نظرا لوجود جروب كفركيفيا على الفيس بوك
والذي يتولى نشر
اخبار البلد
فقد توقفنا عن نشر الاخبار هنا الا في حدود ما يقتضيه التوثيق
و تقبلوا الاحترام
لماذا اختفت بعض معالمنا_______
صرخة الجرن...المهندس احمد خلف القاسم-الولايات المتحدة
please note that I can watch kufrkefea from satellite through my computer. Nothing happens in kufrkefea, I can not see it daily from my screen, wallah!
I have noticed that the '' juren'' from beer "dar far7an" in front of "Dar far7an & Dar khalaf elqasem" is missing. I called to inquire about it , and I was told that somebody from kufrkefea took it to sell it for the Athar....please educate those people that we need to keep the old stuff that were made by the older generation in its place for us to keep remembering our fathers and grand father. If it was my choice I will never destroy the older home like "Dar khali Abdul-hadi" or "Dar abu 3Ali.....ect". The young should preserve the accomplishments of the older and to be proud of their hand made crafts!
Please see who took this beautiful piece of art 'juren'' made by "far7an AL-3swath...Ra7Mateo-Allah 3Alih". I remember one day "far7an al3awath" gave me a hair cut at this juren. Wallah! I mean I have memories and respect for the hands who built this simple piece of furniture. I do believe that brother yusef abdul -hadi can find out and can restore things out.
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mar7aba kef alshabab
raed |
omari_raed |
September 12, 2007
mar7aba kef alshabab
raed |
omari_raed |
September 12, 2007