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DOB - 18/01/2001


Monty is the real pet out of all the dogs at Kadzait Kennels.  Monty was given to me as a pet in 2001 and has been my best friend since.  Monty comes along to all the shows and cheers on the rest of the gang.  He is the most gentle, tolerant, smart and loving dog.  The 'mother hen' of our kennel, when Monty barks, its either dinner time or one of the others is doing something they shouldn't be.  Monty is so easy to train, that I couldn't stop teaching him tricks.  From high fives, rolling over, getting shot, to bowing, he will perform them long as there are treats at the end of it.  Monty's specialty is obedience and we are hoping to give him some limelight and trial him in obedience in the future.  I just have to get up the courage!!  While he is not a standout example of the breed, in my eyes he's perfect.  Monty's exceptional temperament and eagerness to please, started my love for the golden retriever and for that I will be eternally grateful.