

and arc2


are the 2 parts, archive 1, and archive 2,

of the Special4u archive in one piece at


for the site Special4u, and arc1 includes

by Dec 30, 2011, the following content:




Special4u                  Front Page                  中国互联网


Русский   .ua   .by   日本語   한국어   Asia   Pacific   Am Lat







ICANN   iana   root    .us   .ca   .aero   .arpa   .asia   .biz


.com    .coop    .co    .edu   .gov   .info   .int   .jobs   .mil


.mobi   .museum   .net   .name   .org   .pro   .tel   .travel


 .xxx    more


Have a net name of your own      New systems








Site started 1993-1994 by PAT, Pierre André Thibault,

last uploaded Dec 29, 2011, on the web at the URL,

is to be used as the supporting  backup data for a

movie script of PAT’s, and developed in 18 years

of research, study, and surfing, into what it is today.


Built up as this one-piece of now archive page

in 2 parts, arc1 and arc2, it is altogether about 1,60 MB

large on Microsoft Windows  Word writing programs.


This archive page is also built as the skeleton

infra-structure to the basic architecture for a future

new internet 2, working on space node systems,

separately from the present sole ICANN and internet

service provider ( IPS ) and supplier system.


Space nodes are to be able to communicate with one

another, and with other internet systems, on earth

and in space, but are to be separated from each other,

and are to remain as much as possible, invulnerable

to attacks from the earth’ surface, or from their own

space vicinity and software environment, either

nearby or at distance.


Space nodes are to be robot-operated on new power

systems, the needed new energy being supplied

separately from the present national and international

electrical networks and industrial or commercial

battery makers.


These 2 archive sites, arc1 and arc2, are now

uploaded for free at the website hosting company

Angelfire with public worldwide access at the URL

internet following addresses:




for this archive page in 2 parts, arc1 and arc2.


The Special4u site was in one piece from its start in


1994-95 at 50megs, until the 22nd of December 2011

when it was replaced by a much shorter and updated

text with a new layout now visible at the same URL

address than previously:


The archive page below in 2 parts, arc1 and arc2,

is uploaded now and then, from 2012 to 2018 on the

present existing earth internet system at several

different webpages in more than 40 separated

paragraphs with relevant keywords as titles, and is

altogether about the same size as previous, that is

about 1,60 MB by this Microsoft Word standard. 







“Probably  the  best  sites on  new  webs,  uncensored, with


worldwide free access & microfee services, even in heaven



(  The headlines, websites, and mentions, not yet linked or

underlined on these pages, but already listed below, are

still under upgrading. )








Many internets !


By PAT  *  **  ***  ****  *****  at Good Ideas Bank




The Virtual Revolution   This site is changing the world


New old climate    Demographic tsunami   Hunger riots


Economic collapse Financial crash  Speculation smash


New monetary system    New human systems     + new


Life quality  Drastic change in way of life   MegafilterAC


Changing production-distribution patterns SpaceNodes


Front Page  A-nomos  B-driver  S-park   UR  BFMB  FU







Micro-nano-robotics, new human systems,

new social networks:

As by 2012, future developments already on

their way in many different places, will involve

integrated KE and micro-nano hitechs in many

fields of research, trade, and industries as for

example listed below, and at many more websites:


Space nodes        Knowledge-clouds

Google2              Citizens’ think-tanks


Touch-talk-look         Think-notalk-notouch


MRI   Brain-body Scanning  Neuro-imaging 



Nano-robotics   Laser-tech    Bio-metrics


Computer - smartphone - tab  integration

Info-select    Priority-access    Info-advice

Sponsored pro advising          Ad-tagging


Ethnic-socio-psycho-genetic  mapping


Distance  healthcare   Remote  doctors

New  pharma


Air quality    Food quality     Life quality

Sex        DSK and sex fun


Social commerce       Citizen-marketing

Virtual payments        NoBank



Automatic GPS-geotagging


in small detail of all form of earthly, bio,

animal, and human activity


New war & defense technologies   Drones   more


Communities’ & citizens’ mini-drones multitudes

can jam & protect from enemy big drone attacks

in and after WW3 ?


