

and arc1 at


are the 2 parts, archive 1, and archive 2,


of the Special4u archive in one piece at


for the Special4u site, and arc2 includes,

by Dec 30, 2011, the following contents:



Each of the following 18 chapters below

is also uploaded separately at each its own

site, numbered 1 to 18, with each the same

headline as below, listed at a summary site

accessible at:


Clicking on the number of each headline gives

direct access to the contents of each chapter:


1 -   2 -   3 -   4 -   5 -   6 -   7 -   8 -   9 -   10 -


11 -   12 -   13 -   14 -   15 -   16 -   17 -   18 -






1 -   Top New-Media,  site links 4u



By  IIEA,  KE, with 30 co-operating teams from Special4u,


many  New Media observers,  and  New Media at Google.



Old media  New media  Media pool  News


Pulitzer to non-print new-media report  Top world reports



1st Nobel to a non-print literature work? John Thompson


Publishing industry trends    Book marketing   Agents



Free online live Radio




wwiTV  Euronews     € $  €war


Lists  Trends  Digital media   Social Groups


 f    t   My  fkr  YT  Pho  Soc Miniblogs




Example of social media & network     Intnal


50 examples  New words, codes, keywords


Example Bookmark Share New web search




Top blogs   %   YouTube  Blogs in Eng  4u


Espñ  Port  Fra  Ita  Dtsch  Nedr  Русскй  中文        +


Streaming   MoViMu   ♫♪  Music   Song  Dance


Top TV shows, programs   Sat   Sat shows




Almighty  Internets   and  mobile  cellphones  plus,

everywhere,  every second,  changing radically the

historical human social structures and their natural

environment in every country, with social classes 1

not anymore in absolute power.”     Social structure



“To know best is to kick asses!”    Google Special4u



Knowledge already outplaying “abusive money”  ?




New web search  Google Special4u


New internet systems  







2 -   Google   is good  4u



By  GOOGLE WATCH  watched by  Google Special4u


and many free Google observers.




Google 2010  at YT  Google Nexus 2 biz   New Google


Google chrome  earth  voice  wave   GgleTV


Total control by satellite   Stealth drones





Nexus 1 polemics  Top reviews  Top phones


Top 10  BestBuy  Carphone ...


Nexus and Androids vs iPh


HTC i   4G   Gal   at YT





Favorites  2010   Ds  Ga  N8  i4  TG  Tab  NexS





Google King  G r & d  G labs   G watch on S4u


Google Suggest  Google+  Some controversy


Google Suggest is a part of Google Chrome and Firefox


Google webmaster central               Help forum







Are Yahoo, Bing, a threat or a plus to Google?


Google-LG teaming up on tab ? at appolicious


from the Russian        Русский





Bilderberg  good  for  Google  and the world if


governance democratized after Rocks gone…





New web search        Google Special4u


New internet systems  







3 -   Top apps 4u



By  APPSCOUT, with many other selected computer and

smartphone application developers, at Google Special4u.




Google  Wiki  Wikti  Dic  Dmoz  Whatis  ITknow  Top


Yahoo   YP   123p   YT   YO     Special4u


News   LED   Tra   Ma   Cli   Blog   Art


Exio   Mus   M#   Mbas   Pib    Sport


Rep   Evts   Hea   Med    +     Micsft    Apple


Eco   Mon   Ins   Eb   Cr   Am   Pa   flattr




New apps by beginning 2011     APPSCOUT


Chomp  New apps4u by 2010


Video Games by 2008   Lists of video games


New computer  Video Games




fa   My   twt   flickr   -1-   -2-   -3-   


IM   MSN   SMS   MMS   RSS   Sk   email   Fax


Buzz   S bmark   S softwr   S networks    For   Filesh    ezi




Remote desktop  laptop control  TeamViewer


Cities Dist Conference Currencies Calculator Calendar




Clock GMT Date Time zones  Countries  Tel dialling codes


World Weather   Euro Clouds   Internet codes   World Stats


World human population pyramids




Stats   All stats   Pop  OECD   Economic trends since 2008


GOOD for you  =  Life quality  =  Quality of life by Country


Digital access   Web access   Broadband Bdwidth  


Speed   +   ++   +++




BoardEx   CareerBuilder   Ryze     XING


Spoke  Linkedin  Plaxo  Web search  iPh 300 000 apps


Top 10 best free iPhone apps  iPhone Hacks




New web search       Google Special4u


New internet systems  







4 -   Top free downloads 4u



By  Top4D,,


and many Free Download developers


selected thru Google Special4u.




