File sharing


By PAT at Special4u




Events World Reports





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Free to copy for non-commercial use.





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File sharing at YouTube


File sharing at Wikipedia


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File sharing at Whatis





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"File~Sharing"... Michael Moore shares his view





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La Net Blo Pho Clim Art LED Tra Map Mon Gam Music ...


Metadata Social bookmark Soc software File sharing TPB YT





File sharing P2P P4P


Filesharing Deutsch

Dateien teilen Rechnern (Download), Daten versendet (Upload)


Dansk Svenska TPB Nynorsk Båkmal Íslenska Suomi


P2P Partage de fichiers en pair à pair Français


Italiano Español Português Română


Русский Shqip العربية עברית 日本語 中文





Streaming Video comp Video code Systems Compare Stations


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Piracy Privateers Corsaires Flibustiers Buccaneers


Joanna de Montfort Jeanne de Clisson (*) Lady Pirate


Legitimate piracy flashback Music





Math Math hist Euclid Pol Maths Algorithm




Cryptography Cryptography


Caesar Al-Kindi Alberti Trithemius Bellaso Chappe Campillo v Sömmering


Gauss Weber Schilling Morse Vail Jefferson Kerckhoffs Baudot Bazeries


Bain Caselli Cooke Meyer Scherbius ENIGMA Lorenz Friedman Rowlett


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Onion routing Tor (anonymity network) Degree of anonymity


Cryptology ePrint Archive Hash HashKeeper




Quantum mechanics


Faraday Kirchhoff Boltzmann Max Planck Schrödinger Greene EPR Bell


Heisenberg de Broglie Bohr Born v Neumann Dirac Pauli Hamilton Hilbert


Many others Refer directly to contributors when still alive


Quantum cryptography Bennett Brassard Ekert




Surveillance Proxy Gateway Backup Storage wholinks2me


Network Programming Hacker Hack+ Virus Worm Trojan Mobile virus


Zombies Cluster Backdoor Bugs Bots Botnet Protection More computer


Interactivity virtual cyber 3D encryption encription artificial intelligence




Secure communication Anonymity Anonymous proxies Crowds


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(-*-) (-**-) Hacker hacker hacking hackers crackers "Super Hackers"


elite skill computer programming ( ** ) hackers war fake news




Successful (never busted) “hacking hackers”, crackers, of very

large organizations, companies, banks, Hollywood lobbies…,

using network, hacker, hack+, virus, worm, trojan, mobile virus,

bugs, bots, botnets, zombies, backdoor, cluster… penetration

and other little-known home-made hacking techniques, come

often from very small groups building themselves their home-

assembled computers (English Deutsch Nederlands Français

Español Italiano Português 日本語 中文…), gaming a lot, and

learning top programing ** at a young age, often very young.

-CHIL- -BRA- -WIN- -NASA- -CIA- -文言- -more- -EXIO-

The many non-busted hackers are not known, and their preys,

especially banks, keep usually their mouth shut about that.

PAT 2008 規格膠質4U 頭版 updated 2009.




Microsoft Adobe JBoss SunGard Sun Microsystems CA Oracle SAP


“In addition, a great deal of enterprise software is now available

through the free software movement, notably operating systems,

web servers and databases. Many other types of enterprise software

are also being introduced, such as application servers, portal servers,

and even productivity software that is well suited for large-scale

adoption by enterprises. While most open source software is available

freely for use and further development, several companies provide

enterprises with open source enterprise software for free and charge for

software maintenance, modifications, support and additional functionality”.

Retrieved from Enterprise software at Wikipedia





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