Hay's Handcrafted

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Friday, 18 January 2008
"A" is For Acrylic

I'd been thinking about this "ABC - along" thing, and what I might decide to do for the letter "A".  I was perusing blogland and came across this nifty little quiz, and figured I'd take it.  So, here's my result:

What kind of yarn are you?

You are Acrylic.While you are very versatile, your plasticky countenance can be offputting. You are very good with children but can become a pill if left alone with them too long. You are very flexible but don't give in to manipulation.
Take this quiz!

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Hmmm...not entirely sure how I feel about this....

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 8:05 PM EST
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Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Sure, it's pretty.....

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 12:20 PM EST
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I'm a Bad Blogger
Mood:  spacey

Well, not so much that, as I've been in a REALLY whiney mood lately, and I don't really want to whine here.  Wine, sure, along with some really nice cheese, but this crankiness isn't fair to anyone.  So, I'll continue with my attitude adjustments (no wine involved, but if you wanted to buy me a glass, I'd not likely say no...) and try again when I can type without growling...

 And the other thing is that I really need to remember to use the camera!  I made a huge pile of dishcloths for Christmas presents, and didn't photograph a one.  And several pairs of socks, two stoles, a wonderful pair of Fetching mitts for my sister-in-law, and various swap packages all went off without a snap first.  Gotta get my head on straight!  LOL



Who links to me?

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 10:37 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 January 2008 1:05 AM EST
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Saturday, 15 December 2007
French Toast and White Things



You'll have to go there and check it out.  I'll wait...

And here I thought that one purchased these items (in additon to toilet paper and Fluff) because they were white, like the snow.  Ok, so around here the eggs are brown, but you get the point, right?

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 12:02 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 15 December 2007 12:06 AM EST
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Saturday, 8 December 2007
Yankee Candle Basket Fest

Not a lot of time to write - I'm at the Longaberger Yankee Candle Basket Fest at the Yankee Candle Flagship store in South Deerfield, MA.  If you're in the area, come check it out!  The Basket Fest runs through Monday, December 10.   If you tell me that you're coming, I'll make sure to have a goodie bag waiting for you.

 Make a basket (some walk-in spots still available), shop the Factory Store for retired and revered items, and indulge your candle passion.

Can't make it?  Shop online here.

 Pictures will be posted when the computer and I are on more friendly terms....

Hope to see you in Deerfield!

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 8:59 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 16 January 2008 12:37 AM EST
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Thursday, 15 November 2007
Tops 'N' Toes

Yes, actual "handcrafted" content.  First, the lovely Mock Cable Baby Hats I made for my husband's friend's first baby. 













The purple one is made from Mission Falls 1824 wool (100% merino superwash), color #023 Amythest, and the green is Debbie Bliss cashmerino aran, color #300501 (no name given, but a lovely sage).  Whipped these up in no time.

Next up, we have my first real socks.  I'd started these just to try the "Simple Sock" from Socks Soar on Two Circular Needles, by Cat Bordhi.  I loved the idea of using just the two sets of circular needles - less chance for me to drop something while on the train, right?  Well, I started them for me, since I figure it's not really fair to subject someone else to my experimentation, but Gavin saw them and simpy assumed they were meant for him.  Why?  "Mommy", says he, "these socks are camouflage, so obviously they're for me!  Can't fight logic, so here are Gavin's socks:













 Done in Lang Yarns JAWOLL Color (#132.0196).

Then, Connor wanted socks, too.  Same yarn, different color (#132.0204).  I only got a picture of the first one, just after I started it.  He's got his HUGE feet in the pair now, and I can't get a shot..maybe later.

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 2:49 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 15 November 2007 4:06 PM EST
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Tuesday, 13 November 2007
And still more catching up.

I got a really neat call on October 19, from Trish at RemDawg Nation, saying that IF there was a Game 7 of the ALCS, that I'd won two tickets to go and see it.  IF somehow, there was NOT a Game 7, then I'd be receiving a pair of tickets to Opening Day at Fenway Park in 2008.  Oh, yeah, and either way, dinner for two at Bertucci's in Kenmore Square was included.  I was speechless for a moment, and then I nearly screamed.  Luckily for Trish, I managed to merely squeal in delight!  Long story short, I took my friend Marguerite from church, and here is what it looked like:





Ok, so I forgot to take out the camera BEFORE we ate, but it was obviously yummy!





