These are all of the sites I got my jokes off of. Feel free to check some of them out! All other jokes on the site were either made by me or a friend.
98 Funny Jokes!
^this site has 98 jokes per category. It also features pick up lines!
950 Funny Jokes
^this site has a whole buch of funny jokes! It also features 'you momma' jokes.
Absolutely Clean Jokes
^has a great variety of jokes and has 'Ship Jokes'!
Absolutely Jokes
^has a great variety of types of Jokes to choose from AND even has 'celebrity' jokes.
Aha Jokes
^big selection of types of jokes to choose from.
^Great Selection to choose from and MANY funny jokes.
Crazy Doodle
^great selection of VERY FUNNY jokes
Deep Lake Jokes
^this site has many funny jokes. It includes bumber sticker jokes!
Funny Jokes
^FYI- If you join the site (its free) after you read a joke it will say 'read' so you don't have to worry about reading the same joke twice! *smile*
Funny Jokes
^has a nice selection of jokes to choose from as well as a thing for 100 best jokes all that.
Got Jokes
^has a very nice selection of choices to choose from and LOTS of jokes in each category.
^Jokes are mainly one line or REALLY short but you can get a joke a day sent to your email!
Jokes Galore
^lots of different categories to choose from and you can sign up to get jokes sent to you email.
Joke Jam
^has a nice selection of types of jokes to choose from.
^has a great selection of jokes and is updated a lot.
^has a GREAT selection of jokes to choose from.
Jokes Place
^has a nice selection of jokes to choose from.
Lots of Jokes
^has lots of Jokes but they aren't arranged by category, just titles.
Main Page