Forever 21
Joseph Lee Geib
On December 11, 2004 my oldest son Joseph took his own life. It was not a premeditated act, he was drinking and angry and hurting emotionally. During an argument with his girlfriend he got out an AK47, and although it has never been clear what happened he died that night with her and her brother in the room.
His death was ruled a suicide, but those who knew him will never believe that. Something else happened in that room. We believe it was a terrible accident, and that he never intended it to end this way. No ones fault, no one to blame, just a horrible accident.
Joe was born September 14, 1983. He left this life after having lived well, and fully. He left nothing undone. No relationship broken, no words unsaid.
I say he lived well because he did all the things we so often mean to do and never get around to. He shared his heart. He played with every child he met. He flirted with every girl or woman he met, and he treated every man like a friend.
He said I love you to all the people he cared for. He took the time to visit with his mom and his brothers and sister. My heart is breaking over my loss, but it is also filled with Joy knowing Joe lived what he believed.....there may not be a tomorrow, so say I love you today. Show you care, and smile ALOT. He had a huge and beautiful smile.
After a terrible car wreck when he nearly died in 1999, I told him once "For the rest of Your life Joeg I will be thankful for each extra day we have been given. It was something I said many times when telling the story of his car wreck.
I had no idea at the time I would one day have to live up to those words.
Five years, four months and twenty days later JoeG died leaving me to spend the rest of my being thankful for the blessing of the extra days we had.
A Gift From God
You used to catch me watching you
“What Mom?” You would say
My heart was so filled with the Joy of you just being here
It was written on my face
I’d say nothing Joeg
How could I explain?
That God have given me this one more day
This one more time to see your face
One more chance to hear your voice
I remember it now how it felt
To know I was blessed like no one else
A gift from God, my sons life
I thought you were safe
I thought you strong
I could not have known I was so wrong
I was blessed that is true
God spared your life and showed me his grace
You were an angel on this earth
Trapped in a mortal body
God knew in awhile he must take you home
Among the angels, to your proper place
So he gave us extra time you see
Time to Love, time to share
Time to get ready for this pain
In heaven now you are set free
Trapped in a mortal shell no more
So now when I look upon your face
It is the photo of an angel looking back at me
An angel in heaven who waits for me
~Karen JoeGs Mom~
January 20, 2005
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