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A Dozen Roses


I Got A Dozen Roses
From A Friend The Other Day
But I Only Have 1 Left
For I Gave Them All Away

I Gave One To My Sister
Who To Me Is Very Dear
In Hopes That It Will Bring To Her
A Little Floral Cheer

I Took One To A Friend
Who's Not Feeling Very Well
The Flower Or The Visit
Which Helped More I Could Not Tell

One Went To A Friend
I Haven't Known For Very Long
She Struggles, So In Some Small Way
I Hope This Helps Her Carry On

The Rest Went To The Ones
Who've Helped Me In So Many Ways
They Have Been A Cheerful Presence
On My Dreary Days

The Roses Were So Pretty
I Just Could Not Keep Them All
Except One Single Bud Standing
Beautiful And Tall.

My Friend Gave Me The Flowers
To Help Brighten Up My Day
But The Biggest Joy I Received
Was Giving Them Away

Author Unknown

Midi Playing Journey