My Culture
My Culture
My Culture is a very strange culture to me, Indian culture is as old as the hills and encompasses a wide range of ancient dances. Every region in India has a traditional dance that is an art handed dowm from generation to generation.
India is very rich in its customs and traditions which keeps it people binding together,India is a melting pot of religions. In this country the Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Parsis, Jews and many other religious sects live side by side in relative harmony. Yet it is surprising how many misconceptions around Indians love to celebrate, whether it's Diwali, Id, Pongal or Christmas. Every festival has its own special customs and rituals - pujas, lighting lamps, throwing colour, feasting or even fasting.
for me personaly i really dont care about the culture in india, you might wonder why am saying this i am saying this because for me i really dont care about my culture i just like spending time with the people i love. the culture in india really doesnt make a big deal to me, and also many ohter inidans have different cultures .
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