Top4Download free softwr


Free download audio effects


Screensavers    Games    Radio-TV




♫♪      Music      Music Song Dance


Music basics    ©    Top hack    Pib


Streaming   MoViMu   New web search




Digital access  Web access  Broadband Bandwidth


Speed   +   ++   +++



New web search       Google Special4u


New internet systems  







5 -   Top Big Hot Cold Odd stuff 4u



Selected  thru  PAT´s  journalistic and blogging  work  with


Google,  Search engines,  Wiki contents,  Internet archives,


Project Gutenberg,  and  all the contributions to  Special4u


he is thankful for.





Major risks to humanity


Planetary catastrophes


   JAPAN  Nuke or no nuke?   VGB


Tsunami   Videos   Earthquakes   Haiti


Volcanoes  Ashes  Nuclear risk safety


AIR ash cloud  Sat 24 map  BBC maps


Laki 1783   Eyja   ðÞ   Katla    Icelandic




“Iceland pays fake debt to terrorists ?”


Big financial econmic internet criminals


Risks with only one internet-Google system




Ice ages   Warm periods   Climate changes


Maps of icesheet on Northern Hemisphere


Temp CO2 Dust diagram   for the last  400 000 years


Permafrost, seabed, runaway   Major risks




El Ninõ   La Ninã    Ocean plastic soup


Coral reef  Coralalarm  Oceanalarm  at YT


Chemical meteorology   Resilience   Sthlm


Pr. Kevin Noone




Examples of interesting topics 4 everyone:


The shit u eat  Junk food  Fat  Fat tax  Slim


Fat Americans,  Fat Europeans,  Fat Whites


“Shop’ til you drop”, consumer knowledge




Population pyramids-world wars don’t matter ?


Overpopulation  Nick Rock will cut it by ½ ?




“Sex, internet topic number 1” Deep Throat


SxS  Venereal Diseases VD  Armpit dirtiest?


Underarm,  pubic,  anal, leg,  shaving-waxing  unhealthy?


Dermatology        Dr Pierre Emile THIBAULT




Neanderthal  XW  Euro MAN  Euro VENUS


When humans lost hair ?   Teeth ?   Hair style


Clothes needed?   Shoes?  Athlete’s foot


Clothes-dress codes at YT Etiquette Hugi




Only dog masks?   Bad dogs’ attacks   +   ++


Goalkeeper, friend, and detective, fed rottweilers

with girl friend’s body parts.    Dogs didn’t eat all!

Guys ate missing pieces?  Meiwes not invited   +




Toros  Pamplona  Rodeo  Motorbikes   +    ++


Random Coincidence Luck Baby unhurt Stats


Gambling  Online  Poker  Casinos  Addict  Ludo   LuDenmark




Europe Languages  Language  Imm  Integ  B  M & S


Francophonie    FR    English  Portuguese  Español  Deutsch


Panhispanismo   CPLP  OEL    Dr Andrés Jorge VIGAS SYERS


History of names   Thibault   Dr Pierre E. THIBAULT




History  HiFa   Philosophy of history  History of Ideas


Relig  Laws  Politics  MIC  War  Machiavelli  vae victis


High culture  Mass, popular culture  Values  Values +


Mores  Folkways  Norms  Customs  Cultures  Soc Gr


GEO   Rep   History of walls   M. East  icias  Fink  ADL




Civilizations’ rise, changing, peak, decline, and fall:

Where are we? 

If our peak is by the moon voyages, then we could

be somewhere in a decline time, when  China  is in

the rise with a broad Asian Pacific Union. Could be

colonizing the moon from 2020 and on, developing

further a new way of life...?

Could we join this trend, instead of drowning in the

troubled waters of some illuminated fake paradise?




