Which Explanation Is Trustworthy
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Which explanation Is …On Origins.

God (Jesus) says …
He commanded the universe into existence in six solar days, the first week of time. A light (not the sun) marked day from night as earth rotated on the first three days. From the fourth day the heavenly bodies provided the light for earth, the focal point of God’s Creation.
Earth at first was covered with water until God commanded the dry land to appear – one land mass and one ocean.
Everything was in harmony. No fear existed anywhere. Only an Almighty Loving God could do this.
During the sixth rotation of the earth God made all the land animals and man. All these creatures including man began as adults. God then commanded them all to increase and multiply after their own kind.
Evidence from science to support God’s Word on origins – DNA. Humans give birth to humans, apes give birth to apes, dogs give birth to dogs, snakes give birth to snakes …

Man in his rebellion says …
Nature evolved itself from primordial slime, microbe to man, (goo to you via the zoo) over billions of years. Life, says man, is survival of the fittest. No harmony, just a cruel existence of dog eat dog.
The god who could make this kind of world would be a hateful, unloving God. To adhere to man’s story of origins is to follow the way of the world.
Evidence from science to support man’s story – NONE. *

As a follower of Christ I have rejected the world, the flesh and the devil. That doesn’t mean I’m perfect it simply means I’ve entrusted my life to Christ Jesus for Him to remake me and give me new life.

Kath Fauchon

* Quote from Science on Transitional Fossils.
“I will lay it on the line – there is not one such fossil for which one could make a watertight argument.”

Dr. Colin Patterson, Palaeontologist.
“Darwin’s Enigma” Sunderland. p.89. 1984

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