The future of human societies on earth,

in this galaxy, in this universe, in others ? 


Smaller groups of A-humans

can make it anywhere ?







Google w  Pay serv  flattr   f    t   YT  Soc  Photo


Google c   Non-print media  Newmedia   Easyweb


Google prod’n serv   Gwatch  Good4u  Videos 4u







Google F   Firefox   Ubt   Linux      Search Engines


Google Special4u   Google4u     Yahoo   bing   $


Google Language  Languages  Hisp  Port  FR  D







Gearth  Gstreet  MAPS  Dmoz  Whatis  ITknow  KE


Wiki  Topics   YP  YO    Wiktio  Dictio  SyAn  Thesa


G+    G+    Add here  web services of your choice     Art   Art+


Free internet services   Paid web services  Pay little, get a lot








Apps  Appscout  Top apps 4u  Top free downloads


Top big stuff4u  Top insider stuff4u  Top reports4u


Topevents4u   Whatsonwhen   EBU    B R I C S S A







Top computers 4u   Asian lang   Top hack  Anonym


Beauty    Advanced    Projects    SciFi    Smart sites


Internet control   Protests   Multi Internets   Drones


Top site    Donate






災害情報    ミクシィmixi        JAPAN    twitter jap






Nuke or not ?   Radio   TV   News    Euronews   


New media  sat TV  TextTV  G8  G20  BRICS  bricssa








Human activities    Economics    Raw materials   IT


LTV = Long Term Viability of Renewable Resources


in a New Planetary Weather System    NASA   Econf


Arctic oil    Uranium    Alt energy    Ocean      Space








How to bypass internet censorship, filters, anywhere       


Comment contourner la censure internet Multilingue


France: contrôle internet ?  Civilisé ?

Liste des principaux contrôleurs français

Free open-source  multi-internets systems



4 invincible new superguys: How to hide a computer


How to make your computer completely anonymous


How to hack supercomputers Make supercomps your slaves


How to bypass the ICANN system      Root zone files


How to create DNS wildcards        How to create a root zone


Further below check Cyber+:              








OpenNet   Growth?   «-»   Videos   Blogs   Million apps


Mini blogs   Best wishes come true  EXIO   X +    Tip of iceberg


Free: News tickers   Search box   Add-ons   Plug-ins






Music of the month:     Vazquez-Talbot      kid video




Videolaricss  ♫♪      Isiwebs


     Top videos       Music    YO     Easy use







Corporate Consulting      Beyond the Internets


Media integration  Microsoft  Altimeter  Solis  micc


AFCEA  GearDiary  Social media  Mi   BRX  製品情報


Thibault   info org  Aldea       Thibault   brain power







The URL  internet  address  of this  web page  is:




or access also thru  Angelfire Special4u  50megs Special4u


Top 10 Web Browsers   bing    123   Weblinks   Links   Gasta


mishmash   Google Special4u   Olaricss ...



Click or Touch  underlined or highlighted  hyperlinks



How this site works      About this site       Site history







A  site  supervised  by   30  Free  Internet  Advice  Groups


Thanks Martin Koster, Chris Pirillo, and many top guys at YT








Corporate sponsors          Cooperating teams


Yearly  meeting,  click  below  for  info  by  email:


Copenhagen University,  Sun 25-Mon 26 Sep 2011


Stockholm University, Summer 2012








This site is upgraded 24/7 according to a consensus

among the   co-operating   teams   about the selection

criteria of the items mentioned here, above and below,

answering as  much  as  possible  your  requests  and

suggestions when sent by email to  Google Special4u




New web search


Research for new multiple-internets systems


   =   select your own  layout, icons, display design...







Multiple internets now  !!


