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Thailand Amulets


Luang Phor Pern

Wat BangPhra

Rare Exotic Leopard Skins


2 pieces of leopard skins used by Luang Phor Pern in his mediation.


They are very old and rare. Evidences manifested by the skins itself tell the undeniable truth.


Size of each skin is approximately 50cm x 35cm (length starting from the neck to the tail).


The leopard skin was cut into half and each with Yants written by Luang Phor Pern himself.



Clearer pictures of the Yants: -




A Magical Flag used to tie around the banana trees during consecration ceremony in Wat BangPhra B.E.2537.




And a Kasay (Saffron Robes of Luang Phor Pern) gave to me many years ago by Luang Phor Pern himself….for sharing…












Verse of Transference


“May this virtuous merits;

Adorn the Buddha Pure Land;

Repaying four kinds of kindness above;

and avoiding those sufferings in the three paths below.


May those who see and hear of this;

All bring forth the Bodhi resolves;

When this retribution is over;

Be born together in the Land of ultimate Bliss.”