I began my writing career by self publishing childrens’ books.
There are three titles in the collection –
Tidbit Stories Creature Feature – 6 Short Stories.
Maggie’s First Flight is available through
Trafford Publishing. It is a small picture book about a baby magpie.
A Gift For The King was published to be given away. It relates to the birth of the Christ child. To receive your FREE copy click here to e-mail me with you postage details.
I have had a Short Story printed in an anthology to commenmorate BHP Steel industry in the Hunter Valley Region of NSW Australia –
The Big Smoke – printed in “Ribbons of Steel” now out of print.
A number of my articles have been published in various magazines both secular and Christian. The two articles in the secular magazines told some of my early memories. The first article was about WW2 years in my very early years and the second about the Hunter River Floods in 1955 during my teens years.
I’ve had articles printed in a Christian Newspaper.
This year, 2006, I’ve focused on Inspirational Writing and I have had three articles printed in “Reflections” Magazine, an online Christian Magazine. You can read this magazine at Christian-Writing-Career.com
God willing, in the New Year I will have completed for publication a Devotional e-book entitled “It is Written”. The aim of this book is to strengthen faith in the Word of God, especially for busy women of all ages who give of themselves tirelessly. It is something just for you; something to refresh your spirit as you take it in.
A Free Verse Poem.
So when God made Adam
Did he have a belly button?
Since he never was a baby
Then he really didn’t need one,
I guess God gave him one anyway.
If Adam was a grown-up
Right from the beginning,
If Eve was created from his side,
And God declares we’re created in His image,
Then we can’t be descended from apes.
DNA is from Creation
And it is the reason why,
All things grow according to their kind,
So plants seed plants and apes breed apes,
And man breeds only man.
Eve is the mother
Of all of the living,
From one man God made the human race,
We are the pinnacle made for His good pleasure,
To rendezvous with Him.
If Eden was perfect
There in the beginning,
That is, no death and no decay,
Then Adam’s rebellion is the reason we now suffer,
The Good Book tells us so.
God’s heart was broken
When Adam chose his own way,
And we are a replica of him,
God’s plan to save was to send a second Adam,
The one not made from dust.