By PAT  *  **  ***  ****  *****  at Good Ideas Bank




Google Special4u          Main search engines


More web browsers         Multi systems options




Smartphones  Supersmart GLF  Tabs  Altern int


Internet2  Int3  Int4u   Hidden internet  Deep web


Bighub   Spyweb    Cybwar  on YT  in 2011-2012


USA  NATO  EU  Nordic Countries  in  Cyber war


Cyberwar  Cybernodes  Cyber internets  Cyber+




Internet running out of addresses  at Google


Internet running out of space  at Chris Pirillo




Japanese  Korean  Chinese web browsers


Japanese Korean Chinese search engines




Integration of search engines, Exi+,

new-media, social networks, apps &

system  software  in  smartphones.






Rockets  and  Rocket  Science  not  the


only way  to  leave,  and perhaps  return


to the Solar System? Return necessary?


What if better elsewhere?  Space nodes?


Disposable new earths?






New internet systems


Earth-based,  Drone,   Satellite, Space-based


Satellites          Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer




IP-based satellite ad-hoc network

IP routing onboard over satellite

End-to-end latency,  Cross-layer design

Transmission control protocol over satellite

High bit error rate, Large delays, High asymmetry





New web search         Google Special4u   







Mini drones             Microdrones


From interviews with Walter  and  Reimar  Horten  1982


in  Baden-Baden  and  Montevideo by PAT, and articles


by J.-D. Merchet and Douglas Bullard. Photos at Drone.




Videos: -1-  -2-  -3- Microdrones Gmbh


Off-the-shelf stuff at toy-shops! Cheap! Legal...




Secret   silent  invisible   Stealth   Drones


Stealth  drones   more Mini stealth drone


How to build your own mini stealth drone




Cosmic rays  for interacting with Cyber nodes

in 2011-2018 at COSMIX ?


ICRR  東京大学宇宙線研究所は  )))  )))




Interact with outer space multi Cyber internets

from  your  super-smartphone  in  2011-2018 ?




New web search       Google Special4u   







Top  smart  sites   4u


By KE, KEOD, Knowledge Engineering,


Ontology at Google,   Ontology at Wiki,


Self-operating intelligent-systems,  and  SOIS-X.




In many languages and using many jargons as




IMCS  ChatS  FacebookS  SlangatWiki


BlogS  SchoolS  SexS  MusicS  SportS


DrugS  ShowbizS  MilitS  CorpS  WallsS


Hackers slang


Slang jargon dialects


Medical  teminololgy    Medic     Pharma


Food   Food labelling  EU food labelling




For those who really want to know and do

a lot more, click / touch here, or think about the

underlined and linked letters, words, symbols,

alphabets, runes, signs, pictograms, ideograms,

ideographs, graphemes, phonograms, logograms,

logotypes, numerals, numbers, digits, figures,

ciphers, cyphers, maths symbols, colours, colors,

icons, images, pictures, drawings, photos, videos,

animations, in Русский, 日本語, 中国互联网, 한국어,

कामसूत्र, Asian Languages, many languages,

and with multidata, facts, stats, graphs...

(check these words at Google  Wiki   Wikti   Dic...)

or new codes, and about new language systems

for human, machine, and robot communication.





This site is also developing and preparing 4 (=for)

instant-easy item-access as parts of phenomena,


matters and events in times that are not related,

bound or linked to any form of human  cognition,

of human experience in history, of human

knowledge recorded whether in nature, wood,

clay, stone, concrete, metal, glas, ceramic,

porcelain, or any new material, in buildings,

on Carbon 14 material, in print on paper, textile,

cardboard, as well as with electronic non-print

technologies, or that will have uncontrollable


causes and effects in KE, topics and questions


as: Are we needed on earth?, Definitely not? ...,


or otherwise, by PAT, any sort of




and for super-computer command-control from

most mobile smartphones, tabs…, with optional

Voice only,  Eyes only,  Think only, and Visualization


functions, wireless, no touch, with visible ubuntu and

invisible thesonto bubbling clouds of dynamic ideas.





