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Be smart in your medicine search

Online pharmacy. Be smart in your medicine search.





Some websites that sell medicine can be not state-licensed pharmacies or aren't pharmacies at all; or may give a diagnosis that is not correct and sell medicine that is not right for you or your condition; or won't protect your personal information.

You have to talk with your doctor and have a physical exam before you get any new medicine for the first time. Use only medicine that has been prescribed by your doctor or another trusted professional.

Be sure your privacy is protected: look for privacy and security policies that are easy-to-find and easy-to-understand. Don't give any personal information such as social security number, credit card, or medical or health history, unless you are sure the website will keep your information safe and private.

Although medicines can make you feel better and help you get well, it's important to know that all medicines, both prescription and over-the-counter, have risks as well as benefits.

The same is true before using any medicine. Every choice to take a medicine involves thinking through the helpful effects as well as the possible unwanted effects.

The benefit and risk decision is sometimes difficult to make. The best choice depends on your particular situation. You must decide what risks you can and will accept in order to get the benefits you want.

In many situations, the expert advice of your doctor, pharmacist, or other health care professionals can help you make the decision.

Important: think it through and work together with your doctor, pharmacist, or other health care professional to better manage the benefits and risks of your medicines.

You need keep an up-to-date, written list of ALL of the medicines (prescription and over-the-counter) and dietary supplements, including vitamins and herbals, that you use--even those you only use occasionally.

Before starting any new medicine or dietary supplement (including vitamins or herbal supplements), ask your doctor again if there are possible interactions with what you are currently using.

Ask your doctor if there is anything you can do to minimize side effects, such as eating before you take a medicine to reduce stomach upset.

You have to know what to do if you experience side effects and when to notify your doctor, and know when you should notice an improvement and when to report back.

Pharmacy today. Be smart in your medicine search.

Health advice that you can't refuse




Information on this web page named Be smart in your medicine search and related to Online pharmacy, Pharmacy today is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition of Online pharmacy or Pharmacy today. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see if it is safe and effective for you.

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