

“Some basic stuff about Programing, Programmers... “




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Programing at Google


Programming at Wikipedia


Programmer at Google


Programmer at Wikipedia




Language Comcast remote in C C C++ Java


Tutorial Tutorials Basics Forum Forums


Function key Function keys Fundamentals Flash




Programing for Beginners Newbies Noobs

Dummies Kids Kids programming Scratch

Start programming as a game for small kids, and

end up 10 years later by still gaming, but against

the real big elephants. They don’t play really well,

like elephants, you know!




Computers for beginners & nerds or nurds see also nerd


Data Computers Internet Audio




Mac Linux Windows mobile Windows mobile 6




Computer programming at Wiki


Computer programming at YouTube




Programming language classification


Category:Programming languages


Category:Programming language topics





Types of programming languages:


Array· Aspect-oriented· Assembly


C++ C, C++, C+++ C#


Class-based· Compiled· Concurrent· Curly bracket·


Data-oriented· Data-structured· Dataflow·


Declarative· Domain-specific· Dynamic·


Esoteric· Event-driven· Extensible·






Imperative· Interpreted






Machine· Macro· Metaprogramming· Multi-paradigm·




Object-oriented· Off-side rule·


Perl  Pipeline· Procedural· Prototype-based


Reflective· Rule-based·


Scripting· Synchronous·








Key names in the History of programming:


Al-Jazari Jacquard Chappe Babbage Soemmerring


Steinheil Gauss Weber Ampère Schilling Hollerith


v Neumann Richtie Alexander Cooke Wheatstone


Jackson Henry Morse Baudot Baudot Code Murray


Mix-Genest Lorenz Lorenz-Schlüsselzusatz Enigma


Cryptography Encryption Data Encryption Standard


Konrad Suze Bjarne Stroustrup




Advanced computers


Quantum computers


Advanced programming


Low-level programming languages


High-level programming languages


Very high-level programming languages




Special 4 hackers Hacker programming


Secure communication Anonymity Anonymous proxies Crowds


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( -*- ) ( -**- ) Hacker hacker hacking hackers crackers "Super Hackers"


"elite skill" in computer programming ( ** ) Hackers war Fake news




Successful (never busted) “hacking hackers”, crackers, of

very large organizations, companies, banks, Hollywood  lobbies…,

using network, hacker, hack+, virus, worm, trojan, mobile virus,

bugs, bots, botnets, zombies, backdoor, cluster… penetration

and other little-known home-made hacking techniques, come

often from very small groups building themselves their home-

assembled computers (English  Deutsch  Nederlands  Français

Español  Italiano  Português  日本語  中文…), gaming a lot, and

learning top programing  ** at a young age, often very young.

-CHIL-  -BRA-  -WIN-  -NASA-  -CIA-  -文言-  -more-  -EXIO-

The many non-busted hackers are not known, and their preys,

especially banks, keep usually their mouth shut about that.

PAT  2008  規格膠質4U  頭版  updated  Dec 2009.


Busted hacker Albert Gonzalez


Most identified hackers made a mistake

not related with computer security.

Small super hacker teams keeping titly

secret will probably never be busted.


If it still happens, Big Orgs & Cos will bail them

out of the shit and pay them the real big bucks!





Site made first at 50megs and Angelfire by PAT


and upgraded, updated, by many cooperating teams


with top websites as:


Google Yahoo Lycos Search engines YouTube = YT


Wiki Wikt Wiki Mobile Wapedia Dic Opera Mini


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Microsoft Windows Live Live msn Hi5 TPB


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Yellow White Pages Newspapers online




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3D CAD Synthespians Anim charac Key frame InterSense


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-1-  -2-  -3-  -4-


Pogo Craigslist ISP EC Ebay Amazon Intuit PowerSet Cuil




and also with gaming sites, cheats and hacking sites as:


Game Game Gamer Gaming Computer & video games


List of video games Game Cube Chess Games+Chess


Computer video games Competition LAN hack parties


Français Español Português Italiano Deutsch Nederlands


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Online-spel Counter-Strike WoW WoW RuneScape Second Life


SIMS The SIMS The SIMS Duke CS WC3 AssCreed Halo 3 Xbox


Dice Dice Battlefield Battlefield Battlefield Play Rapport GRIN


Crossword 34 languages Crosswords Google Crosswords Yahoo


Network Programming Hacker Hack+ Virus Worm Trojan Mobile virus


Zombies Cluster Backdoor Bugs Bots Botnet Protection More computer


Interactivity virtual cyber 3D encryption encription artificial intelligence


Sophisticated designs Beautiful sites Gaming 4teens





Surveillance Proxy Gateway Backup Storage wholinks2me


Network Programming Hacker Hack+ Virus Worm Trojan Mobile virus


Zombies Cluster Backdoor Bugs Bots Botnet Protection More computer


Interactivity virtual cyber 3D encryption encription artificial intelligence





Page first created as a paper document 1994 and archived as

a web site 2004. Many keywords and hyperlinks listed prior to

2006 are updated 2009. They can also be double-checked at:

Google  YouTube  Wiki  Wikt  Yahoo  Dic  Dmoz  Whatis  more





Select on these sites what you’ll probably need in a computer,

pda, mobile cellphone smartphone or touchscreen.


Save what you want from these Special4u pages, and store

for free on the web what you don't need at once, or delete it.


You can also create, design, or organize yourself what you best

need, and mix it with any content or topic from these pages.





Look up and choose: Windows Mac Linux Unix


Web browser Explorer Moz WebKit Chrome Avant


Saf Konq Opera Flock Epi K-Mel AOLex Mobile platform





Email Free hosting Web page Web design Site builder


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Héberge Hosting Hosting (Deutsch) (Italiano) (Español)…





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Curr Calculatr Calendr


Math Mathist Euclid Pol Maths Algorithm


L  L  E  G  R  L  P  E  L  


Mendeleev Mendel Genetics Evolution (-*-)


Fermat  Riemann  Lobachevsky  Wiles


Leibniz Lichtenberg Weierstrass Koch Sierpinski Mandelbrot


Fractal  (*)  (**)  (***)  (****)  2008  2009


Human Fractals  Hash  HashKeeper





Cryptography Cryptography


Caesar Al-Kindi Alberti Trithemius Bellaso Chappe Campillo v Sömmering


Gauss Weber Schilling Morse Vail Jefferson Kerckhoffs Baudot Bazeries


Bain Caselli Cooke Meyer Scherbius ENIGMA Lorenz Friedman Rowlett


Różycki Zygalski Shannon(Read about these names and ask for more)


Onion routing Tor (anonymity network) Degree of anonymity


Cryptology ePrint Archive Hash HashKeeper





Quantum mechanics


Faraday Kirchhoff Boltzmann Max Planck Schrödinger Greene EPR Bell


Heisenberg de Broglie Bohr Born v Neumann Dirac Pauli Hamilton Hilbert


Many others (Refer directly to contributors when still alive)


Quantum cryptography Bennett Brassard Ekert







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