Boite Magique


Special4u EXIO


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La Boîte Magique


Article from the 6th of Feb 1986 in VSD


Webpage opened in April 2009 by PAT









More photos of the flat screen and of Pr. Lagerwall from 1986 by P. Thibault:




Colour slides (diapo) of the flat screen     B&W negatives to be processed (développés)




Very thin flexible touch screen film and smartphone technology by 2009 at

YouTube, 23 years after the article above and report by P. Thibault in 1986.




Sophisticated designs Beautiful sites Gaming




For donations, some suggested NGO

have been selected on the Wiki list:

Red Cross

msf = médecins sans frontières =

doctors without borders =

infirmières sans frontières =

nurses without borders

Greenpeace Amnesty

Irrepressible FIACAT

Against Landmines

Clearing mines



Save some kids from the garbage dump/tip of

Phnom Penh = FCS = PSE

Mam Special cases




The contact Email address for this page is at PAT: or




Surveillance Proxy Gateway Backup Storage wholinks2me


Network Programming Hacker Hack+ Virus Worm Trojan Mobile virus


Zombies Cluster Backdoor Bugs Bots Botnet Protection More computer


Interactivity virtual cyber 3D encryption encription artificial intelligence




Cryptography Cryptography


Onion routing Tor (anonymity network) Degree of anonymity


Cryptology ePrint Archive Hash HashKeeper


Quantum mechanics Quantum cryptography




Secure communication Anonymity Anonymous proxies Crowds


SNC ES EAS EA FSM Free software Libre software GNU Hacker


( -*- ) hacking hackers crackers Hacker


Microsoft Adobe JBoss SunGard Sun Microsystems CA Oracle SAP




Streaming Video comp Video code Systems Compare Stations


Nokiamusic Seekpod Spotify Atlas Rockster Svea YTmusicvid FSMV


Deezer Grooveshark Imeem iTunes Last Musicovery Myspace My Fa tw


VOD Stream TV Internet TV WWiTV Mobile TV Free music TV film










La Mon Tra Tel Net Clim Art Blo LED Gam Music ...


Metadata Social bookmark Social software File sharing TPB YT






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4 Special World REPORTS


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Special4u2 pages:


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