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Do you have a story to tell?  If so, this web site can guide you in how to get your story written, edited and published for Free!


Write a Book for Fun Information Form

Please complete the form and when completed the form click "Submit."  When the information is received it will be reviewed to determine how we can best help you write and publish your book.  Congratulations on your commitment to become an author.


Name (required):
Telephone Number (required):
Address 1 (required):
Address 2:
City, State, Zip (required):
E-Mail (required: if none mark "none"):

Area in Which You Would Like Assistance:


 Check all of the categories that apply to you.

Picking a topic to write about:
Writing my book:
Organizing my notes:

Editing and proofing my content:

Setting up my content for publication:

Deciding on publication format:

Transforming my book into eBook format:
Other help: (please specify)
Questions and/or Comments:
Copyright © 2014 Dr. John T. Whiting
Last revised: February 03, 2014