What is Zolpidem? There are many Hoodia plants. Lose weight smart. Menopause as new period of woman life. Czech plastic surgery - get new look at heart of Europe!.

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What is Zolpidem?

uses of Zolpidem

Zolpidem is used to treat sleep problems ( insomnia ) . It may help we fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and reduce number of times we awaken during night. Zolpidem belongs to a class of drugs called sedative/hypnotics. It acts on your brain to produce a calming effect.

how to use of Zolpidem

Read the Patient Information Leaflet provided by your pharmacist before we start using Zolpidem and each time we get a refill. If you have ...

Healthy life advises

There are many Hoodia plants

There are many Hoodia plants

Hoodia gordonii, "Whoo De AH", is the botanical name for a leafless, spiky succulent plant that grows throughout the semi-arid areas of Southern Africa primarily the Kalahari desert. The San (local inhabitants) have rationally used Hoodia stems to stave off hunger and thirst when on long journeys, as it acts as an appetite suppressant.

Hoodia Gordonii was discovered and used by the San tribe from the Kalahari, South Africa, since prehistoric times. They chewed the bitter Hoodia plant twice a day to suppress hunger and thirst during long hunting trips. This plant contains the miracle molecule p57 that was recently translated into a obesity cure.

All this means that if hoodia really catches on with the public -- the supply will be even tighter for many years. Prices are going to go up, and eventually, only the wealthy may be able to afford the pills necessary to lose weight.

Laboratory experiments show animals automatically restrict their food intake when taking hoodia orally. Rats, a species that will eat anything from meat and plants to indigestible fiber, lowered their dietary calorie intake to a degree that made them get thin when fed comparative amounts of hoodia.

The hypothalamus receives signal as an indication that enough food has been consumed and this in turn stunts the appetite. This pure organic Hoodia, contains a miracle molecule that, in effect, fools the brain into believing you are full, and even stops you from thinking about food.

Normally, to get your hypothalamus to turn off the hunger switch, you'd have to eat a moderate amount of food. And your hypothalamus isn't very quick on the draw either: it takes around 20 minutes to figure out what you've eaten, and by that time, you've probably eaten another 800 calories. So by the time your hunger signal gets turned off, you've already overeaten yet again.

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Lose weight smart

Lose weight smart

Obese people should be evaluated for medical consequences of their obesity. Motivated persons are encourage to enter medically supervised treatment programs that use a multidisciplinary approach to weight loss.

Many people are tempted by ads that use celebrities to tout liquid fasting diets for weight loss. Ads claim quick and easy weight loss with use of such products. Very obese patients may be referred to these types of diets. Their diets are carefully supervised by their healthcare provider.

During the holidays or when celebrating, many of us have overeaten. But some people have problems controlling their appetite and end up eating non-stop until eating is interrupted.

During a binge, 10,000 to 20,000 calories can be consumed throughout the day. Binges usually consist of foods like cookies, candy, chips, ice cream and many other high calorie foods. Binges are often done in secret. After a binge, many of the feelings that caused the binge, like stress, may have subsided only to be replaced with feelings of guilt and lack of self-control.

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Menopause as new period of woman life

Menopause as new period of woman life

A hot flash is a feeling described as suddenly being hot, flushed and uncomfortable, especially in the face and neck. Hot flashes come in bursts or flushes that usually last a few seconds to a few minutes. They are caused by changes in the way blood vessels relax and contract and are thought to be related to the changes in a woman's estrogen levels.

Because women can still become pregnant while they are perimenopausal, doctors may do a pregnancy test when a woman's periods become irregular, infrequent or light. In some cases, a blood test for levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) may be recommended. FSH levels are normally high in menopause, so high FSH levels can help to confirm that a woman is in menopause.

Another test is endometrial biopsy. An endometrial biopsy is an office procedure in which a tiny piece of endometrial tissue from inside the uterus is taken and examined under a microscope for signs of cancer. This test may be done when a woman is having irregular, frequent or heavy bleeding, but it is not routinely recommended as a test for menopause.

Medications such as venlafaxine (Effexor) and paroxetine (Paxil) are often the first choice for women with hot flashes who are not on hormone replacement therapy. They relieve the symptoms of hot flashes in 60% of women.

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