

Too little, too late?


Problems for the next generations,

we believe, or we hope in inner?




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Updated Dec 2009, March 2010,   


Scroll text and page.


Click on any underlined word, or linked image

as this one below.




Nothing new, flood in Denmark and Copenhagen AD 1634




Page first created as a paper document 1994

and archived as a web site 2004. Many keywords

and hyperlinks listed prior to 2006 are updated 2009.

They can also be double checked at sites as:


Google  YouTube  Wiki  Wikt


Yahoo  Dic  Dmoz  Whatis  Special4u





According to Synovate, a market research company

with English-French international business background,

a “climate attitude” survey was based on public opinion

of 1000 Swedes, possibly selected to get answers

convenient for client lobbying groups. People were

asked 2009- 2010 about their thoughts on climate change:


16 % are very concerned,

30 % are concerned but don’t know what to do about it,

41 % don’t believe global warming is caused by humans,

13 % don’t know or don’t give a shit about it,


public concern would be less focussed on the

issue than previously,


survey doesn’t say who paid for it, so results

should be compared with other surveys ordered

by less business-minded groups to get a more

balanced view about what people really feel

or know about this difficult topic (see below),


nevertheless, climate change is so complex

that even if the shit was triggered by humans,

it’s so big now that it can’t be dominated,

and certainly not by Synovate alone with

an opinion survey. We’ll probably never

know for sure. Read further below:


To know better, we need much more powerful

computers, super computers, in yotta  superbots?

(see Top computer 4u at  Special4u)




Some examples of the most frequently relevant

search combinations about climate change and

global warming at Google (crisscrossed search):




climate change


climate change facts


climate change hoax


climate depot


climate zones


climate audit


climate prediction center


climate blogs


climate blogger


climate blog action day


climate blogspot




global warming


global warming maps


how to prevent global warming


global warming facts


facts about global warming


stop global warming


global warming articles


global warming causes


global warming definition


define global warming


global warming definition for kids


global warming effects


global warming myth


global warming statistics


global warming debate


global warming sceptics




Some examples at YouTube:




climate change


climate change video


climate change hoax


climate chaos


climate change animation


climate change debate


climate change documentary




Basics in Climatology, Climate,


and Climate change:


Sun  Solar system  Planet


Earth  Physics  Earth’s magnetism  Air


Geology  Planetary geo  Hydrology


Biology  Biosphere  Water


H  O  H2O  CO2  O2  O3  N2  CH4  Ar


Chemistry  Elements


Solar radiation  system.solaire


MAPS  + Maps




Wiki portals: Earth sciences  Environment 


Sustainable development


Science  Energy  Biotechnology


Ecology  Extinction




UN Climate Nature


Climate nature organizations movements


WWF  Greenpeace  Greenpeace  RBW


MONTREAL environmentalists climate


Kyoto Protocol  Pictures at YT


For many of the keywords on this page,

search also at YouTube




Huricanes  Thunderstorms  Floods


Netherlands  Earthquakes




EU  Environment  Glaciers  Pollution  Dimming


Global Weather  Local Weather


Climate  Climate change  Global warming


Greenhouse gas  Greenhouse effect  




Forest  Deforestation  Biodiversity


Natural Environment  Bees  Ocean fish


Ecosystem  Agriculture  Overpopulation


Way of life  Life quality




Statistics  Stats  Real Time World Statistics




Sustainable  Climate change, too little, too late?


Climate controversy  Hydrogen economy




Energy  Fuels  Electricity


Automobile  Future of the car  Consumer


Waste  Waste management  Waste treatment


Waste recycling  EKESIO waste model


Future  Futurology  Space elevator




Probably climate change is happening much

quicker and quicker than thought.

Special4u  1994


After the bees, some birds have started to

disappear, others have stopped singing?

Falsterbo Birding Station 13 Jan 2008


In centuries common cranes have arrived

from South at Hornborgarsjö very precisely

about first week of March. For the first time

they passed over Luxembourg about 12th of

February and were in Skara next days!

FT 15 Feb 2008




Ice  June 2008


(Report, Report, more reports)


Svalbard - Norway, North Pole, NSIDC


Endangered species


Polar bears at Wiki  at Google at YT




Polar Regions,


Antarctic & Southern Oceans

Reports, international TV reporting April 20, 2009,


“We are running out of time...”


