Iris Assembly Advisors
Iris Assembly has a great group of loving and supportive advisors.
Maiden names shown in parenthesis for Majority Members indicate their name at the time they were a Rainbow Girl.
GEC after an advisor's name indicates their membership on the NJ Grand Assembly Adult Grand Executive Committee.
Advisory Board 2013
- Mother Advisor - Mrs. Jeanne (Jarema) Gionfriddo
- Chairman - Mrs. Lisa (Murray) Winkler
- Secretary - Mrs. Alison (Hess) DeVos, GEC
- Treasurer - Ms June Zimmerman
- Mr. William Franklin
- Ms. Michelle Gionfriddo
- Mrs. Carole (Bennett) Gunderson
- Mrs. Leslie Murray
- Mr. James Sestito
- Pledge Mother - Ms. Chrissie Gionfriddo
New Jersey Grand Assembly
- Supreme Inspector - Miss Kathleen Nase
- Grand Deputy - Mrs. Linda (Jarema) Brennen, GEC