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Naughty Knights Rules And Regulations
Welcome to the Rules and Regulations section of the Naughty Knights website. I am very strict on my top 2 rules. My regulations are just things I would like the group to follow.

Rules to Die By
The Super Group is a Family, If you have a problem with someone report it to me in tell. DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT FIGHT IN SG CHAT!
Do not Scam or Swindle any other heroes, if this type of activity is happening within the group report it to me or the officers.
Breaking of these Rules is AUTOMATIC EXPULSION From the group. This May even cause you not to be considered for a reinvite if the incident is severe enough. These claims will be investigated by SG Leaders.

Standards of the Super Group (Regulations)
Being part of the Naughty Knights there are some Standards or Regualtions I wish us all to ahere to. In other words this is the way I want this group to act as much as possible.

1. No Spamming the any chat in any way, I understand creating Task Force/Strike Force but there is a time when you go pass build a team to spamming a broadcast! This Regulations is also a Partial Rule, if this Regualtion is broke to much you will be expelled from the guild.
2. Please help any group member out that is in need of Help for in missions or just building his/her character.
3. In this group we are going to Strive to show that we are good people so try to be nice even in PvP (I know How Hard that is) to show a good image of our SG. Please don't start words fights (Cussing and threats that are pointless) it's just a game, if they are making you made log off, whats the worst they can do, kill you in a PvP Match.
4. Giving Items within Super Group. We have lots of storage in the base, but please ask the SG leaders before you take these items, stolen base items and enhancments that someone else was saving, thats never good! Be generous, if you do take something leave something in return. Money lones, some of us are rich and don't really care about cash, but do try to pay back the money if you can or even just help someone else out in the SG.
5. I don't really like the term Noob, or Newb, but it does get thrown around a lot, try not to use it in the Super Group, or even try not to use it in a demeaning way.
The Main Goal of the game is to have Fun and enjoy playing with others. That is what we strive for in the guild and in this game. If we follow by these simple rules and regulations we should do fine and have fun. It should also show that we are a good Super Group to other groups within City of Heroes.

Three Strike Law

The three Strike Law is simple. There will be an Investigation by the Super Group leader when Regulation are broken with enough severty to envoke the three strike law. The Punishments are as follows

Strike 1: Warning and Probation, Your Group Officer will investgate the claims and report to the SG Leader. 3 Day Probation.
Strike 2: 1 Week Probation, drop in SG rank, and maybe even a 2k Influence Fine, payed to SG Leader before end of probation or automatic strike 3. SG Officer will investigate the claims and report to the SG Leader.
Strike 3: Expulsion from Super Group. The SG Leader will investigate the Claims and will determine if the severity of the case allows you to come back into the SG or not. There will be 100,000,000 Influence Fine payed to SG leader at reinstatement to the guild and you will be on 1 week Probation and you will start at the lowest rank.
Defining Probation: People under Probation will not be able to participate in SG Task Forces or events such as Contests. Breaking of Probation can result in escilation of your punishment.
Also Probation covers people who have just been accepted to the SG, there will be a week long Probation for NTGMs (New To The Group Members). During this Probation you will not be able to remove anything from base storage or recruit members to the SG, but you can enter in SG events, after your weeks probation you will be promoted one level and have all the perks of full SG membership.

Inactivity Rules (not in Effect at this moment)

This rule is not Currently in Effect but when in effect this rule will clear space for new members if a current member is inactive for to long.
Exceptions to this rule are:
1.Note sent to on of the following (Not all of them) SG Officer/SG Leader/SG Red Star Leader explaining why you will be absent and how long you will be gone.
2.Parents forcing you off the game for a period of time. Though I would still like a note telling me when you could be back because after a certain time limit You Will be removed otherwise.
3.Sudden Illness or Vacation. We can't help it we all get sick and we all need breaks. Just send a SG leader a tell or note when you leave or get back, if we dropped you from the SG we will put you right back in.
4.School/Work This is the top Exception. Like maybe you can only be on during the weekends or you have a big test coming up and have to study for it. I can understand this. If you were kicked out of the Super Group during this time send an SG leader a note or tell and we will fix it.

Leaving the Super Group

In all at the End of the day some of us are still not happy with where we are. If you so choose to leave the SG I would really like a reason behind it. A good sound reason so that I can either improve the problem or investigate and incident that caused you to want to leave. Please though do not use the threat of leaving the SG to try to make us change something. If something is bothering you that might cause you to leave Please just send me a message or a note. I want to try and make your time in the Super Group a pleasure and not a nuisence. Thank You For Joinning the Naughty Knights SG.