New Life
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New Life by Rev. Ian Fauchon

Spring is here the grass is ris, I wonder where the flowers is? The little bird is on the wing, How absurd, I thought the wing was on the bird.

I was reminded of this nonsense poem from my childhood just the other day. The signs of new life were all around our suburb. Green shoots on trees that were bare all winter. New buds appearing on bushes and shrubs.
Seeds are amazing things. They can sit on a shelf and remain the same for years. I read recently that a grain of wheat was found in the tombs of ancient Egypt that was 5000 years old. When it was carefully planted it sprouted into life.
Interesting isn’t it. Seeds don’t turn into plants until they are put in the ground. The seed dies while the green shoots push towards new life in the sunlight. From the moment they are buried they begin to take on a new life that was always there, waiting to be born.
God’s Word tells us that we are born dead. (1) Sure, our body is alive, but our spirit is not. That part of us is DOA when we leave the safety of the womb for the real world.

But God also tells us it can be made alive. He says “just as in Adam all die, yet in Christ all will be made alive.” (2) For that to happen a transition has to take place. Like the seed, our soul or spirit, needs to be made alive. New life needs to occur. Something specific needs to happen to turn what was dead into something alive*. 
Again, God’s Word is clear what that is. It is not becoming super good. It is not going to church or reading the Bible. It is not even having all the answers about God.
It happens when, by faith we accept God’s gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. (3) What is the state of your soul today? Is it alive? If not, make the transition, accept God’s amazing and wonderful gift. You’ll have a new spring in your step.

(1) Psalm 58:3 and Ehpesians 2:1-3
(2) 1 Corinthians 15:22 [NIV]
(3) Ephesians 2:8

*How can this happen for me?

Rev Ian Fauchon, can be contacted here about this article.

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