Our seats were in the Grandstand, Section 16, Row 13, Seats 9 and 10.  This was the view.  The Dropkick Murphys played the National Anthem. "Tessie", and "Shipping Up to Boston", and had some Irish Step dancers to liven up the show (as if any "livening" was needed!).  See the performances here.















Are more words needed?

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 3:22 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 15 November 2007 2:48 PM EST
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Wednesday, 7 November 2007
More Catching Up to Do
Where was I?  Oh, yes, September... 

 Well, there was some camping in Spencer, MA with NAFCA at the Mass. Fall Frolic.  And while there, Connor had a reunion with his People to People leaders and other delegates.  The kids created a "Basket Full of Memories" for each leader.   Each delegate was asked to bring something to put into the basket for each leader, and the kids all signed the custom-designed Longaberger Baskets to create keepsakes. 

Let me tell you, the creativity of these kids was amazing.  Some brought photos and one made an individual album for each leader.  (Apparently, the photos were of some "interesting" moments during the trip.)  Some wrote lovely notes.  Others wrapped surprise trinkets.  One even added a candy bar.  You see, at two different places, these kids managed to buy EVERY PICE OF CANDY available, and wipe out the inventory of the shops while they were in Australia.  Go figure...


Then there was the day I came home to the package full of Alaskan tea and yarn goodness from my Knit One, Tea Two swap buddy, Lisa W.










In October we did some more camping, and had our annual Halloween campout.  I think my favorite part of that is the pumpkin carving contest.  Grant W. always comes up with something tremendously creative, and this year was no exception.  His "pumpkin theme scene" this year was "Fondue", inspired by the club's new-found fascination with all things warm and dippable (is that a word?).













More later - the blog and I are not getting along right now...lol.

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 7:59 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 8 November 2007 9:23 AM EST
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Monday, 5 November 2007
I'm a baaaaaddd blogger
Ok, I knew it'd been a while since I had a few moments to type anything, but I didn't think it'd been quite this long.  So, let's see, where do I begin?  I suppose I'll just do a "Reader's Digest" version of the time I've missed. 

So, at the end of August we did a "Boston Weekend", where the boys planned everything, but had only $100 budget.  We hit the Museum of Science on Friday night (we have a membership) and checked out the Gilliland Observatory on the roof of the garage there.  We went back Saturday and saw "Far, Far Away: The Worlds of Star Wars" at the Charles Hayden Planetarium and spent additional time poking around the exhibits.  We ate sandwiches in the car (had to stay in budget!) and then took the T to the Prudential Center so we could check out the Skywalk Observatory.  Too bad it was cloudy, but it was still neat.

On that Sunday we went to the MIT Museum (admission is free from 10a to noon on Sundays - again with the budgetary restraints!), and realized that we probably should have left a LOT more time to check it out.  We're planning on going back.  Here's a neat picture Connor took there:







Next, we used my Red Sox Nation discount and took a tour of Fenway Park, and then had just enough time to check out the Mapparium at the Mary Baker Eddy Library for the Betterment of Humanity.  For supper, we headed to Castle Island.  The boys were hoping to tour the fort, but it was already closed for the day, so I sprung for supper from Sullivan's.  And only then did they let my poor old body go home and rest.

Over Labor Day weekend, I took the boys to visit my friend Julie, who lives just outside of Atlanta, GA.  We flew in during a storm, so our landing was delayed a bit, but they boys got some neat cloud pics while we were in the air:














This really neat bit of sculpture is one of several at the airport in Atlanta.


My boys and I enjoyed eating at the local Steak 'n Shake.  They make the most interesting milkshakes I think I've ever seen.


Of course, since this was a business trip... Julie hosted a Longaberger party for me while I was there.


Wow, I didn't realize how long it would take me to "quickly" catch up.  Ok, so I'm through August.  Howzabout I do September and maybe October tomorrow?  (And I DO have knitting pics - just have to get them out of the camera...)

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 11:02 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 5 November 2007 2:11 PM EST
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Friday, 14 September 2007
Christmas Around the World Swap Questionaire

Ok, here it is.  Let's hope it actually posts without my going nuts first...

