rotted fascia from the gable end of the home.

Next, we removed the rotted portico from the front of the property.  The customer decided that it would be best not to replace it.
So, we will replace the structure by installing a new fascia across the front of the home and strengthen the support for the overhang.

While we are working we will paint an access door to the garage.
The replacement stock has been delivered.  We opted for pressure treated lumber to prevent a reoccurrence of the original problem.

Here the eave fascia has been primed and installed.
Now we cut back the exposed rafters to accommodate new fascia to be applied to front of house. 

A view with the new front fascia installed.
Everything is tied in and ready for the final painting.

Here Vinnie is working on his tan while painting the final coat on the eaves.
While the trim was being painted I set about to strengthen the porch roof by installing a front fascia and reinforcing the support beam.