Massage on Gor would be the same as massage on Urth, as Goreans originally came from Urth. As a slave, you should know the methods and various uses of massage in order to both pleasure and give health benefits to your Master. For the purpose of this instruction, W/we will divide massage into three categories; therapeutic, relaxation and sensual.
Therapeutic Massage:
Contrary to the beliefs of many slaves, Master does work, too. As a result of this, muscles get tight, cramped and pulled from time to time. Therapeutic Massage is intended to heal. Look for knots in the muscles, find out where soreness is located and push deep into the tissue rubbing and stretching the affected muscle tissue until the knots disappear. Follow the direction of the muscle fibers, being sensitive to tiny knots or tightness. Fingers, the heel of the hand and the elbow can be used to get deep into the muscle tissue, but be careful as it is easy to go too deep and cause incredible pain. Surface warming of the area is also helpful and can be done in several different ways, including warm wet compresses and vigorously rubbing the skin around the area. The slave must walk a careful line here – this kind of treatment can be painful and you do not want to anger your Master. Ask that He or She give you feedback as to the level of discomfort, re-assuring Him that this is both necessary and beneficial. After the deep work is done, relaxation massage will help ease the discomfort and perhaps even lead to the third category, but more on that later.
Relaxation Massage:
Many times, the stresses of the responsibilities for your Master cause Him to tense up, lose sleep, and be generally irritated with everyone around Him. At times like this, a good relaxation massage can work wonders. Have Him lie down on a table or the floor (on a soft fur, preferably), either face up or face down. Generally, I like to start face down for reasons that may become obvious later. Use a light scented oil, with a scent that is pleasant and relaxing, such as lavender. Use long, slow, smooth strokes up the legs and arms, always moving toward the heart. The necks shoulders and back are areas that hold a lot of stress and this differs from person to person, so know the person you are massaging. You should know where your Master holds His stress and concentrate there. Gentle rocking also helps relaxation, and this can be done from any direction – head, side or legs. Gently stretch the fingers and rub the feet also. Remember, this is not for the purposes of exciting, but relaxation, so at this point, steer clear of areas that can cause sexual excitement. After the first side is covered, have your Master turn over slowly and continue on the other side. By now, one of two things will likely happen – either He will be close to sleep, or He will want to move on the third category of massage.
Sensual Massage:
Sensual massage is very much like relaxation massage with one important difference. It is intended to arouse and seduce. Those areas of the body you avoided before can now be touched, but try not to be too blatant about it. A light touch, almost is if by accident, can be very stimulating. Again, know your Master and how to “tease” Him into desire. Whereas with relaxation, the hands are the primary tools, now you can use your lips, legs, breasts and whatever else pleases your Master to rub against Him. Let things build slowly and give your Master the impression that He is in charge, though in truth, it is you that control the speed and direction of this process. (Don’t let your Master know this.)
Massage is an incredibly complex process and this is only designed to make your time with your Master more real and enjoyable. Have fun with it and let your imagination go where it leads.