Free the
Captives I
want to be God’s servant. But too much gets in the way. I
try to pray and pain grips me. My
prayer then starts to fade. I
want to make God’s word my handbook, On
how to live my life. But words that He meant for instruction, Cause my thoughts to turn round many times. How much evil it must take, To
block another from a loving God. They have tortured my body and twisted God’s words, For their own power hungry games. I
want to serve God’s people Help those that have been hurt like me. But my efforts are shortened and even stopped With exhaustion to my spirit and soul. What will it take to undo the damage? So
I can live in freedom, without pain. My
heart wants to praise my Lord! But is quieted by fear and more pain. My
precious Lord Jesus, who too endured pain. So
His children could live forever in peace. Show me the key to unlock the code. Break the evil hold that keeps me from serving you. “All things work together for the good of His children.” Please Lord; do not wait too much longer, I pray. My
spirit is weary, my body in agony, I
don’t know how much more I can take. “Be patient my daughter, your healing will come” Says my Father in a clear voice. “I
promise you now your suffering will help others. And many captives you will set free!” I
Praise you Father that my prayer will be answered. Not in my time but yours. I
pray that it is here on Earth, and soon. There are many captives waiting in chains.
by Chris © 2006 Return To Living Free
© 2006