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Do you have a story to tell?

 If so, this web site can guide you in how to get your story written, edited and published for Free!


This is a FREE service supported by friends, contributions from those interested in the preservation of knowledge through writing and publishing and others wishing to help those with a story to tell to tell it.  You can make a donation by clicking on the button below.



Thanks for your donation!


Mission Statement:   It is the mission of The Write a Book for Fun Project to inspire, encourage and support those with a story to tell to tell it by writing and publishing a book at no cost to the author! 

The primary focus of the WBFFP is to help older, retired, senior citizens who have life experiences, knowledge, expertise, insights and  skills preserve their life experiences by writing a book and sharing them with other members of our society!"


Begin to collect information on any topic of interest to you and write about it.  If you need help contact Write a Book for Fun.

You can do it!



Interested a personal or business web site.  Click HERE.

Copyright © Dr. John T. Whiting/E-BMC E-Business Management Consulting

All Rights Reserved
Last modified: July 17, 20