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ma: Iconosphere Reference Manual (absurdist edition)

Ab Fr \ / +----------------+ /| /| / | / | / | / | Fu / | / | \ / | / | +----------------+--Hu | | | "RS-3" | | | Jz--+----------|-----+ | / | / \ [Quick Index] | / | / Sc | / | / | / | / |/ |/ +----------------+ / \ Sp Ar "Reality Structure 3" (mark II) This iconosphere owes much of its existence to Phillip Glass:Symp #3 & #2. [Return to "normal" space]


From an absrudist POV (point of view), one can only imagine the idea of an 'inverted-iconosphere" (or if one prefers: "in-verted-icon-o-sphere). THat is, where-as the iconosphere is designed to aid in the understanding of everything, the inverse-iconosphere (to refered to as 'iconosphere for short in keeping with the laws of [pataphysics]) on-the-other-hand is designed (or so it is assumed) to make things as muddy as possible. That is, to deter in the understanding of everything. The simplest model] for the 'iconosphere is of course poetry. ... fade to another file, another time ... [Return "normal" space]