Hay's Handcrafted

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Wednesday, 2 April 2008

I can't believe I'll have to do the whole thing over!!  I wrote a great post about the basketball team, but the computer just puked and now it's all gone!  And I really have to get back to work on my Reversai:

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 10:55 PM EDT
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Sunday, 23 March 2008
"F" is for Finally Finished!

On Friday, March 21, 2008 at 12:24 AM, I officialy finished my Zombie Socks for Round 1 of Sock Madness 2.

Colinette JitterBug in Velvet Plum
Addi Turbo size 1
Prescribed 4 sets of Zombie Stitch Pattern on the leg, then 4.5 for the foot.

(SM2 Nickname & division:  Chris H of the UConn Cast-Ons)

Looks like I was 36th in the division, and now I can rest for a few days before the start of the next round.  While I'm "resting", I'm going to finish up the second of the toe-up socks so I can free up my size 2 needles in case I need them for the next project.


Ok, now off to do more Easter...  Next post, remind me to tell you about a group of awesome kids and their incredible coaches!


Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 6:15 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 23 March 2008 6:39 PM EDT
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Thursday, 20 March 2008
Repeat, Rep...
Only one and a half more pattern repeats left in this second sock, then the toe, and then....done!

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 7:32 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Turn, Turn, Turn
Turning the heel now...home stretch ahead!

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 11:46 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Just starting the heel flap on sock #2...will chat later!!

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 11:27 PM EDT
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Sunday, 16 March 2008
Half Mad

One Zombie down, one still to go:

Colinette JitterBug in Velvet Plum
Addi Turbo size 1
Prescribed 4 sets of Zombie Stitch Pattern on the leg, then 4.5 for the foot.

My legs are a bit swollen at present - the leg fit better when I wasn’t so puffy! LOL

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 10:38 PM EDT
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Friday, 14 March 2008
Knitting Injury








I put a hole in my right index finger, and I'm still only on the first sock!  Now I have to alter my technique, and it's slowing me down...

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 4:16 PM EDT
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Thursday, 13 March 2008
The Madness Begins

Well, I have to get some sleep.  But I've made it through two pattern repeats of Zombie Socks.  Here's a close-up, but the color's off.










The color's better in this shot.  I think it fairly closely resembles "dependent lividity", no?

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 11:48 PM EDT
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Can't Talk...Must Knit

Sock Madness 2 started this afternoon.  I had to wait until after work and dealing with the kids to get started, so I'm behind.

 Can't talk now...Must Knit!!

Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 6:25 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Oh, Spring!

We were coming in the house the other day, when Gavin sniffed deeply, wrinkled his nose, and loudly asked, "Eeww!! What's that smell?"  Before I could come back with my usual, "I don't know.  What's it smell like?", you could see the lightbulb moment.  "Oh!!  It's SPRING!!  It's been so long, I've forgotten what it smells like!!"


















Posted by planet/hayshandcrafted at 3:48 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 11 March 2008 4:58 PM EDT
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