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Monday, 5 December 2005


(These two "hidden prophecy" are connected to Luke.5:36-39, why new religion is necessary instead of change of old religions.)


1 "hour" = approx. 200 hundred years, from Abraham/Jacob 1800-1700 BC (and so Jewish-religion 1600 BC->) to Islam 632 AC = 2400 years / 12 hours = 200 years

Matt.20:1. "For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner (God) who went (send prophets) out early in the morning (before "first hour" of 12 hours of day in Jewish calendar, so Abraham/Jacob 1800-1700 BC and Jews as a religion after them in "first hour" 1600-1400 BC) to hire men (believers) to work (for His glory) in his vineyard (Earth). 2. He agreed to pay them a denarius (paradise) for the day (world history) and sent them into his vineyard.

3. "About the third hour (1300/1200-1100 BC Sabians/Zarathustrians, even in Bible there is two "Sabians" in opposite directions, another possibly in South-Iraq) he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing (Judaism had not spread much outside their own Jewish nation). 4.He told them, 'You also (besides Judaism) go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.' 5. So they went.

"He went out again about the sixth hour (600 BC beginning of prophesies about Messiah) and the ninth hour (around 1 AC Jesus were born) and did the same thing (created Christians and Christianity).

6. ABOUT (not exactly 400-600 AC) the eleventh hour (Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him: 570-632 AC) he went out (send prophet) and found still others (Arabs) standing around. He asked them, 'Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing (Arabs had not had religions through prophets, only polytheism-paganism)?'

7. " 'Because no one has hired us (Arabs were so despised that even Byzantium or Persia did not want to conquer and convert them),' they answered."He said to them, 'You also go and work in my vineyard.'

8. "When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, 'Call the workers and pay them their wages (what they deserve), beginning with the last ones hired (Muslims) and going on to the first (Jews).'

9. "The workers (Muslims) who were hired about the eleventh hour (500-700 AC) came and each received a denarius. 10. So when those came who were hired first (Jews), they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. 11. When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner (God). 12. 'These men who were hired last (Muslims) worked only one hour,' they said, 'and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day (persecutions, slavery, occupations).'

13. "But he answered one of them, 'Friend, I am not being unfair to you. Didn't you agree to work for a denarius? 14. Take your pay and go. I want to give the man who was hired last the same as I gave you. 15. Don't I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous (you want to keep God for your nation only, as a "chosen people")?'

16. "So the last (Muslims) will be first, and the first (Jews) will be last."

[Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, said that even though he was last of prophets, and Muslims are last of believers, they will be first to enter paradise, "last will be first"]


1 "year" = approx. 600 years, from Abraham / Jacob and so Jews 1800 BC to Islam 632 AC = 2400 years / 4 "year" = 600 years

Luke.13:6. Then he told this parable: "A master (God) had a fig tree (symbol of Israel in Bible), planted in his vineyard (Earth), and he went to look for fruit (results) on it, but did not find any. 7. So he said to the man (Jesus) who took care of the vineyard (Judaism "only true religion"/least corrupted in the world in times of Jesus), 'For three (3*600 = 1800) years now I've been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven't found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil (why not to do better religion)?'

8. " 'Sir,' the man replied, 'leave it alone for one (1*600) more year(s), and I'll dig around it and fertilize it (make world ready for Islam, also in Middle-East, "around" Israel as in [Christian] Arabia/Egypt/Syria). 9. If it bears fruit next year (in 600 years), fine! If not, then cut it down (Judaism and so also its sect/branch Christianity, from way of Islam, after that ?year?, 600 years, passed after Jesus).' "


There is no mentioning if workers came in what part of each "hour"

("about") 11th = 400-600 AC, Islam 570-632AC (to beginning of 12th)
10th = 200-400 AC
9th = 1 AC-200 AC (Christianity 32 AC ->)
8th = 200 BC- 1 AD
7th = 400 BC-200 BC
6th = 600 BC-400 BC (Messiah prophesied)
5th = 800 BC-600 BC
4th = 1000 BC- 800 BC
3th = 1200-1000 BC (Sabians / Zarathustrians)
2nd = 1400 BC-1200 BC
1st = 1600 BC-1400 BC (Early Jews)
"0-hour" = 1800 BC-1600 BC. ("Early in the morning he went", not actually INSIDE first hour, Jewish religion was practically born only after Jacob etc. in 1600 BC-1400 BC)

Well, Jesus did not go to practice math in schools. This is not math-exam, but for people to understand some idea. And maybe he being just a human, who makes errors and has somewhat limited knowledge, is reason also to why there is least "error-marginale" (+ - inside 200 years) in places of parallel connected to himself and Christianity.


