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Q/T: The Search yet again resumes...

It was as it was and then it was no longer... - various. On this page: {
Intro} {} {NSTP - Natural Systems Thinking Process} -[www.ecopsych.com]- (Dr. Michael Cohen's Eco Psychology project) -[The Hidden, Unified-Field Voice in Natural Systems]- {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Links} {} {References}


For centuries the human race (if we may refer to that singular portion of the Terran world that considers itself so different as to be separate and totally independent; a "race"), seems to make its way foward, only to be thrown back again and again. Many blame this on history (or a lack of it), on an imperfect vision of the ideal and the lack of will to cat, or upon a hundred thousand, million other things. In reality, there has in all of this time been only one constant and in-vary-ing group of creatures that upon this world tries to lesson these blows. They have many names, sooth-sayer, story-teller, seer, lunatic, witch, witch doctor, scientist, poet, artist, and so forth. But. They all bear in common one idea: The preservation and extension of ideas for the betterment of all; librarians. This then is the on-going, never-starting, never-ending, alternate view of our wondrous world of which (if we give up at least a bit of our ego - for just one moment) - we are all a part OF, and not separate FROM. This is the INSIDE view.

Unlimited Vistas

In a recent program about the cosmos, they (once again) pointed out the bit about the dark ages and how all progress in science stopped. Of course, this is only partly true since in reality the Arab world had (as well as much of the rest of the world) copies of many of the Greek classics - as well as the classics from ancient Egyypt, China, and MesoPotamia, etc. During this short-sided view, progress stoped in Medaevil Europe which began its thousdand year wait for the second coming and/or some sign of something which we do not know of. Meanwhile, in the Arab world (before Mohamed) the tradition of Roman scholasticism continued. In some ways (being a different culture), it was not bound by the same rules, but changed them. Thus, medical science (surgery, glasses, etc), astronomy, mathematics (especially the epnoymously named "al gebra"), and so forth progressed. Not to put to much of a point on it: But in both cases, when fundamentlaist and absolutist religion (of what-ever flavour) felt that it controlled the ONE TRUE view of the world - progress (in any other area than religion) stop-ed. Regardless, the secular philosophers (whether religious or not), continued the investigation into the universe, our world, and everything (else). Oddly enough, this apparent division between the secular and the spiritual is pretty much a function/view of the western reductionist tradition (usually attributed to beginning with Aristotle and then given the Christian twist). Native traditions do not draw a line so clearly (and darkly) between the material/secular and the spriitual/other-worldly. We see a resurregence to try and re-connect to these traditions and ways of "walking lightly" upon the Earth in the search and embracement of so-called "new-age" ideas and things. {
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NSTP - Natural Systems Thinking Process

(Eco Psychology) Dr. Michael Cohen heads an "eco psychology" school in Oregon and has written extensively on the "disconnect" that we suffer from considering ourselves outside of nature. The institute is assocatiated with the United Nations and other groups dedicated to the rational co-existence of humans (see map) and the earth (see dwindling map). Other works by Dr. Cohen: -[
www.ecopsych.com]- -[The Hidden, Unified-Field Voice in Natural Systems]- An extract (v. brief) follows... The objectivity and science of disconnected contemporary thinking dismisses as subjective most of the natural attraction sensitivities that nature and we hold in common. For example, sensory attractions to water (thirst), life (survival), appetite for air (to breathe), home (place), safety (trust) and belonging (community) are not even included in the five senses that we say we learn and know from. Because they are missing, satisfactions and advice from our natural attraction to pets, friends, family, lakes, wind, hills, sky, peace, sunshine, justice and community seldom play a key role in forging our self-esteem, economics and technologies. And this quote as well: What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another." -- Mahatma Gandhi {Back UP to the Table of Contents}


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