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Friday, 14 September 2007
Christmas Around the World Swap Questionaire

Ok, here it is.  Let's hope it actually posts without my going nuts first...

Christmas Around the World Swap Questionaire

1.      Are you religious?   I am a Christian


2.      How long have you been knitting? Would you consider yourself a Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced?   Let’s see…I started knitting when my sister was pregnant with her first child.  I’d been crocheting since I was 4 and had collected MANY pattern books over the years – at least 25 of them with assorted crochet (and a few knitted) “baby things”.  I handed a stack to my sister and told her to pick anything she wanted for the baby, figuring that she’d choose something from one of the crochet only books, or at least in the “crochet” portion of a book containing both knit and crochet items.  Nope, she wanted the knit booties and baby hoodie that zipped up the back.  So, I went and bought three different “teach yourself to knit” type books and made the booties.  My nephew turns 15 this month.  I consider myself at least an Intermediate knitter, but wouldn’t shy away from anything that might be considered advanced.  That’s how we learn, right?


3.      Do you have any other hobbies besides knitting?   Yes – too many to list.  But a few are crocheting, reading, EATING (I like to cook and bake, too, but I HATE to clean up afterwards.), and camping.


4.      Favorite color(s)?   I like all shades of purple, and my house is decorated in "natural" sorts of colors and at the moment I'm really into any color you can find here: http://www2.longaberger.com/flyer/sept07/spread4-5.html


5.      Do you collect anything?   Well, yes, but hubby would really rather that I NOT.  (But it’s elephants, if you really want to know.  Oh, and baskets.  And yarn.  And that’s enough, I was just told….)


6.      Are you allergic to any fibers or animals?  I’m only allergic to “things with fur, feathers, or fuzz” – we can’t have pets, but I seem to be able to cope with any sort of fiber.


7.      Do you have any pets?   My son has Sea Monkeys because we can’t really have anything else (see #6).  Well, we could, but I’m not willing to deal with anything  else and the boys wouldn’t likely take care of it anyway.


8.      Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?   No, Yes, Yes


9.      Cookies or Sweets?   Yes, Yes  (Dark chocolate is a particular favorite sweetie)


10.  Do you knit socks?   Just starting to.  Hope to post a pic of my very first sock in the next day or so.  (Have to actually TAKE the photo first…)


11.  If not socks then what? (tell us about your favorite knits)   Oh, I like to knit whatever – I don’t play favorites – and I’m always interested in trying something new.


12.  Do you put up a Christmas tree? If not then what do you do?   Well, I don’t put up the tree – hubby and the kids do it!  LOL


13.  Favorite holiday treats?   I like them all (are you sensing a trend?)


14.  Favorite holiday smells?   Fresh Pine


15.  Do you celebrate Christmas in a traditional or unconventional way? Please elaborate.  I don’t know the answer to this one.  It’s traditional to me, I suppose…let me get back to you on this one.


16.  What are your favorite holiday traditions?   I like finding “just the right thing” for someone, and watching them opening it!  Also, at our house, Santa doesn’t wrap the gifts in paper.  Instead, each of the boys has his own square of holiday fabric that Santa uses to cover the pile of gifts for each child.  I like not having to clean up afterwards, and that we reuse the fabric each year.  Saves time, money, effort, and the environment!


17.  Finish the sentence: “For me Christmas is all about....”   celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ


18.  If you were a Christmas ornament you would be…….?   Umm…something round with limbs?  That’s what I look like these days...

19.  What was your favorite gift you've ever received? Or given?   Oh, shoot, I don’t know.  Can I get back to you on this one, too?


20.  When do you start your Christmas?   Not entirely sure what this one means…?  When do we start with the preparing?  Anyway, whatever it means, I still can’t answer it.  I’m not very good about getting ready for stuff, so it really varies a lot from one year to the next.


21.  Do you send Christmas cards? Do you make them or buy them?   I intend to send cards.  I usually buy them on clearance the year before.  Sometimes I actually address the envelopes.  I figure if I get them out before the first of the new year, I’m doing ok.  I’m just not that good….


22.  What is your favorite Christmas dish?   I guess I’m just no fun…I don’t pick favorites.  I like ‘em all.


23.  Carolers are at your door. What do you do?   I don’t know.  I’ve never had the experience.  What are you supposed to do?  I mean, I’d listen and all, but then what?  I wouldn’t know what was expected, except for applause and a “thank you”.  What DO you do?


24.  When do you open presents? Christmas eve or Christmas morning?   Both – family gifts are often exchanged Christmas Eve (if they boys have been behaving) and then Santa gifts are opened in the morning.

 25.  Do you celebrate with family or friends or both?  Both

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 2:38 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 14 September 2007 2:49 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 18 September 2007 - 9:17 PM EDT

Name: "Maryanne"
Home Page: http://knittymuggins.wordpress.com

Thanks for sharing Christina!  Dark chocolate is one of my favorites too :)  Hope you're enjoying the swap so far and thanks for filling out your questionnaire!

Wednesday, 19 September 2007 - 2:46 PM EDT

Name: "Dorothy"
Home Page: http://mommy-knitter.blogspot.com

I laughed when I read that your hubby and kids put up the tree.  I'm the complete opposite!  I'm completely anal about where the ornaments go.  We all decorate as a family, and the next day, I rearrange all the ornaments!

 I'm really excited for this swap!

Tuesday, 25 September 2007 - 8:51 PM EDT

Name: "anonymous knit1tea2 buddy"

Hello hello are you still there......tried to email you the other day but it bounced so don't know if you got it or not....and not totally sure if it went through anonymously or not.....but anyway, your knit1tea2 package is on it's way! please post next Monday if you havent' received it by then...or just respond to this comment, I'll check in....it was ever so much fun putting the package together for you and I certainly hope you enjoy everything. One tip, please open carefully, especially if you are using a knife or blade or scissor to cut the box open...just in case...packed very tightly! happy knitting and sipping!

Saturday, 29 September 2007 - 8:28 PM EDT

Name: "Secret Santa"


I'm your Secret Santa :) I read your questionnaire and it was great help to me, I already know one thing you'll get. 

Thursday, 11 October 2007 - 5:40 PM EDT

Name: "Didi B"
Home Page: http://knit-with-it.blogspot.com

I'm tagging you for the 8 random things meme, and can't wait to see your answers!

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