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Software "Flashget" is using to download the files from the website with a high speed. It is useful for download a big size of the files and it also support with "broken download" -- (will be explan after this) -- By follow the steps below to understand how to use and download it..

Here we go....

Step 1:

Visit the Flashget homepage to download it.
these was the download links:

Download link (1)
Download link (2)
Download link (3)
Download link (4)
(**choose anyone of them only**)

Step 2:

After download, install it into your computer. After the instalation was done, there will comes out a Flashget shortcut..

Step 3:

After that, 2 ways can be used to download the files from web..

1st way, you open your flashget shortcut, then click on the "Jobs", it is on the top of the flashget. Then click "New Download..".

After click, it will jump out a new window (as shown in the photo):

Edit the "Split file" to "10" , so it's download speed will faster than before.

(The downloaded files only can be open until the files was completed 100%. The downloaded files will directory to the hard disk C:\Downloads...)

The 2nd way:
Do you found the download link(s) on the web page? Move your mouse arrow to the download link(s), right-click it, then you can choose the bar "Download using FlashGet". After that, it will also comes out the window of the Flashget one...(then the step will repeat by 1st way just now.)

After you completed the steps, that's shown the file(s) was/were downloaded completed..
Enjoy it! ^^

**Broken Download** :
It is a function which can download the file(s) by nonstop ways. So you can pause the download file(s), or continue download the file(s) at other days is not a problem now. It is very useful and run by automatically.

Kun Ming (,