Special4u April 2009


Arctic, Islands, Alaska, Bering Sea,


Polar Circle, Arctic Ocean,


Sea of Okhotsk, Aleutian Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula,


Sea of Japan  La Pérouse, de Lesseps, d´Urville,


La Pérouse Strait


宗谷海峡 Sōya Kaikyō Пролив Лаперуза


Korea Strait, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea,



Ross Sea, Antarctica, Roaring Forties, Southern Ocean,


40th parallel south, 50th parallel south, 60th parallel south,


60° south latitude  Southern Ocean at Google at YT  Images




Atlantic Ocean  List of islands in the Atlantic Ocean


Gulf Stream shutdown


Pacific Ocean  Pacific Rim


Pacific-Antarctic Ridge  Pacific-Farallon Ridge


Pacific Time Zone


Indian Ocean


French Southern and Antarctic Lands


Kerguelen  Saint-Paul


Îles Amsterdam  Crozet Apôtres  Possession


Heard Mac Dolnald


Australian Antarctic Territory


Birds of Heard and McDonald Islands


List of islands of Australia


"About Heard Island - Human Activities"


Cocky Flies, Geoscience Australia


Volcanic eruption causes Australian island to grow

2005 08 10

Retrieved on 2007 04 05


Oiseaux de l'Île Heard

(en) Site officiel de l’île Heard et des îles McDonald

(en) Réserve maritime de l’île Heard et des îles McDonald

(en) Patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO

(en) Images de l’île Heard et des îles McDonald


Prince Edward Islands Diego Ramírez Islands

Matt Walker 2008-05-02. "'Sex pest' seal attacks penguin"

BBC News.

K Berthier, M Langlais, P Auger, D Pontier 2000-10-22

"Dynamics of a feline virus with two transmission modes within exponentially growing host populations"

BioInfoBank Library.

Le Masurier, W. E.; Thomson, J. W. 1990

Volcanoes of the Antarctic Plate and Southern Oceans

American Geophysical Union pp.512 pp ISBN 0-87590-172-7

"Marion Island".

Global Volcanism Program Smithsonian Institution

"Prince Edward Island". Global Volcanism Program

Smithsonian Institution


Chatham  Bounty Islands  Antipodes  


Auckland  Campbell  Macquarie


Scott  Balleny  Bouvet  Peter  


Charcot  Alexander  Graham


South Shetland  South Orkney


South Georgia  South Sandwich


Birds observed at Scott Island, Ross Sea, Antarctica


Gough  Tristan da Cunha  Georgia Sandwich




Terre Adélie


more islands


List of volcanoes in Antarctica


Sub-antarctic islands


List of islands of Norway


.bv (Internet top-domain code for Bouvet Island)


Campbell Island Teal  Megaherbs


Campbell Island group


New Zealand sub-antarctic islands


List of antarctic and sub-antarctic islands


Rat Island where rats are also being eradicated


Peri-Antarctic countries and overseas territories

"Peri-Antarctic" (meaning "close to the Antarctic")

does not include territorial claims on Antarctica itself



(Heard Island and McDonald Islands  Macquarie Island)


Falkland Islands

French Southern and Antarctic Lands

(Kerguelen Islands)

New Zealand  (New Zealand Sub-Antarctic Islands)


(Bouvet Island)

South Africa

(Prince Edward Islands)

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands




Seabird colonies


Much of the info about these Polar Regions

is retrieved 2009 from and by courtesy of

Wikipedia for the sake of the planet,


reports by Albert II de Monaco


and Pr. Yves Frenot, CNRS, Île Foch.




Extreme climate change is nothing new, like kilometres

thick ice, jungle, dinosaurs, and desert in Scandinavia,

Siberia, America..., as a consequence of the axial tilt,

geomagnetic reversal, pole shift, Foucault effects,

earth’s rotation reverse, external factors that can

shape climate as climate forcing, solar radiation, the

Earth's orbit, greenhouse gas concentration...


Altogether too big things for a still too little humankind?

To know better, we need much more powerful computers,

super computers, in yotta superbots?


But though, people’s shit could have triggered the latest

climate change? Something we can stop?

At least we can try?


Special4u  2008




Probably only a very small genetic selection

of a super  humankind


(fit for fight in the sky among the myriads


of planets and stars


of the Milky Way and galaxies of the Local Group


from the Virgo  Supercluster visible by


astronomers...), and other organisms selected


by worldwide super computers, must have left


the Earth on space ships or


most likely otherwise a long time before


the Apocalypse, or long before the approach


of a major planetary risk, or long before the


Andromeda - Milky Way  collision or clash?


Futures  2008




Probably most important

about climate change,

civilization change, clash, crash.


Special4u 2008




Outer space




CLIMATE  Dimming  Plastic soup in oceans


Climate change blogs  Endangered species


Climate Copenhagen 2009    EU €    Politics


Motkraft  SUF  KLIMA FORUM  Demonstrations


I, D, small countries  Ozone Depletion  Perte


Envirtal Investigtion Agcy = EIA  CFC R12 smuggling


Materials & equipments dangerous 4 humanity


Polar ice melting     Kyoto     Obama at Cop15


2 little 2 late?  Real Time World Stats  Water car


Away from oil  Aw fr sheet metal  New materials


Life quality  New values  New money system  New way of life


Permafrost methane release much more

time bomb than carbon dioxides






For donations, some suggested NGO

have been selected on the Wiki list:

Red Cross

msf = médecins sans frontières =

doctors without borders =

infirmières sans frontières =

nurses without borders

Greenpeace  Amnesty

Irrepressible  FIACAT

Against Landmines

Clearing mines





Save some kids from the garbage dump/tip of

Phnom Penh = FCS = PSE

Mam  Special cases




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