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Home > Heritage > Thalguru Rajamaha Viharaya

Thalguru Rajamaha Viharaya

Thalguru Rajamaha Viharaya was named on memory of Nayake thero who for the first time in the country in the 2nd century Before Christ. (B.C.)

This ancient sacred places is situated at Galkulama village of Anuradhapura district in Sri Lanka.

Thalaguru Rajamaha Viharaya is said to have been built in the time of king Saddhathissa (137-119 B.C.) using the natural caves. Despite its historical importance, it is unseen and unprotected by the officers of the Archeological department. Due to this reason, This temple has been vandalized by relic hunters.


Secred Places of the Temple

  • The huge iron chain that tied up the tusker of the king.
  • The king was invited to the ceremony of eye painting on the lord Buddhas statue that made of rock by the chief incumbent of the temple in the 6th century - A.D. The king Meghawarnabhaya (623-632 A.D) accepted this invitation very eagerly and participated on the tusker to the occasion. At that time the iron chain that tusker tied up had been left at the temple now even can be seen.

  • The cave of the bats
  • Old temple - statues and paintings
  • Watch stones and foot steps (Made of rock)
  • The new temple that had made in the cave
  • The Chaithya build in 1960 AD
  • The engraved holy foot of lord Buddha
  • Brahman letters Engraved on the stone
  • The sitting statue of Thalangara Dhammadinna Arahath Thero

It is said that Dhammadinna Arahath Thero who occupied the temple had been chanting the Maha Sathipattana Suthraya in the darkest cave in solitarily. Maliyadeva Arahath thero (lae last maha rahath in the country) is said to have visited this temple when the Dhammadinna Aarahath thero was old.

The statue of Maliyadewa Arahath thero the Last Arahath thero of Sri Lanka has been put up be side the statue of sleeping Lord Buddha.

Thalaguru Kanda

This temple was called as Wehera Kanda Temple. Dammadinna Arahath thero who used to worship twice (Morning/Evening) a day to the hill temple. The stone foot steps used earlier can be seen presently.

This mountain is surrounded by lots of trees and creepers are a canopy to the temple vicinity. Also this forest is a kingdom for those who live animals like Elephants, Leopards, Bears, Deer, Elks, wild boars, peacocks, Iguanas and also for birds etc.

Location and Access

View of the access road from top of the rock

This Maha Viharaya is situated 12 miles away from holy Anuradhapura city where pilgrims have to come along the Kandy road. Then you will face the small town of Galgamuwa and there will be 2km from that junction to the temple via Yakalla road.

Thalguru Rajamaha Viharaya is an unseen national asset to our Devotees of the Island as value as the places of worship in the ancient holy city of Anuradhapura.

Source : http://www.thalagurutemple.org

Home > Heritage > Thalguru Rajamaha Viharaya

Added June 23, 2007
Updated June 23, 2007
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