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Thailand Amulets


Luang Phor Tim

Wat Lahanrai, Rayong

B.E.2422 to B.E.2518


P4031019.jpg picture by thailandamuletsP4031020.jpg picture by thailandamulets


Famous Khun Paen in Thailand Amulet World, Khun Paen Plai Kuman (KPPK) made by Luang Phor Tim (LP Tim) in B.E. 2518, Wat Lahanrai, Rayong Thailand.


It comes with a fascinating story published in many Thailand Magazines.


Sometime back in B.E.2513, a temple helper in Wat Lahanrai was informed by LP Tim that B.E.2514 was a great year to produce any amulets that come with highly efficiency. However, LP Tim needs a baby that died in her mother’s womb on a Tuesday and will be required to be buried or cremated on Saturday. The baby will need to be removed from her mother’s womb with a ritual. The ritual includes the use of a phayant (magic cloth) drawn by LP Tim, special khata (magic scripts) and a mit-mor (magic knife). The corpse of the baby will be a good stimulus for any magic creation that comes side by side with some other holy materials used.


In the quest of such requirement by LP Tim, the temple helper asked around and managed to find a pregnant lady that was died on Tuesday and arranged to be buried or cremated on Saturday. The family’s members were approached and explained on the purpose of performing the ritual. The Thais believe that if a pregnant lady dies in a tragic will carry with her grievances and turn into a vicious ghost, thus unable to rest in peace. This is the cause of bad karmas in her previous life. The family’s members accepted the proposal thinking that this would help to turn the decease’s bad karmas into good merits and benefit everybody as a whole.


The temple helper went ahead to remove the baby’s corpse out of her mother’s womb with instructions by LP Tim. It is written in many books that while the temple helper wrapped the baby’s corpse in the phayant and quickly went back to Wat Lahanrai, he could hear the voice of the mother’s ghost demanding the return of her baby.


The baby’s corpse was passed to LP Tim and LP Tim performed another ritual in the main hall of Wat Lahanrai. Ritual went on for many days and nights and once it was done, the temple helper was told to bake and grind them into powder. While during the grinding process, sparks were seen and this shocked the temple helper.


LP Tim picked a best date for the consecration ceremony and he invited LP Keow to participate. LP Keow was a bandit before he sought refuge in Buddhism. He was also a husband of 9 wives. All of his wives lived in harmony and LP Tim said that with LP Keow great metta, it would help very much in creating the magic powders. I guess that is why LP Tim’s amulets come with great metta effects.


During the ceremony, only magic powders were created. The powders were later used in the making of many amulets from B.E. 2515 to B.E. 2518.


Among all LP Tim’s amulets, the most famous belongs to his KPPK and there are 2 bloks. The blok 1 were those that made by LP Tim himself and blok 2 were made by Wat Lahanrai’s committee. Same powder was used. All Blok 2 were produced without any gold paint and all blok 1 were applied with a thin layer of gold paint by LP Tim himself. This applies to both Phim Yai (Big Mold) and Phim Lek (Small Mold).


KPPK Phim Yai

Nevertheless, after the blok 2 were issued to the public. Many devotees requested LP Tim to apply gold paint to their KPPK. Some were painted only on the front while some were fully painted. No record was kept on the quantity that was asked to paint. Only those with 2 takruts behind are confirmed as Blok 1 and quantity not more than 200pcs. Total KPPK Phim Yai made (with/without takruts) is 2000pcs.


KPPK Phim Lek

Total KPPK Phim Lek made is 5000pcs and all comes without takruts.


KPPK Phim Kayasad

The earliest KPPK’s material used was cooked with Oils, Soils, Bananas, Kayasad etc. and Phat Ta Mong Powder. Kayasad is a sweet desert and can be commonly seen during TRIMAS season (Buddhist Lent Period from August to October). Khao Pansa day is the first day of the rains retreat and Ok Pansa marks the end of the Buddhist Lent. The tradition of Buddhist Lent or the annual 3 months rains retreat is known in Thai as “Phansa”.


This early batch of KPPK comes with both Phim Yai and Phim lek. Not easy to identify.


Aside to this, KPPK is regarded as a controversy amulet in Thailand. There is this hearsay that the molds of KPPK were kept by the committee members and they reproduced another batch after LP Tim’s death. While another rumors said that the molds were sold to a gold smith shop owner and he used it to replicate many KPPK. All these are just “hearsay”. It is also published in many books and websites that there is only 1 mold. If you happen to browse thru some magazines, books and websites, you will come across many KPPK in different sizes and not obvious marking recommended by many magazines. This poses inconsistency.



Some of the amulets created by LP Tim: -


  • Phra Kring (Chi Na Ban Chorn) B.E2517

Made from Nava-Loha metal

Golden Base – 16pcs

Silver Base – 390pcs

Copper Base – 2592pcs

Base filled with the magic powders – 101pcs


  • Charoen-Porn Coin B.E.2517

Gold – 16pcs

Silver – 343pcs

Nava-Loha metal – 1166pcs

Lead – 400pcs

Copper – 15895pcs


  • 8 Rounds Anniversary Coin

Gold with colors enamel – 56pcs

Gold with colors enamel on the front & Silver at the back – 169pcs

Silver with colors enamel – 169pcs

Silver with 3 colors enamel – 897pcs

Silver with 3 colors enamel on the front & Silver at the back – 2297pcs

Silver with Yellow enamel – 1897pcs

Nawa-Loha – 50pcs

Copper – 22297pcs


  • Phra Nark Prok Bai Ma Kark B.E.2517

Gold – 95pcs

Silver – 370pcs

Nava-Loha – 160pcs

Lead – 50pcs

Copper – 16000pcs






Verse of Transference


“May this virtuous merits;

Adorn the Buddha Pure Land;

Repaying four kinds of kindness above;

and avoiding those sufferings in the three paths below.


May those who see and hear of this;

All bring forth the Bodhi resolves;

When this retribution is over;

Be born together in the Land of ultimate Bliss.”