Think tanks  Ideas conf  TED  Lobbies  Knowledge  KE


Life Quality  Family  Sex  Cheat  Prostitution  Cash  € $




Facts’n Lies




New web search       Google Special4u


New internet systems  







6 -   Top insider stuff 4u



By  Marygoround,  Mike Choss,  Max Keiser,


James K. Galbraith,  Bill Moyers, Jim Fetzer,


Deep Throat, Deep Throat III, Daniel Ellsberg,


Michael Moore,   Jim Tucker,   some  Rocks,

some Roths, some Soros,  Bilderberg Leaks,


+ many others here.




“Iceland pays fake debt to terrorists ?”


Hedge Fund managers   A top list  more


HF-system generating its own collapse?




Hard invest others money, no pain much gain


Arbitrage   Naked short   Ecu or € ?   € $


Top money info  Hitech-IT jackpots




Rocks against the internet


World Govt 4 war & drug industries says at YT:


“Shut down, shoot down the WWW in WW III




Drone  attack on Iran triggers WW 3 ?


Main purpose of WW 3  is to split EU ?




Population pyramids - World Wars don’t matter ?


Overpopulation    Nick Rock will cut it by ½ ?






FED... No pain much gain financial institutions




Illuminati Bilderberg Rockefellers Rothschilds

Kissinger  Soros  Goldman-Sachs  JPMC  MS

Quantum Hedge Funds...  against the internet ?




Alternative internets, Alin, Govt, in mobile cellphones ?


Bigger internet, out of range for World Govt’s attacks ?


Autonomous free inter-planetary internet multi-nodes ?




World leaders & Co.  can’t control or stop  Cyber War ?


Sony-Ericsson, Telia-Sonera, Nokia,   cyberwar links ?


Cyber War,  Multiple internets,  Multi-nodes internets ?


Pirate Internet alternative elaborated    at  Dreamhack ?




Hollywood lobbies can’t control or stop pirates

inspite of winning US & EU lawsuits ?


International pirate movements  invincible ?




Whistleblowers, Leaks   Moore helping Assange ?


Assange angel, opponents devils ?  Look yourself


He looks like Jesus, they look like hell, they’ll crucify him ?




Top Leaks - WikiLeaks - OpenLeaks


Cybwar at: Top Scoops,  cnetNEWS,


Cui prodest scelus, is fecit”...


  Medea, 500-501 env 60, Seneca, ***


Is fecit, cui prodest”...


A qui profite le crime?


Done by the one who profits from it


  See also “Seneca in Machiavelli


Follow the money, you’ll find the shit  


  Deep Throat


2000  websites,  100 000  invincible hitech

encrypted worldwide whistleblowers from

WikiLeaks by  cnet  on CBS  & 60 minutes


Part 2 same tape  Part 3  Part 4  Wiki-Israel?


WikiLeaks anti Obama torpedo in MidEast?


WikiLeaks  torpedo  backfiring  in  Muslim

world  can  delay  attack  on  Iran?






preds  psychos  pervs  perps  rape  DSK


BILDERBERG - DSK,   David Rockefeller,


Main groups against the internet,


Corporate psychopaths



More about Cyber war and Insider stuff soon here



New web search      Google Special4u


New internet systems  







7 -   Top world reports 4u



By  Rep,  following also Peter Grip in 194

countries   and  42   territories   by   2010.




Google Special4u   La   Net    Blo     Pho


Tra   Map   Clim   Mon   Gam   Mus   Top




Face   Mysp   flickr   twit   YT   %




EBU  EUROVISION   High-speed Railways


Schengen   EU          PREDATORS   EP  IP


EU President candidates?  V  W  Outsiders?


