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Sacred Fire Ceremony


Fire Ceremony is a type of Sacred Circle that we can share in order to begin to release ourselves from our past history - the parts that hold us prisoner in various states of lack, suffering, or contraction.

We offer an evening of experiencing the powers of the four directions - a way to sit in truth and safety, celebrating our human family.

We offer the Fire Ceremony as a way to let go of our heavy burdens, to experience transformation, and to open to the Great Spirit.

Please Bring

Fire Ceremony

Future events and contact persons will be posted here
as new dates are established and confirmed.

Ivy will be facilitating this ceremony and teaching about the four directions and holding space for our transformation.

Ivy has received training in High Magick as well as North American, Peruvian, and Amazonian Shamanism and is experienced in providing deep healing and transformation.

She is dedicated to a spirit of wildness, fun, and sacredness.

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