Christmas Around the World Swap Questionaire

1.      Are you religious?   I am a Christian


2.      How long have you been knitting? Would you consider yourself a Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced?   Let’s see…I started knitting when my sister was pregnant with her first child.  I’d been crocheting since I was 4 and had collected MANY pattern books over the years – at least 25 of them with assorted crochet (and a few knitted) “baby things”.  I handed a stack to my sister and told her to pick anything she wanted for the baby, figuring that she’d choose something from one of the crochet only books, or at least in the “crochet” portion of a book containing both knit and crochet items.  Nope, she wanted the knit booties and baby hoodie that zipped up the back.  So, I went and bought three different “teach yourself to knit” type books and made the booties.  My nephew turns 15 this month.  I consider myself at least an Intermediate knitter, but wouldn’t shy away from anything that might be considered advanced.  That’s how we learn, right?


3.      Do you have any other hobbies besides knitting?   Yes – too many to list.  But a few are crocheting, reading, EATING (I like to cook and bake, too, but I HATE to clean up afterwards.), and camping.


4.      Favorite color(s)?   I like all shades of purple, and my house is decorated in "natural" sorts of colors and at the moment I'm really into any color you can find here: http://www2.longaberger.com/flyer/sept07/spread4-5.html


5.      Do you collect anything?   Well, yes, but hubby would really rather that I NOT.  (But it’s elephants, if you really want to know.  Oh, and baskets.  And yarn.  And that’s enough, I was just told….)


6.      Are you allergic to any fibers or animals?  I’m only allergic to “things with fur, feathers, or fuzz” – we can’t have pets, but I seem to be able to cope with any sort of fiber.


7.      Do you have any pets?   My son has Sea Monkeys because we can’t really have anything else (see #6).  Well, we could, but I’m not willing to deal with anything  else and the boys wouldn’t likely take care of it anyway.


8.      Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate?   No, Yes, Yes


9.      Cookies or Sweets?   Yes, Yes  (Dark chocolate is a particular favorite sweetie)


10.  Do you knit socks?   Just starting to.  Hope to post a pic of my very first sock in the next day or so.  (Have to actually TAKE the photo first…)


11.  If not socks then what? (tell us about your favorite knits)   Oh, I like to knit whatever – I don’t play favorites – and I’m always interested in trying something new.


12.  Do you put up a Christmas tree? If not then what do you do?   Well, I don’t put up the tree – hubby and the kids do it!  LOL


13.  Favorite holiday treats?   I like them all (are you sensing a trend?)


14.  Favorite holiday smells?   Fresh Pine


15.  Do you celebrate Christmas in a traditional or unconventional way? Please elaborate.  I don’t know the answer to this one.  It’s traditional to me, I suppose…let me get back to you on this one.


16.  What are your favorite holiday traditions?   I like finding “just the right thing” for someone, and watching them opening it!  Also, at our house, Santa doesn’t wrap the gifts in paper.  Instead, each of the boys has his own square of holiday fabric that Santa uses to cover the pile of gifts for each child.  I like not having to clean up afterwards, and that we reuse the fabric each year.  Saves time, money, effort, and the environment!


17.  Finish the sentence: “For me Christmas is all about....”   celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ


18.  If you were a Christmas ornament you would be…….?   Umm…something round with limbs?  That’s what I look like these days...

19.  What was your favorite gift you've ever received? Or given?   Oh, shoot, I don’t know.  Can I get back to you on this one, too?


20.  When do you start your Christmas?   Not entirely sure what this one means…?  When do we start with the preparing?  Anyway, whatever it means, I still can’t answer it.  I’m not very good about getting ready for stuff, so it really varies a lot from one year to the next.


21.  Do you send Christmas cards? Do you make them or buy them?   I intend to send cards.  I usually buy them on clearance the year before.  Sometimes I actually address the envelopes.  I figure if I get them out before the first of the new year, I’m doing ok.  I’m just not that good….


22.  What is your favorite Christmas dish?   I guess I’m just no fun…I don’t pick favorites.  I like ‘em all.


23.  Carolers are at your door. What do you do?   I don’t know.  I’ve never had the experience.  What are you supposed to do?  I mean, I’d listen and all, but then what?  I wouldn’t know what was expected, except for applause and a “thank you”.  What DO you do?


24.  When do you open presents? Christmas eve or Christmas morning?   Both – family gifts are often exchanged Christmas Eve (if they boys have been behaving) and then Santa gifts are opened in the morning.

 25.  Do you celebrate with family or friends or both?  Both

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 2:38 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 14 September 2007 2:49 PM EDT
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