Maybe Israel AS AN OFFICIAL STATE (eventhough part of Rome and so not state) was "cut down" 70 AC, but Jewish religion and its sect Christianity did not "expire" as a (right) religions before Islam came 600 years after Jesus (Jesus 32 AC - Mohammed 632 AC) from point of Islam. Israel itself as a state have no importance for God without its religion, do you Christians agree that from Bible?

Israel (that "tree") is not subject anymore after its cutting down (in 600 AC), but ground around it. "Ground around it" is symbol for spiritual, geological and religious connection between semitistic Islamic and Jewish religions. But before it (before Islam, those last 600 years that were given extra-time) Jewish-tree has opportunity to grow fruits "next year". Obviously it did not do so as God created Islam. All that tree produced during that "year" (600 years) was form of Christianity that worshipped Jewish prophet as a god. From Jewish view those are not good fruits.

Here these parallels explained differently, after those something completely else in Bible:

If you can make prophecies (f.ex. hidden in parallels from church to be less corrupted) to fit in history and into Bible, Christians have no other change but to accept them, if they want to be honest for themselves. As you here will see, connections in history are too much even for Christians to deny these prophecies, and Christians do not really have any reasonable (with deeper meaning) explanation for these parts of sayings of Jesus Christ, Messiah:

Here more explanations:

---Matt.20:1-16, one "hour" is 200 years, "early in the morning" is Abraham and Jacob around 1800 BC-1600 BC, and so Jews after them 1600-1400 BC in "first hour", "third hour" is Sabians 1200-1100 BC, "sixth hour" is beginning of prophecies about Messiah 600 BC and "ninth hour" is Jesus coming 1 AC, "eleventh hour" is Islam 500-600 AC).----

In "third" hour you know it is talking about Sabians or Zarathustrians (Bible mentions two different “Sabians” in different directions), as "people who had nothing to do" clearly describes that right religion (as not yet corrupted, at least too much) was not yet given (from nations of that time) but for small group of Jews before.

In "eleventh hour" description matches Arabs, as people with nothing to do said "no one has not hired us yet", and Arabs were not given religion or messengers before Mohammed (pbuh), in fact they were so despised that neither Persia or Byzantium tried to conquer them, or to convert them to Christianity.

And finally "last coming as first and first as last" is just what prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) said, that even as he and Muslims came last, they will enter paradise first. By the way, in 20:12 people who came first (Jews) complaining about denary (paradise) for master (God) just because last (Muslims) did work so much more less time than them, is almost humorous description about Jews, who claim(ed) to be chosen nation of God, and who even took salvation for their own nation and religion only, without allowing it to others (even converts were and even now are considered as only "half-Jew").

Some would say that verses in Matt.20:1-16 question actually point to divine generosity that transcends human ideas of fairness. Yes it can do that TOO (although first group complaining about payment because of extra-work and master getting furious about it does not really support it), but it is far more complex and long for that alone. It would have just be easy to say that master gives denar for workers, and that’s it.

Most popular Christian interpretation is that here Jesus told how disciples were hired in "early in the morning" and in "third" hour as apostles (it does not make sense at all, as all disciples were "hired" at once by Jesus, not in two time periods, and why would apostles be unhappy about later Christians entering also paradise, even before them, as they were one to convert them?), and that from "sixth" to "ninth" hour is about apostle Paul (again, why it would have been said to happen between these two time-periods, and not just in one?), and that in last hour is talked about all later Christians (who will come "first even though they were last", why would they enter paradise before apostles, and especially why would apostles go mad about them going one second before them into paradise, as all mentioned in parallel are saved anyway?).