MORE   even more












Europe Languages  Language  Imm  Integ  B  M & S


Francophonie    FR    English  Portuguese  Español  Deutsch


Panhispanismo   CPLP  OEL   Dr Andrés Jorge VIGAS SYERS


History of names   Thibault   Dr Pierre E. THIBAULT




History  HiFa   Philosophy of history  History of Ideas


Relig  Laws  Politics  MIC  War  Machiavelli  vae victis


High culture  Mass, popular culture  Values  Values +


Mores  Folkways  Norms  Customs  Cultures  Soc Gr


History of walls   GEO   Rep    M. East  icias  Fink  Fox




Think tanks  Ideas conf  TED  Lobbies  Knowledge  KE


Life Quality  Family  Sex  Cheat  Prostitution  Cash  € $


Facts’n Lies






Environmental  disasters  Deforestation  Sustainability




New web search    Google Special4u


New internet systems  







8 -   Top events 4u



By  whatsonwhen,


and selected by PAT


at  Google Special4u.





The URL  internet  address of this event webpage




as mentioned at:


Olaricss      Rep


Blogs    Reports





Search for “non-political”  Events as:


Main “non-political” events  selected

during 12 years from 2000 to 2011,


by  month,  year,  language,  place,


Nobel Prize   Royal weddings


Red Carpets   Fashion - Mode   Styling


Smartphones    Music    Song    Dance


Summer festivals   Europride   SPORT


Scouts  Jamb  Pilgrim  Holy weeks  JMJ


Religion Relig meetings Churches  Asia


EBU    EUROVISION      High-speed Railways




Main  Trade - Shows,   Markets,   Fairs


in US   Europe   Germany   France   World


CES - Vegas  CES Jan 2010    CSE 2010 - Français


Computer  Cellular  trade-shows  USA-Canada


CeBIT - Hannover    Messe  Berlin


GSMA - Barcelona  in 2010  More Android 2010


Elmia Fairs - Dreamhack - Jönköping - Sweden


Computex - Taipei   WEF - Davos




Think tanks  Ideas conf  TED


Lobbies  Knowledge  KE


What people think’n wish


Facts’n Lies


New ad age




Bocuse d’Or             Food sites    LED


Top Restaurants     Top resto guides




India   India bigger   India mobile stuff


Shanzhai      Onida   mobiles  in  India

1/3  of  the  price  of  big brands,

work the same, have more stuff...





Free apps   More pirates 2010







in French and from French into

multilingual  Google translations here


Tux-planet  en français


BestofMEDIA   tom’s  multi-lingual




New web search  Google Special4u


New internet systems  







9 -   Top computers 4u



By  TOP 500,   Super Computers  at Google,


super  nurds  at  YT, and Google Special4u.




Computer computing learning Programing 4 kids  -*-  TC


Interactivity  virtual  cyber  3D    Comp Games  Gaming


micro  mini  desktp  laptop  handheld  handset  PC  Mac  A




Top computer data storage in Nordic Countries,

most secret and invulnerable in the world: Here.




Digital access  Web access  Broadband Bdwidth


Speed   +   ++   +++




Business comp  ICT  Business mach  IBM  Competitors


Some other systems, hardware, software & service corp:

Burroughs    UNIVAC    NCR    Control Data    Honeywell

AST   Compaq   Epson   HP   NEC  Olivetti  Tandy  WYSE

Zenith  CMI  Atari  Sperry  Sun  Dell  Accenture  Capgem

Unisys  EDS  Atosorigin  Oracle  Microsoft...

Google & Wiki these names and many more...

in many countries...




Microsoft   Adobe   JBoss  SunGard


Sun Microsystems  CA  Oracle  SAP...




“In addition, a great deal of enterprise

software is now available through the

free software movement, notably

operating systems, web servers and

data bases.

Many other types of enterprise software

are also being introduced, such as

application servers, portal servers,

and even productivity software that is

well suited for large-scale adoption by


While most open source software is

available freely for use and further

development, several companies provide

enterprises with open source enterprise

software for free and charge for software

maintenance, modifications, support and

additional functionality”.

Paragraph retrieved from

Enterprise software at Wikipedia.




Super  computers


Top 500  Top 1000


Русский  中文   




Super Chinese on their way:


Bypassing trade and commercial

barriers, or bureaucratic obstacles

often hindering and sometimes

blocking top-of-the-top hi-tech

development in Western model

countries, the largest Chinese

computing bodies are working

at building new big irons with

nodes and server farms.


They come out with their first real

Big Red 1 = Dawning Nebulae in 2010.

