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Thailand Amulets


Luang Phor Tim

Wat Lahanrai, Rayong

B.E.2422 to B.E.2518



LP Tim Wat LahanRai, Khun Paen Plai Guman, Ruen Long Phim, Phim Lek B.E.2516


Size: approximately 1.7cm x 2.1cm


A few hundred pieces of Khun Paen Ruen Long Phim were produced for testing the mold. They were tested by LP Tim himself, practically speaking of not more than two to three hundred pieces. However, the price is much more affordable than the standard piece.


I acquired this piece in Singapore; the price is much higher than those that I saw in Bangkok and Rayong during a Company’s business trip. Very much higher and I guess this is affinity…


Are they chanted by LP Tim?


I do not know. They were created many years ago, more than 30 years and quite difficult to track with all these trivial issue. But base on unrecorded feedback, a Honda Civic crashed and the car was severely damaged (beyond repair). The owner escaped unhurt and he was wearing a Ruen Long Phim. Accident happened in Singapore.


As a Collector and a Buddhist, I treat all Buddha’s image with respect and understanding the Law of Karma, it turns out to be secondary whether is this Ruen Long Phim properly chanted. Most important, it is a rare and beautiful piece of Buddhist's Art.







Verse of Transference


“May this virtuous merits;

Adorn the Buddha Pure Land;

Repaying four kinds of kindness above;

and avoiding those sufferings in the three paths below.


May those who see and hear of this;

All bring forth the Bodhi resolves;

When this retribution is over;

Be born together in the Land of ultimate Bliss.”