Another prophecy:

---Luke.13:6-9, one "year" in prophecy is 600 years from Abraham to Islam=4 "years" 2400 years, 3 "years" before Jesus and 1 "year" from Jesus to Islam=600 years, when "tree of Judaism", and with it Jesus=Christianity, is cut down by Allah with "gardener" Jesus from way of Islam---

This is clear prophecy, if Christians would think even a little. Of course gardener talking to master (God) is Jesus himself, who presented this figure of speech. And when master (God) said to gardener (Jesus) that "cut this tree (symbol of Judaism generally in Bible, fig tree), it only takes strength from this ground", Jesus refers to his mission as reformatory of Judaism, as then Jesus says that he will take care from that land and "fertilize land around it", and that maybe "next year it will make fruits, and if not, THEN cut it down". And of course, tree (Judaism and sect of it, Christianity) was cut down (removed from religions of right way) as Islam came after that year (600 years) from "fertilized land AROUND IT" (around Israel, from Arabia, and Jesus made way for Islam by splitting Roman Empire to East and West Rome by religious differences in case of power and ruling, so weakening it, and Jesus also brought at least in principle monotheistic teachings of Bible for pagans who would not have Islam anyway if Romans had still be united, eventually during centuries after Arab-migration Christianity made lots of population "around Israel" to accept Islam or to marry Muslim and raise Muslim-childrens).

Some say this Luke.13:6-9 is just numerical games. So tell me more reasonable and as compatible explanation. Fig tree is symbol of Judaism generally in Bible. Also when Jesus cursed fig tree in Matt.21:19 by words "may no fruit ever come from you again", he probably stated that no more prophets are going to come from Jews. And why time schedule fits so well in both of these religions, did Jesus not know about coming of Islam or did he not care how these will look?

But point here is, why did Jesus, propably most intelligent human ever lived, used so complicated words just to describe most simple of things, about God giving reward for believers? Could it not have been said just by few simple words that everybody would understand (especially if it is not even prophecy)? Did he have to promote his ability for making parallels? Did he use "big words" just to confuse us, especially Muslims who see this as a prophecy?

At least in my interpretation there is not only prophecy about coming of Islam, and description/time-schedule about "People of the Book" mentioned in Qur'an 600 years later, but also warning that people should follow most recent prophet to be saved for sure, allthough believers of previous religions have been right too, and have been saved.

Luke.12:51-52 “Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on earth? I tell you, no, but rather division; for from now on five members in one household will be divided, three against two and two against three.”

So house of Abraham is divided because of different beliefs on Jesus, mainly to 3 Christian religions (Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants) and to two Islamic religions (Sunni and Shiite). And it has NOT been denyed that these could battle even with other sects among themself, but most commonly conflicts have happened between Islam and Christianity.
Some Christians say this is about sacrifice inside real families (as in elsewhere there is used words as "mother against daughter") in case of "conversions" to another religions. Otherwise good explanation (in fact differences/similarities between "household" and f.ex. "daughter" can be seen to tell us that comparation between households and relationship with followers of other religions), but there has not been much such controversity and diversity in Christian-countries since emperor of Rome declared Christianity as only allowed religion. After that invaded areas in America, Africa and Asia have been efficiently converted, so giving protection for "converts" even from their own family. In modern secularism atheistics/traditional-believers usually could not care less if their child would like to celebrate (by singing etc.) Jesus. But in (now dominantly) Muslim-countries shift from Christian majority to Muslim majority took centuries, and so made accepting Islam very hard (even though only real dispute with Christians is position of Jesus, it might be reason why Jesus gave these words of comfort for those who are accepting Islam). Also "terrorism" and generally bad public image of Muslims has made even secular parents to panic if their children/partner finds Islam (yes, my mother too did so...).

Matt.12:26-27 Jesus told us that Islam can not be from satan, as it directs worshipping and bowing to God of Abraham, reason why satan fall from heaven, and so would never tell to do so. Even Jesus spoke about God of Abraham, “Father”, not about Jehovah for example. And “I am truth, way, and life” does not mean Jesus was god, but a prophet who taught TRUTH in monotheistic teaching about one God (f.ex. Mark.12:29 and Luke.4:8), who gave us WAY and example in worshipping on knees face to ground (Matt.26:39) and being totally submitting to God, and all this will give LIFE (comfort and paradise). All Muslims have to believe in Jesus TOO to be Muslim (Jesus said, no Muslim will be saved but through (ALSO) him (as trough all prophets).

Matt.21:43 "Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.”

As Jesus told (to ALL people who were there, so “Christians”, his followers, also, not just to priests who even might not be there then anymore, but left him after he answered theirs question much earlier), Jews (and its sect Christianity as it is based only to Jewish nation) lost kingdom of God when it was given to Arabs, ONE nation (Christianity is not based on other single nation but Jews).