They can be ready with the first

10-cluster set of Super Chinese

by 2020 or before,

10x10 = 100 by 2030,

and then 10x100 = 1000... ?





Top stuff from China 4u


Click on / touch here, coming soon




New web search  Google Special4u


New internet systems  






10 -   Asian Languages 4u



By  Klaus Kästle - One World,


many Asian Languages enthusiasts  at YT,


and Google Special4u.





Learn Japanese online free


Learn Korean online free


Learn Vietnamese online free


Learn Malay online free


Learn Indonesian online free


Learn Chinese online free


‹KŠiial ™Ôl–[


Chinese Home page  首頁


‹KŠiial ™Ôl–[


Chinese Front page  接待頁


Languages of India


Learn more languages as a hobby!



Many Asian internet communities coming soon here



Many selected internet communities, forums,

sites, pages, businesses, activities, social,

mind and body questions, through Special4u

at LYCOS Go get it in 25 countries, access

worldwide. Often on top is Google Special4u.




New web search


New internet systems  







11 -   Top hacker stuff 4u



By Mr Sasser, Stakkato, DVD John, Thyrsus, and many


anonymous Super Guys also consulted for writing this


chapter, Black Hat Chaps, Top Hacks4u, The Invincible,


since 2000, updated through Google Special4u.




Hacker  Hacker (computing)  Hacker (computer security)


Hacker  (-*-)  Hash  HashKeeper  DHT


Crackers     Super Hackers     Hackers war


Computer programming    (**)   Protection


GNU    WikiLeaks


Flashback   Elite skill   Fake news - Hoax


Hacking phones  Hack mobile cell phones  #






4 times/year in Sweden  198 countries  3000 ships


Power computers connection   Secret hack teams


Gaming  Video games


Programming 4 kids  4teens


EXIO   Free mobile-cell apps   “Video comp”   Save Flash




Digital access       Web access       Broadband Bandwidth


Speed   +  ++  +++  Total  control




The Pirate  TPB  Lists BitTorrent trackers


Piracy  Privateers   Corsaires   Flibustiers  Buccaneers


Joanna de Montfort  Jeanne de Clisson  (*)  Lady Pirate


Legitimate piracy    DHT


Pirate at YT   Music   Streaming




Successful (never busted) “hacking hackers”,

crackers, of very large organizations, companies, banks,

Hollywood  lobbies…, using network, hacker, hack+,

virus, worm, trojan, mobile virus, bugs, bots, botnets,

zombies, backdoor, cluster, DDoS... more Hacks

penetration & other little-known home-made hacking

techniques,  come  often  from  very  small  groups

building themselves their home-assembled computers

(English  Deutsch  Nederlands Français  Español

Italiano  Português  Русский  日本語  中文  한국어  ),

gaming a lot, and learning top programing  *** at a

young age, often very young. -CHIL-  -BRA-  -WIN-

-NASA-  -CIA-  -文言-  -More-  -EXIO-


The many non-busted hackers are not known,

and their preys, especially banks, keep usually

their mouth shut about that.

By PAT  2008  規格膠質4U   頭版   updated  Dec 2010.





Busted hacker Albert Gonzalez  Stuxnet


Adrian Lamo  Bradley Manning     more


Most identified hackers made a mistake

not related with computer security.


Small super-hacker teams keeping tightly

secret will probably never be busted.


If it still happens, Big Orgs & Corps will bail them

out of the shit and pay them the real big bucks!


Anonymous Botnet attacks  Other types of attacks


How to build up botnets   More




Nordic countries safest for global attacks ?


Sony-Ericsson, Telia-Sonera, Nokia, cyberwar links ?


Multiple internet systems a must 4 network security ?





Top smartphones   Supsmart GLF   Tabs  Alt int


Internet2   Int3   Int4u     Hidden int   Deep web


Bighub   Spyweb   Cybwar   on YT  in 2011-2012


SWEDEN,  EU,  USA,  NATO in Cybwar  in 2011 ?


Internet war




Alternative internets, Alin, Govt, in mobile cellphones ?


Bigger internet, out of range for World Govt’s attacks ?


Autonomous free inter-planetary internet multi-nodes ?




World leaders & Co. can’t control or stop Cyber War ?


