Kyoshiko's Page
Things to remember about Quake III
/com_maxfps 125
/cg_drawfps 1
/snaps 40
/rate 24000
bind F11 "screenshotJPEG"
/bind X vsay ihaveflag
ihaveflag - "I've got the flag!"
flagcarrierhere - "<<< Enemy flag carrier is here!"
flagcarrierhigh - "Enemy flag carrier escaping high!"
flagcarrierlow - "Enemy flag carrier escaping low!"
baseoverrun - "Our base is overrun!"
areaoverrun - "<<< Warning! Area overrun!"
basesecure - "Our base is secure!"
areasecure - "<<< This area secure."
incoming - "Incoming!"
incominghigh - "Incoming high!"
incominglow - "Incoming Low!"
incomingquad - "Incoming quad!!!"
itemavailable - "<<< Item available."
techavailable - "<<< Tech available."
megaavailable - "<<< Mega available."
armoravailable - "<<< Armor available."
gotquad - "I have the quad!"
enemybaseclear - "Enemy base clear."
droprune - "Dropping rune."
dropflag - "Dropping flag."
dropweapon - "Dropping weapon."
dropammo - "Dropping ammo."
droparmor - "Dropping armor."
getflag - "Get the enemy flag!"
returnflag - "Return our flag!"
attacknow - "Attack now!!"
defendbase - "Defend our base!"
defendflag - "Defend our flag!"
defendcarrier - "Defend our flag carrier."
followme - "Follow me."
camp - "Stay here!"
cancelorder - "Cancel that!"
fallback - "Fall back and regroup."
standby - "Stand by to attack."
takeoverhere - "Take over this position."
coverme - "Cover me!"
affirmative - "Affirmative." alt. "Acknowledged."
alt. "Roger that!"
negative - "Negative!" alt. "Command declined."
alt. "No way."
attackingnow - "Attacking now!"
onoffense - "On offense."
ondefense - "On defense."
guardingflag - "Guarding our flag room."
guardingperimeter - "Guarding perimeter."
guardingmiddle - "Guarding middle."
rearming - "I'm rearming!"
awaitingorders - "Awaiting orders."
awaitingquad - "Waiting for quad."
outofposition - "Out of position!"
holdingposition - "Holding position."
ready - "Ready."
gettingflag - "Going after our flag!"
needoffensehelp - "I need help on offense."
needdefhelp - "I need help on defense."
needammo - "I need ammo."
needarmor - "I need armor."
needbackup - "I need backup!"
needweapons - "I need weapons!"
needbasestatus - "Requesting base status."
yes - "Yes."
no - "No!"
ouch - "Ouch."
oops - "Oops."
kickass - "Kick Ass!!!!"
goodgame - "Good game."
thankyou - "Thank you." alt. - "Thanks."
niceshot - "Nice shot." alt. - "Good shot."
sorry - "Damn, sorry."
bye - "Bye."
damn - "Damn it!"
noooo - "Nooooo!!!!"
teamsuneven - "Teams are uneven." alt. - "Even up the teams!!"
letskickass - "Let's kick some ass!!!"
goodjob - "Good job."
yeah - "YEAH!!!"
haha - "Hahaha!!!"
yousuck - "You suck!"
rocketmagnet - "Rocket magnet!"
nicetry - "Nice try."
trythatagain - "Try that again!"
andstayout - "And stay out!!!"
ikickyourass - "I kick your ass!"
allyourbase - "All your base are owned by us!"
thatsourflag - "I believe that was OUR flag!"