More debate about this:

Here Jesus announced that He has been send to direct those few chosen (usually) Christians by Bible to Islam and eventually to Muslim-countries:

John.10:16 ”I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen (offspring of Ishmael, not Isaac-Jewish). I must bring them also (Jesus in Quran and monotheism/prophesies in Bible). They too will listen to my voice (same message), and there shall be one flock and one shepherd (monotheistic believers and prophets teaching about one God, now only Islam).”

Matt.18:12-14 “What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the MOUNTAINS and go and search for the one that is straying? If it turns out that he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which have not gone astray. In the same way, my Father in heaven does not want one of these little children to be lost.”

Luke.15:4-7 “What man among you, if he has a hundred sheep and has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the DESERT (open pasture) and go after the one which is lost until he finds it? When he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbours, saying to them, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost! I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. “

Here words (leaving other sheep’s at SAFELY HOME in) “MOUNTAINS” and “DESERT” describe general nature in Muslim-countries near Christian countries.

Some Christians may say that these are Christians who are "directed to home by death of Jesus", but here Jesus confirmed that if Christians (99+1 sheeps) are in "true religion", then he did not come for them in general, but for (future) Muslims (that +1):

Matt.9:12-13 “But when Jesus heard this, He said, "It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are SICK. But go and learn what this means: 'I DESIRE COMPASSION, AND NOT SACRIFICE,' for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Luke.9:56 “for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them.”

So Jesus WAS (prophesied) king, Messiah, he divided Rome to east and west by religious differences (about power), Muslims got East Rome because of that, Byzantium. And he “sacrificed” for sake of both Muslims and Christians, but he did not need to make it to forgive all sins of mankind, but perhaps only in describing way (for example that all who will find Islam get to start with no sins again). If Europe, America and Africa had remind in paganism and with ruler-gods, persecution for Muslims would have been much worse than it was for Christians, who did not have such strict demand for total monotheism. With saints for example Christianity were able easily to be one to replace pagan-god's in Europe (god was replaced by saint, holidays with Christian holidays), America and Africa, and so did bring them again closer to Islam (by Bible and prophets, even by nominal "monotheism"). In Africa f.ex. Islam did not make much advance in rainforests before colonial-time and Christianity, and many Africans accepted Islam even as a protest against colonial-powers.

12:39 "He answered, 'A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.
40. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.'

Jesus was understood to be dead by all but God as he said that he will be "gone", so "dead" for disciples f.ex., and so came true prophecy about his "death" (human-view), and also words of Qur'an about him not dying into crusificsion by Jews (what Allah knows). So in fact Jesus gave for some part of people in the World "postponed"/"delayed" judgment as a "people without knowledge" (like illiterate people dictated by church and interpretations of priests about Bible, translations from Qur'an came for Christians mostly in modern times), until Islam and knowledge reached them too (f.ex. by internet and immigration, immigration of Muslims into Christian countries accepted also because even Jesus immigrated too and told to "invite others in").

There is reason for existence of Christianity, and there is reason why Jesus is coming back: To direct his "owns" back into Truth again. Over 50% of world population are either Christians or Muslims, and only real difference between them is about position of Jesus. In Africa 50% of population are Muslims, in Asia 33%, there lives most poor people, and even Jesus and Qur'an both told that others have their share in this life, and others in next life.

Matt.22:45 “If then David calls him 'Lord,' how can he (Jesus) be his son?"

Here only possibility could be that spirit of Jesus were born before David, and so Jesus was in “high rank” compared to David (Jesus is most mentioned prophet in Qur'an). Idea about Jesus being son of David, from descent of David, refutes idea about actual “son of God”, as if Jesus had no human father, then he did not have genetically background in David who was relative of Joseph. So why would God be his genetic father then, if even David was not? So Jesus confirmed evolution (see my writing in link "Human development / Evolution", and there about Jesus saying he was before Abraham), and that he is “son of God”, prophet, as Jews understood it (look at link "Jesus warned about Paul"), but not son of Allah...

More about Jesus, Paul, Bible (and also about science in Qur'an) in (each in its own link in right-hand side of page):

Posted by planet/koran at 1:34 PM EET
Updated: Wednesday, 1 March 2006 12:03 PM EET
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