نظرا لوجود جروب كفركيفيا على الفيس بوك
والذي يتولى نشر
اخبار البلد
فقد توقفنا عن نشر الاخبار هنا الا في حدود ما يقتضيه التوثيق
و تقبلوا الاحترام
________خلدون والحنين الى كيفيا
خلدون الابراهيم من امريكا يتحدث عن قراره عندما غادر كفركيفيا قرر ان لايعود بسبب بعض الجدل مع ناس..لكنه عندما وصل امريكا وعاش فيها هذه المدة عرف كم هو مشتاق للعودة والخروج من روتين الحياة في امريكا حيث العمل كل الحياة وهو يفتقد اشياء كثيرة اهمها ان تجلس واصحابك تشرب الشاي على الطريقة العربية..هي نصيحة يقدمها لكل الشباب الراغبين بالهجرة ونص الرسالى كما هي: بالضافة لتعليقه على صورة ابيه ابراهيم الونس رحمه الله والمضافة ضمن الصورة:
خلدون حضر في شهر حزيران الى البلدة وتم عمل حفل زفاف جميل له ولعائلته
. "Before I left Kufor Kifia 6 years ago, I said I would NEVER come back to live in this village. I used to argue with many people in the village about moving away. I worked hard to move myself from Kufor Kifia. I tried to talk to so many of my friends about moving out of the village to somewhere different. Now that I have moved away, I have seen many different and beautiful cities. I have met different kinds of people and have lots of friends. here in America. But I know now that I will NEVER find a more beautiful simple little village with the most wonderful honest people anywhere in the world except for Kufor Kifia. I am sure that the young people there in Kufor Kifia want so badly to come to America like I did. What you don't know is that life in America, is not easy. If you decide to come to America remember that you will loose the simple little things like the chance to sit down with your family and friends to drink tea and talk or laugh. You might loose your religion, family or friends. Here in America the life is work, work and more work. No time for anything but work. Imagine one time my brother called and I told him "I can't talk right now, I'm too busy" - I felt sad that I had to tell my brother this. This time I am seriuos, I want to go back one day to live in Kufor Kifia with my wife." ********* Dear Khaldoon Wish that you and your wife in a good health. Really no body knows Kufr Kefia very well as a person left out of it its so wonderfull vellage & I wish to live on it the rest of my life, but as you say its WORK & WORK. Wish to see you soon Tariq Hussain Omari | tomari@salehiya.com | March 29, 2006 Dear Khaldoon. How are you, i hope you are fine. Kufer kefia will never forget you, you are most wellcome back, i hope you are still remember the fotball games which we played. Best regards. waiting for you Haider Al Omari Haider Al Omari | haider.alomari@fmc-ksa.com | March 25, 2006
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