Cyber War,  Multiple internets  Multi-nodes internets ?


Pirate Internet alternative elaborated at Dreamhack ?




Hollywood lobbies can’t control or stop pirates

inspite of winning US & EU lawsuits ?


International pirate movements invincible ?




Whistleblowers, Leaks   Moore helping Assange ?


Assange angel, opponents devils? Look yourself


He looks like Jesus,  they look like hell,  they’ll crucify him ?


TopLeaks  WikiLeaks  OpenLeaks  LiveLeak





Anonymous  internet  vigilantes,

internet  anarchists,  pranksters ...


Cops chasing kids for hack


Kids hacking bank accounts


Hacking students get free pizza deliveries


Hacking students get free sex services


Your government hacked and hacker ?


Internet  outlaws,  cyber  attackers

everywhere thru mobile cellphone

and satellite communication





It is recommended to read the appropriate

stuff, specially the Proxy-Gateway DHT info,

in 12 - Anonymous 4u  below, before

proceeding deeper into these sites:


CCC at Wiki


LulzSec at Wiki

Lulz Security at Google

Lulz Security at NYP

then follow the targeted guys back home,

back doors are often unlocked, or badly

secured when they go thru.




How to bypass internet censorship, filters, anywhere      


4 invincible new superguys: How to hide a computer


How to make your computer completely anonymous


How to hack supercomputers    Make supcomps your slaves


How to bypass the ICANN system      Root zone files


How to create DNS wildcards        How to create a root zone


When you are here, you don’t need this site anymore,

perhaps the new universe needs you instead…





New web search  Google Special4u


New internet systems  







12 -   Anonymous  4u



Published  thru  Google  Special4u



If you don’t want to let know who you are

and what you are thinking or doing, some

of this stuff might be basics, among others:


Internet censorship  by country

Content-control software

Media sharing website

Social networks




Olaricss  Insiders Predators  Dynamic




Political blogs

Lists of political blogs


Think tanks

Lists of think tanks


Religious websites



P2P-related websites


Censorship-circumvention websites





Using Google for Anonymity


Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Systems


Secure communication


Anonymity       Anonymous proxies


Crowds   SNC   ES   EAS   EA   FSM


Free software Free software DHT






Surveillance  Backup Storage


Wholinks2me  Network Programming


Hacker  Hack+   Virus   Worm   Trojan


Mobile virus    Zombies   Cluster    HS


Backdoor  Bugs  Bots  Botnet   DDoS


Protection     encryption     encription


Artif. intelligence   Hash  HashKeeper  DHT




New web search     Google Special4u


New internet systems  






13 -   Top Beautiful sites 4u



Selected by PAT


and published through Google Special4u



Sophisticated designs


Touch’n edit whatever


Finger working interface


Top web designers


New Art


Site valuation




50megs    Front page    Special4u


Videolaricss    Isiwebs


would appreciate your critique of the

design and content of any of the many

pages at these websites intended to be

mostly read and watched mainly on

mobile cellphones, smartphones, tabs.


Any suggestion of yours for their

improvement and upgrading is welcome.

It will be read with the greatest interest

and presented to teams of collaborators

competent for integrating your selected

contribution and ideas to a relevant site,




New web search   Google Special4u


New internet systems  







14 -   2 advanced stuff 4u ?



The information material used for preparing the opening of

this internet site was gathered at many Higher Institutions


after decades of press interviewing, consulting sessions,


lectures, and visits by PAT, specially at:


Universität Heidelberg,


Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn, Deutschland,


CNRS France,  CERN Genève,


 KE,  Maastricht,  Cambridge,


Karolinska,  KTH,  Chalmers,  LU,,  KU,,  Ona Wu,  Oslo public libraries,  icias


from 1962 to 2011. Published here first 2000 through


Google Special4u.





Grasp and sort out the stuff below,

you can be selected here!



