Hay's Handcrafted

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Wednesday, 30 April 2008
"G" is for Gavin, Give-Aways, and Growing a Garden (but that's Connor's thing)

This is Gavin, somberly watching a small skirmish between Union and Confederate troops at Frank Harlow Day on Saturday.  (See Carole's blog for additional details.)  He and I went to check it out.  He heard that there might be soldiers involved, so he could hardly wait!  And he also took a bunch of pictures.  As a matter of fact, the best shots were his. Patriotic PieSoldier SmokingSoldiers Watch SingersCarole's TentCarole & Dale WaltzingCampfire CookingBoxes of ButtonsThimbles for Sale

 Give-Aways:  I actually had people participate in my contest!!  Woot!!  Winner #1 is Kathleen, and #2 is Beth!  Thank you both for entering! Just email me with your snail-mail address and choice of prizes, and they'll be on their way.  (ETA:  It would help if I emailed you, wouldn't it?  Check now... I just did...)  And thank you, too, to all the other folks who had nice things to say on my pseudoblogiversary:  Britt, Karen, and Carole.

Connor has been eating LOTS of veggies lately, so he decided that Growing a Garden might be fun.  He chose some seeds ("salad seeds", I believe he called them) and planted them in some cut down milk jugs.  He's determined to do this himself... this could get interesting.

Jug Garden Sprouts

(ETA:  Hey, dummy!  If you don't PUBLISH the post, no one can read it!  LOL  Can you see me now?)

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 7:30 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 9 May 2008 11:30 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Oopsie! I Missed My Blog-O-Versary!

Well, it seems I was so caught up in the Madness that I missed my First Blog-O-Versary!  What's the appropriate thing to celebrate, then?  :)  I've seen that many folks have a contest, but the last time I tried that, no one actually entered.  SO, this time, I'm going to make it REALLY EASY:  Just post a comment - any sort of a comment - to this post before midnight Eastern Time on April 27, which is the date of the second-ever post I'd made here.  (eta:  Winner will be chosen by random drawing.  Heck, I might even choose 2 winners, if I get enough interest... Tongue out )

The Prizes (Choose Any 2) :

Dream In Color Baby Lace Weight Yarn in "Blue Lagoon" (#VB160) - 100% Superfine Australian Merino Superwash (Spun & Hand-dyed in the USA) - 4oz., approx. 700 yards

Connor's Cookies And Confections - Choose cookies, fugde, or shortbread (you may choose this twice for your prize, if you'd like)

Hay's Handcrafted Stretchy Bracelet or Earrings or Keychain, each made by Connor.





In other news... I threw in the needles on the Slippin' Stripin' Sock - the yarn and the pattern were not tremendously compatible.  I really tried to gut it out to the end, but by the time I started the toe, I was near-to-cussing.  That's my cue that it's time to give it up and start fresh with a clear head and finer yarn at some point in the future.

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 9:39 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 23 April 2008 1:34 PM EDT
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Thursday, 17 April 2008
More Madness, Round 3

Well, I didn't make it through Round 2 of Sock Madness 2, but I'm still trying to "knit along at home", but I seem to be falling further and further behind.  LOL.  Everyone else has knit up these beautiful socks, all soft and yarnilicious, and I'm constantly amazed at the speed with which folks whip them up.

I’m not-so-much loving my socks, however.  By itself, the yarn’s ok (Dream In Color Baby Lace Weight in “Blue Lagoon” and “Ruby River”).  Doubled, not so much ok.  And the pattern and my yarn just are NOT playing nice together.  While I’ve got gauge (on my size 2 Addi Turbos), the fabric is stiff - not as soft & squooshy as I’d hoped. Not to mention that I’ve never been very fond of working with two strands together. I’m still only this far on sock #1:
alt text

So, I guess I’m “Slippin’ Away”…
alt text

I was thinking of something with apologies to Paul Simon, but then I thought better of it…LOL… Now, I’m thinking more of just how slippery a frog can be…::sigh::….

Oh, and I'd like to thank all who voted for me during the Round 2 Creativity Awards.  It seems I've won!  Woo Hoo!  Thank you all!  (Pics of the prize when it arrives!)

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 9:59 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 April 2008 10:09 PM EDT
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Monday, 14 April 2008
Please Vote...

...For Me.  My little poem with photo (below) ahs been selected as a finalist for one  of the creative awards for Round 2 of Sock Madness 2.  If you're so inclined, please visit the SM2 site and vote for me (or, really, for any of the great shots of great socks).  I'm #10.  To vote, look below #11, where it says "Which Reversai picture from Round 2 is your favorite? ".  Click on that then indicate your favorite.


Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 4:18 PM EDT
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Friday, 11 April 2008
I've Been "Reversai'd"

Night after night, huddled under the light,
I knit and I purled and I sighed.

I did what I could, with the time that I had.
Oh, I tried and I tried and I tried. alt text

Am I coming or going? What row am I on?
Gartered soles, they can’t be denied.

A creative shot, then, though I’m not quite done.
(Thanks to “Zombies” my brain is quite fried!)

I tried right over left alt text, then left over right alt text,
Until I’d gone quite cross-eyed.

Is it right side up, or inside out?
I can’t tell, for I’ve been “Reversai’d”!!

alt text

Sock Madness 2, Second Round Pattern, "Reversai" 

Trekking pro natura
color #1607
addi Turbos size 1

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 10:19 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 11 April 2008 10:24 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 8 April 2008
For the Sock Madness Crowd
This is for y'all:

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 11:37 PM EDT
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Saturday, 5 April 2008
Reversai #1

Now to cast on the second one!  Later, folks!

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 11:37 PM EDT
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Dori Says...

Just keep knitting...Just keep knitting.... 

Still 3 spots left in my SM2 Division, but I'm still on the first sock...Can't stop now!

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 1:01 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 2 April 2008
They are the Champions (or Divine Retribution)

The first day I took Gavin to STOYAC basketball practice, I figured for sure the team was doomed.  Of the ten 9- & 10-year-old kids on the team, I know three of them (including my own), and those three have behavioral/social/emotional special needs.  Oh, and the coaches were just teens themselves.  Yep, for sure, the adults in the room on Draft Day let those high school kids put together a team that had a few strikes against it to start.  (Yes, they knew about the special needs of these kids up front.)

Well, the teens worked with the kids, and the kids had a great time.  Some of them had played basketball before, but Gavin (at least) had never even thought of "shooting hoops" before I signed him up for this.  The coaches just had fun, and were so mellow!!  (I said once that if they were any more mellow, they'd be liquid!  LOL)  The kids practiced hard, and the coaches somehow managed to teach these kids what it was to be a team.  So, the kids went out an won their first game!  And their next. 

And they won some more.  At the end of the "regular" season, they were tied for first place in the Pee Wee Divison, with a record of 12 wins and only 1 loss!  So, they headed to the playoffs, nervous and excited.  Especially during the semi-finals, where they had to play the only team that had beaten them during the regular season.  And they won again!

Then, on Championship Day, they faced the team with the same record as they had.  It was a nail-biter, for sure.  In fact, the action was so fast that we couldn't get a good picture. 

The final score was 37 to 30 (but that doesn't tell you how close it was the whole game!).  They were the Champions!!!            Yep, that's Divine Retribution.



Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 10:59 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 4 April 2008 9:42 AM EDT
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I can't believe I'll have to do the whole thing over!!  I wrote a great post about the basketball team, but the computer just puked and now it's all gone!  And I really have to get back to work on my Reversai:

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 10:55 PM EDT
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