Special4u  The  beginners  page





Do you really qualify for the next steps ?





Scroll text and page.


Click  touch  tap  on  underlined  words  or  linked  images





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For  you,  a  Multilingual  Selective  Site on the Internet





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Special  4  u   =   For  you






Starts  easy  gets  more  difficult


Grows  more  and  more  advanced


No  grammar  at  the  beginning


Check  first  Wiktionary  then  Wikipedia






The  URL  address  of  this  Special4u  beginners 


web page  (  1st  address  at  Google  )  is  :








begin   beginner    home page   front page = first page






Here  ,  for  a  beginner  with  no  computer  skill  at  all  ,


or  learning  English, simply  click  on, or touch, or tap,


on words, numbers, signs, underlined  text, or linked


image  ( see  punctuation  marks ), and  make  your


surfing  so  much  easier  .






Easy  surfing - Rich  page layouts - Free  computer software






Use  1  to  10  fingers  on  the  keys,  keyboard,  mouse, 


stylus,  touchpad,  pointing stick,  touchscreen,  of  many 


computers,  computer categories  .  Follow  the  directions 


for  a  computer touch typing  tutorial.






Read  thoroughly  the  instructions  of  the  user  ’s 


guide  or  manual  of  your  computer, PC, Mac,


desktop, laptop, palm, handheld, PDA, smartphone  ...






This  site  started  1994, before  the  development  of  a


  pocket  internet   similar  to the one of “paperback”.


It  is  converting as manyelderpages as possible


to both  “portrait and landscape”  mode, here on the


Nokia Tube  and  iPhone as examples, fitting  any


mobile cell phone and smartphone  screen  display


touchscreen.  (2008)






Special4u = Special 4u = Special for you =


Special4uns = Special4u at    Google


in  1  ,  2 , or  3  words  in  different  combinations, gives 


similar  results  at  Google   Yahoo  or  major  seach engines






Google  Wikt  Wiki  Dic  Dmoz  Whatis  Yahoo  are some basic tools for


starting to use the drag-and-drop or cut, copy, and pastetechniques”.






At the beginning of this site, it is used less than 1000 words of the

English language much more than 40 000 most frequent words

(if counting literary, technical, medical, and scientific  words),

this for making it easy for beginners in both English and computer



It should be a good start considering that an “average”  “normal”

English speaking person met at random  early in the morning in

the London  tube, and going to a working class job, do not use

more than some hundreds of different words in an entire average

life  time. 


A hooligan met in a “low class”  pub or outside a football

(soccer) stadium is down to about 100 words, the most frequent

being “pint” and “ale”.


In many modern American  films or movies, the frequency is even

somewhat lower, the most common words being by far “fuck” and

kill”, and a few variations of them.


Only a few colours and marker combinations are used to show and

indicate the elementary possibilities of the written language articulation

and significance or meaning of basic computer words, keywords, terms,

concepts, ideas, or definitions.






Oddcast   oddcast   SitePal   sitepal 






As shown at the beginning of this site, you can check at

Google  Wikt  Wiki  Dic  Dmoz  Whatis  Yahoo if convenient

keywords and info can be updated, upgraded, completed,

exchanged, or renewed, with relevant text from any suitable

site, or illustrated and documented with the images, videos,

or items you like, also from YT or any similar site. Special4u

is thankful for any adequate contribution of the kind made here.






Social networking Communities


Photo sharing Video sharing




Spelling bee Bee




Try  different  menus  on  this site:


Menu   Menu   Menu   Menu   Menu   Menu  


Menu   Menu   Menu   Menu   Menu   Menu


Menu 1 to 5:  for  learning  language  and  site  tools


Menu 6 to 9:  advanced


Menu 10:  EXIO


Menu 11:  Art


Menu 12:  Lodging Eating Drinking




Menu 1 Select Menu 2 Search Menu 3Asia


Menu 4 Language Menu 5 Basics Menu 6 Dynamic


Menu 7 Keywords Menu 8 Climate Menu 9 Travel


Menu 10: EXIO Menu 11: Art


Menu 12: Lodging Eating Drinking




Home | Links | Contact | Photo | About | Body | Domaine Aimé

Arènes de Lutèce | Sneakers | Special4u | EXIO | Travel Eat Sleep

Brain Senses Thinking Medicine | Art | Site Music | Franco






Open in any language or any country a free email


at any free email supplier, for example Google gmail,


yahoo, hotmail… Always remember that all emails,


even with anonymous and security systems, can be


and are watched by many watchdogs.





Page made by PAT





Email :    wetry2@gmail.com    pierretours@yahoo.com






The  URL  address  of  this  Special4u  beginners   web page  is  :








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