2specialnets + 2advanced  =  4u   SPDY  Cspe 


4G   IMT Advanced


4 the demanding ones frequently  updated  &  upgraded


18  years of internet  data  sorted out  4u




Math   Math hist   Euclid   Pol


Maths   Algo   Ma   Ph   Ch   Bi


Hash  HashKeeper  DHT


L   L   E   G   R   L   P   E   L  




Fermat  Riemann  Lobachevsky  Wiles


Lichtenberg  Weierstrass  Koch  Sierpinski  Mandelbrot


Fractal   (*)   (**)   (***)   (****)   2008   2009




Human Fractals  Hash  HashKeeper  DHT


Phys   Chem   Mendeleev


Bio  Biochem  Mendel   Genetics   Epigenetics


Select your Stem Cells & DNA


Euro MAN  Euro VENUS  GMO Humans


Genetic blonde  Blond  Go Blonde parade Riga


Nobel prize per capita


Evolution   The Missing Link ?


J B de Panafieu, Evolution, Français-Deutsch



Artificial Evolution


Advanced & Simulated Evolution




Human brain ability not much used ?


Human brain capacity & body performance

are at the very beginning of their evolution ?


Human brain capacity & body performance

will much improve in space

when selected people will leave the Earth ?




Patrick Steptoe-Robert Edwards 1969-1978  (***)


1st accounted for in The Lancet 1978, ii, p. 366


Human in vitro fertilization,

by Jennifer Gunning and Veronica English

(Dartmouth 1993, ISBN 1 85521 347 8)




John Craigh Venter & teams  (***)


1st noticed here 2001 after genetic

works on flies in 2000




Jack Griffith, Bonnie Baxter & teams  (***)


1st noticed here 2005 after works 2005




Marcel Just, Tom Mitchell  (*) (***) and


John-D Haynes  (**)  (***)


1st noticed here 2006 after

a conference on Human Brain Mapping

in Barcelona  Jun 2006




John Gurdon & Shinya Yamanaka  (***)


1st noticed here 2007 after a paper 2006




Japs for literature  (***)


1st noticed here 2007




China since the Olympics  more


1st listed here 2008




Andre Geim & Konstantin Novoselov  (***)


1st noticed here 2008 after articles



石墨 - グラフェン - 위키백과,  자유 백과 사전

vs Silicon at


“Processors and microcircuits producers constantly

decrease the sizes of transistors with passage to

new technological standards, but in some stage,

the semiconductor industry use other materials

instead of silicon, when some materials reach its

physical limit.


Scientists consider that approximately to 2025,

silicon can be removed and grafen will take its

place (layer of carbon with one atom thickness).


Silicic transistors lose stability with sizes less

than 10 nm, and grafen transistors can preserve

stability properties, and even improve them, with

sizes less than 1 nm.


For researchers it is already possible to place on

one microcircuit, hundreds of grafen transistors,

but the practical introduction of this technology will

take more than one year.


Electrons penetrate grafen and create a small

quantity of heat. Possessing high thermal conductivity,

grafen is capable to rapidly remove heat.


Theoretically, these and other factors must allow grafen

transistors to work at frequencies in several terahertz.


But here we note that grafen is not ready to replace

silicic transistors in microprocessors, since it does not

possess the ability to change the state of conductivity

to the state of low conductivity, this is necessary to

up-to-date transistors for work.”


Graphene transistors






Mandelbrot 1st published here Feb 2010


specially for  new media  on  mobiles & smartphones




Student Amelia Fraser-McKelvie,  (***),

(video) (at Google)

Dr Jasmina Lazendic-Galloway,  (***),

Dr Kevin Pimbblet  (***)


1st listed here after a paper about

“An estimate of the electron density

in filaments of galaxies at z~0.1”, 

(the whole paper in pdf format)

was submitted and printed on 8 Apr 2011 at

the Library of the Cornell University, Ithaca,





Quantum mechanics


Faraday  Kirchhoff  Boltzmann   Max Planck


Schrödinger  Greene  EPR  Bell  Heisenberg


de Broglie  Bohr  Born  v Neumann  Dirac  Pauli


Hamilton  Hilbert  Many others


Quantum cryptography  Bennett  Brassard  Ekert


Hash  HashKeeper  DHT


Refer directly to contributors when still alive




Cryptography  Cryptography


Caesar  Al-Kindi  Alberti  Trithemius  Bellaso


Chappe  Campillo  v Sömmering  Gauss


Weber  Schilling  Morse  Vail  Jefferson


Kerckhoffs  Baudot  Bazeries  Bain  Caselli


Cooke  Meyer  Scherbius  ENIGMA  Lorenz


Friedman  Rowlett  Różycki  Zygalski  Shannon


Read about these names and search for more


Onion routing  Tor (anonymity network)


Degree of anonymity  Cryptology ePrint Archive


Hash  HashKeeper  DHT




New web search  Google Special4u


New internet systems  







15 -   Top projects 4u ?



