How To Log On To The Server!
by Ritsu
~*~STEP ZERO!~*~
--the before--
Before you can rightfully log on the Server you must first log on to the computer.
Useing the simple username "student" and password "jeff" you will get to the main desktop
(see right image -->)
~*~STEP ONE~*~
--getting started--
Once logged on and veiwing before mentioned desktop, you should move your arrow over the top bar an click o n the word "Go". When there you must go down the line to the bottem, labeled "Connect to Sever..."
~*~STEP TWO~*~
--the conection--
When this link is clicked the box to the right (-->) will pop up. If "jeffss" does not appear in the Server Address, type it there now. Once there click "Connect".
--logging on--
To estabblish a conection and to be able to acsess your files you need to type in your six diget ID number for your username/name and you use your birthday for your password.
Name: 916887 Password: 06081990
((06=month 08=date 1990=year))
--conection complete--
Once your username and password have been accepted you could either go to your specfic folder, the grade's folder, or you can go to the staff's folder which all the teacher's folders will pop up, within the teacher's (your teacher) your class mates folders will be there, as well as your's. Access your's.