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Home > Heritage > Attanagalla Raja Maha Viharaya > Articles

Attanagalla Raja Maha Viharaya

Gal Vihara near Attanagalla

Our next visit was to the Gal Vihara in Attanagalla. It was past noon by the time we reached this temple. The sun was high in the heavens and the cool interior of the temple building was like balm. We walked round the hall which had paintings of the Jatakas all around. Outside we stood a while and looked at the spot where it is believed King Sri Sangabo sacrificed his head. The young monk pointed to the exact spot and with authority stated that it is not at Hasthakuchchi that King Sri Sangabo offered his head but it was in this temple premises. He waxed eloquent about it.

Statues of King Sri Sangabo and the hermit

Beside the small white dagaba is a mound with the statue of Sri Sangabo and the hermit. There is a pond a little further away. We then went indoors and we were shown several ancient olas. The monk was kind enough to show me a copy of a gigantic Pansiyapanas Jataka with 490 Jataka stories. It was taken out of its wooden box for me to have a look at it. There were several others in a glass cupboard. The monk demonstrated how ancient manuscripts are blackened "Kalumadeema" to enable the script inscribed on the palm leaf to be made readable. He chanted all the while. Several of my colleagues tried their hand out and were blessed for their efforts. For me it was most absorbing as I have been doing research about palm leaf manuscripts for many years.

By Sirancee Gunawardena
Sunday Times, 24th November 1996

Popular belief is this has been the location where king Siri Sangabo (251-253 AD) lived after handing over the the kingdom to his brother Gotabaya. But now the Archeologists believe that the location is probably the Hatthikucchi Vihara Complex also known as Rajangana Ruins which is located about 40 kilometres away from Anuradhapura.

Home > Heritage > Attanagalla Raja Maha Viharaya > Articles

Updated March 18, 2007
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