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Wednesday, 8 August 2007
Knit 1 Tea 2 Color Swap Questionnaire

I've signed up for something that sounds really interesting (and when I figure out how to make the pretty button work, I'll add that...)

Knit 1 Tea 2 Color Swap Questionnaire

1. Do you like loose tea or bags, or both – something you want to try?
I like both, although I primarily use bags because of the “quick ‘n’ easy” factor.  I like loose tea for those rare moments when I really have the time to enjoy the whole process.

2. What is your favorite kind of tea (Brand, flavor, variety, etc)?
I tend toward “whatever’s on sale” for my everyday tea – Tetley, Red Rose, Lipton, and such.  However, I was given some Lifeboat Tea from England for Christmas, and if I had enough it would replace the others.

3. Favorite color in regards to tea or one you would like to try? (black, green, red, and white) (keeping in mind that this is how this swap is set up).
I generally drink black teas, but I’d certainly try anything interesting.

4. Would you say you were a tea pot kind of person or just a hot water heater kind?
During the morning rush it’s obviously just put on the kettle and pour over the bag, but when the pace is slower I prefer a preheated teapot no matter the tea.

5. What tea accessories would you like but have never purchases for yourself?
Never did get myself one of those nice “single serving size” tea balls for the loose tea.

6. How do you prefer to be pampered? (examples: mani/pedi, bubble bath, yummy treat, etc).
Food...always food…or at least dark chocolate

7. If you were a kind of yarn what would you be and why?
This one will require some thought.  The answer may even change day to day, so I guess maybe I’d be something variegated…

8. If you had to knit/crochet baby booties, a fun fur scarf, or a fair isle sweater, which would you choose and why?
Hmm… another toughie.  Since any of those items would most likely be gifted, I suppose it’d be whatever the occasion calls for.  (Yeah, lame-o cop out answers, but I’m so often indecisive, you see.)

9. What other event would make you skip a tea party? (A garden party? A book club meeting? A yoga class? Opening night for a new action thriller? etc?)
I try to do as I was taught, and once I commit to attending something then I should go.  I suppose, though, that having a far-flung friend show up unexpectedly might be the sort of thing that would make me change plans last minute.

10. What treat would you consider essential at your tea party? (Sweet? Salty? Scones? Those petite pastry trays with a couple of all sorts of things? Little crust less sandwiches?)
Am I allowed to say that I’d like some of each, please?

11. When buying yarn for a project how do you choose - do you buy the one called for or do you substitute?
I’ve done both – depends on what I’m making and if I’ve used the yarn before or not.  Usually, though, I tend to find the yarn first (or even the buttons first – hubby thought I was way beyond help that time) and then figure out what the yarn wants to be.  (And only in a group such as this would that line may any sense what-so-ever.  Thank you for that.)

12. What do you carry your knitting/crocheting in when on the go?
I usually use a Longaberger basket or fabric tote.  Since  often have several projects going at a time, it’s easiest for me to have each one in a different container so I know which is which.

13. Favorite movie to watch while knitting/crocheting?
Well, I guess it’s whatever anyone else is watching, although if it’s just me then either sports or I’ll enjoy the peace and quiet.

14. Are you a traditional tea cup kind of person or a mug type of person? Do you care if they match?
Either one is fine by me – just NO Styrofoam, please!  Matching or not doesn’t really matter I suppose, but “coordinating” is nice.

15. Favorite childhood birthday party?
This will sound weird, but my favorite is a party that I pseudo-planned but never actually had.  It was to be a Dr. Seuss sleep-over, and everyone was to bring their favorite Dr. Seuss books, and all the treats were going to be inspired by the books.  I planned this party in junior high school and never got to have it.  I still think that someday I’m going to do it!

16. Favorite type of scone and jam?
How could I play favorites here?

17. If you use candles, what is your favorite scent?
I like vanilla, pine, and “herbal” as my friend says (like Yankee Candle’s Sage & Citrus).  Fruits are ok, but flowers tend to overwhelm.

18. If you could choose 3 people to have 'tea' with, who would they be and why? (famous or not, living or dead).
Can I pick 4?  It’d be my Mom, Nana, sister, and sister-in-law (all living).  My brother got married a little over a year ago in England, and we only met his bride just days before the wedding.  We haven’t really had any “just us girls” time, and a nice tea would be just the thing.

19. You've been invited to a tea party, what 'props' will you wear (formal or casual)?
I’m an “as is” person, so likely pretty casual.  If something more formal was stipulated I’d certainly find appropriate “props”.

20. Any allergies/preferences you have or are willing to admit to?
I’m only allergic to “things with fur, feathers, or fuzz” – we can’t have pets, but I seem to be able to cope with any sort of fiber.

21. Anything we missed that you want your pal to know?
Nothing I can think of at the moment.

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 5:37 PM EDT
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Thursday, 9 August 2007 - 7:42 AM EDT

Name: "Wendy "
Home Page: http://knuckleheadmusings.blogspot.com/

Well, it would appear that you and your family have been taking on some fun adventures this summer.  Glad to see that you decided to join Knit1Tea2. 

Thursday, 9 August 2007 - 7:43 PM EDT

Name: "Chan"
Home Page: http://chanknits.blogspot.com

I always thought a tea party would be the perfect bridesmaids luncheon, and your "3 guests" answer reminded me of that.


Welcome to the swap!

Friday, 17 August 2007 - 6:59 PM EDT

Name: "Dorothy"
Home Page: http://mommy-knitter.blogspot.com

The Dr. Seuss sleep-over sounds fantastic!  What a great idea!

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