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Monday, 5 November 2007
I'm a baaaaaddd blogger
Ok, I knew it'd been a while since I had a few moments to type anything, but I didn't think it'd been quite this long.  So, let's see, where do I begin?  I suppose I'll just do a "Reader's Digest" version of the time I've missed. 

So, at the end of August we did a "Boston Weekend", where the boys planned everything, but had only $100 budget.  We hit the Museum of Science on Friday night (we have a membership) and checked out the Gilliland Observatory on the roof of the garage there.  We went back Saturday and saw "Far, Far Away: The Worlds of Star Wars" at the Charles Hayden Planetarium and spent additional time poking around the exhibits.  We ate sandwiches in the car (had to stay in budget!) and then took the T to the Prudential Center so we could check out the Skywalk Observatory.  Too bad it was cloudy, but it was still neat.

On that Sunday we went to the MIT Museum (admission is free from 10a to noon on Sundays - again with the budgetary restraints!), and realized that we probably should have left a LOT more time to check it out.  We're planning on going back.  Here's a neat picture Connor took there:







Next, we used my Red Sox Nation discount and took a tour of Fenway Park, and then had just enough time to check out the Mapparium at the Mary Baker Eddy Library for the Betterment of Humanity.  For supper, we headed to Castle Island.  The boys were hoping to tour the fort, but it was already closed for the day, so I sprung for supper from Sullivan's.  And only then did they let my poor old body go home and rest.

Over Labor Day weekend, I took the boys to visit my friend Julie, who lives just outside of Atlanta, GA.  We flew in during a storm, so our landing was delayed a bit, but they boys got some neat cloud pics while we were in the air:














This really neat bit of sculpture is one of several at the airport in Atlanta.


My boys and I enjoyed eating at the local Steak 'n Shake.  They make the most interesting milkshakes I think I've ever seen.


Of course, since this was a business trip... Julie hosted a Longaberger party for me while I was there.


Wow, I didn't realize how long it would take me to "quickly" catch up.  Ok, so I'm through August.  Howzabout I do September and maybe October tomorrow?  (And I DO have knitting pics - just have to get them out of the camera...)

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 11:02 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 5 November 2007 2:11 PM EST
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