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Iris Assembly Photo Album

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September 2006 - January 2007 Term

Iris Assembly held their Installation of Officers on September 23, 2006.

Michelle G., Worthy Advisor, chose Candyland as her theme.

A nice crowd was on hand to see the ceremony.

GWA Katie V joined the officers for refreshments.

Iris Assembly went camping on September 29-30th at Allaire State Park. WA Michelle G.
and her entertainment committee planned a fun candy-themed scavenger hunt as one
of the evenings events. Here, several of the girls and friends warm up by the fire.

On October 18th Iris initiated a new member, Majority Pledge Rachel M.
Rachel (in the east next to Michelle) is a PPS & PPRep. Welcome Rachel!

The annual Assembly-Pledge Halloween Party was held on October 27th. Everyone had a fabulous time!

Seventeen girls from Iris and 6 advisors attended the October 28th DeMolay Fall Ball.
Some of the girls in costume and some went casual, but everyone had fun.
The trip started with dinner at the Cracker Barrel. Below are 3 pictures from the trip.

As Iris' Birthday approached a group of PWAs from the late '70s gathered for a
reunion to celebrate the visit of one who now hails from Alaska, Peggy Sandberg.

Those pictured are identified by maiden name and Worthy Advisor Year.
Back row: Nancy Bennett ('77), Carole Bennett ('76), Nora Post ('77), Peggy Fisher ('76) & Cathy Woolley ('78)
Seated: Alison Hess ('81), Lisa Murray ('79), Linda Jarema ('76) & Jeanne Jarema ('75).

The Annual Rainbow-DeMolay Dance held every November is a great time. This year Iris was
thrilled to have Molly join them. She was visiting from Ohio and it was great to see her again.

Iris hosted the Central Grand Officer's Day on December 9, 2006.
See the link below for more pictures.

Lunch with Santa was held on December 10, 2006.

Mrs. G invited the girls and their parents to her house for a Christmas party and Santa stopped by
on a fire truck with a special ornament to commemorate Mrs. G's first year as Mother Advisor.

In January, the assembly held a spaghetti dinner as a convention fundraiser.

A group from Iris attended the Grand Assembly Workshop in Lincoln Park.
The girls had fun together at lunch before breaking up to attend various classes.

Last Meeting: After initiating Nicole F., WA Michelle was escorted to the altar
by her Mother Advisor to sign the Bible, while her officers surrounded her.

Want to see pictures of the 70th Birthday Celebration?
Click Here

Want to see pictures from Grand Officer's Day?
Click Here

Want to see the previous term?
Click Here


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