Much info from the worldwide Scientific community,

PHYSORG,  the Scientific press,  research centres,

university institutions, businesses and companies,

selected by Google Special4u.




Alternative   Clean   Energies    NUXCLIN


Synthetic bio  Synthetic gen  SYNTEX


Bio-informatics  Bioins & Biomim


Intelligent Materials  BIOMATEX






Faster than light   Ereditato   NeuX


Laser energy research   LASERX


Fusion   FUSINX


Spallation   SPALLUND




Mind reading   EXPRO


Intelligent robots’ evolution  ExRo


Robot expo  IREX Robot Expo TOKYO


Self-operating intelligent-systems   SOIS-X




Facts’n Lies   What people think’n wish


New  ad  age   ADEX


Integration of search engines, Exio+,

new media, social networks, apps &

system software in mobile phones



Satellites   SATEX   Alpha Mag Spectro


Cosmic rays for interacting with Cyber nodes

in 2012-2018 at COSMIX ?




Rockets  and  Rocket  Science  not  the


only way  to  leave,  and perhaps return


to the Solar System. Return necessary?


What if better elsewhere?




Men can be made out of a woman’s womb,


can’t women be made out of a man’s rib ?




New web search  Google Special4u


New internet systems  







16 -   Top Sci-Fi 4u ?


Run together the 1000 biggest computers

on nuke energy or alt energy, and it’s the

beginning of just what’s needed to lift the

global knowledge of all our brains and

spirits in history until present days away

from our sooner or later much colder

planet ?




Our bodies can die as usual on this

Earth 1, new perfect ones

can be bred in many places else and

on Earth 2, Earth 3, Earth 4, Earth 5... ?


Planets similar to earth


Major risks to humanity


Sci-Fi 2 day, reality 2 morrow ?


“Beyond all galaxies and multiple-universes,

over, behind, beside, inside and within any

reality, there is much dark matter, and mostly

dark energy, but no ghost and no spirit,

or aren’t they other names for it?”  PAT  2010




New web search  Google Special4u


New internet systems  







17 -   This Top site is good 4u



 Probably most important

about your own  future...


Behind facts, beyond all reality,

when truth surpasses any fiction...,


where reality is only a very short while,

whilst most of the many different times

have already become virtual, still real ?”

Sic transit...





Advanced stuff 4  keeping up  24/7 with your time,


multi-lingual   directional   dimensional   apps   4u,


based on the combined theories by many different


mathematicians as Fermat, Riemann, Lobachevsky


... to Wiles, and the developments of multi-fractals,


Google Special4u





16 years of web watch,  real  top stuff  4u.





Copy  4  free  &  paste on your phone

what you want, compose, or combine with

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Click,  tap,  touch,  pinch,  tell,  think of underlinings,

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4 easy focus, quick scrolling, viewing, listening,

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4 instant mind-reading, exposure to your eyes,

ears & brain  (body & brain,  BI,  stroke...,  scan).





Sophisticated designs  Top web designers


Beautiful sites




New web search  Google Special4u


New internet systems  







18 -   For donations, some NGO


have been selected by  Google Special4u

on the Wikipedia list:


Red Cross


msf = médecins sans frontières =

doctors without borders =

infirmières sans frontières =

nurses without borders


Greenpeace   Amnesty   Irrepressible   FIACAT


Against Landmines Clearing mines Clusterbombs




Save some kids from the garbage dump/tip in

Phnom Penh = FCS = PSE  Mam


in Cebu, Philippines = FCF


Earth Island Institute  Save Dolphins & Whales


Minorities Rights  Special cases



New web search      Google Special4u


New internet systems  







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