Example of choices with possible mixed

systems  shifting  automatically  and

instantly to best suitable solutions for

a designated simultaneous computing-

communication task:




mac  pc  lin  ub  win  os


browser  player  wo  an





Event  Probability  Random  Nature vs nurture


Large group dynamics  Small  Internet rumors


Girls  faster  than  internet  at  spreading  news & rumors


Internet group dynamics         Consumerology


“Shop’ til you drop”,    consumer   knowledge


“Apps’ til  you  collapse”,   top  select  at  S4u




Remote access,  computer control,  smartphone,  tab


Multi-tasking  super-smartphones, tabs,  when asked,

with gesture and motion control  on demand


Touch’n edit whatever  Touch+  New  ad  age




New web search        Google Special4u


New internet systems  







Telecomix        We Rebuild


By insiders  at Bilderberg,  NWO,  Illuminati,  Internet & WW 3


watch, Haystack, Peter Thiel, 50 Cent, QQ, & many top brains.




Your skill is needed  Are you a top elite brain?




If the internet,  or satellite phone networks,

are shut or shot down anywhere,  or even

only  filtered,   list below the names of the

main persons responsible for it:



David Rockefeller  Groups against internet


World governance  Global economic crisis


Rockefeller tools    D Rock    Depopulation


Bilderberg 2007 at Ritz-Carlton, Istanbul


Bilderberg 2008 at Marriott, Chantilly, VA


Bilderberg 2009 at Astir Palace, Athens


Bilderberg 2010 at Dolce Sitges, Barcelona


Bilderberg 2011 at Suvretta, St Moritz


The Swiss Franc endangered ?


Conspiracies, do they work?  Other facts?


more names 2011 Insiders Bilderberg-DSK


Jay Rockefeller    Corporate  psychopaths


Nick Rockefeller   Inside Job    at YouTube


Joe Kill-Switch Lieberman  Nat Rothschild




Bilderberg’s Richard Perle, a Dark Prince?




Gaddafi’s lobbyist? Israeli news - English


Gadhafi   Kadhafi a Jew?  on Israeli TV


Gaddafi could join a Minyan?


Gaddafi hiding billions in Sweden?  Fi


Mubarak as rich as B. Gates? Money in CH


Ahmadinejad jewish? at YT in Israeli media


Iran today by internet friend  Hooman Majd


Bashar al-Assad vs Internet via Sat Phone


Top names on Syrian sanctions list






France: contrôle internet ?  Civilisé ?


Liste des principaux contrôleurscivilisésfrançais 


Free open-source  multi-internets systems







Protests  and  new-media:


From Muslim, Arab Spring reports,


Manhattan reports,  US reports,  more 




Tunisia  Egypt  Lybia   Algeria   Morocco


Syria  Lebanon  Jordan  Palestine  Israel


Yemen  Oman  Qatar  Bahrain  S. Arabia


Emirates  Koweit  Irak  Iran  Afghanistan


Pakistan   India   SEA




Manhattan   Washington   West Coast


Federated states


Turkey considering filtering the internet.

Probably not a good idea, 1st June 2011.


Look  Middle East  Al Jazeera  Al Arabya 




More Protests and Alter-globalization



Voice-to-Twitter Egypt

Do the same if your internet is closed


Egypt’s voices in America  at YouTube   more


Click here,  or on this  black square ,

chat’n tell  thru  IRC  in Göteborg,  Sweden, or

worldwide with  Satellite Mobile,  Satphone, or

Al  Jazeera   Muslim-World  Middle-East-Israel





Protests in Africa:





Modern South-North  population migration


and protests tend to spread in many areas.

Forbidding, repressing doesn’t seem to be

a long term solution in  Greece,  Spain


Preventing better … ?   How ?




Phenomenon, Social science, Political sc, Protest


Dynamism in society,  Social change,  Anarchism


Antisoc-psycho-sociopath behav, bombing-killing


Col. Vtech. Okla. UNA Norway Belgium … attacks


Insiders  Bilderberg-DSK  Corporate psychopaths


Psychopaths in Suits    at  Google    Omnipotence


Criminol  Prevent  Socio-psycho-genetic mapping







and arc2


are the 2 parts, archive 1, and archive 2,

of the archive site in one piece


for the site Special4u, and arc1 includes

by Dec 30, 2011, the above content.


For more info about these pages and sites,

email questions to:



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