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I know Lucas posted a great recap for you. I don't have a lot to add, because I didn't get to see Genie close-up at all.

But I did see Tony on the escalator going up to the After Emmy party and he looked great!

LOL, surprisingly we did see Jonathan and the kids a few times and they're just terrific. You'd never know he was a "star" or the kids were kids of stars. They're all very normal, down to earth and a great, supportive family.

He's a wonderful father and I could easily see how she could consider commuting to work here while he stays home with the kids in Maine. Just hope TIIC at ABC give her that chance. She so wants to play Laura again.

The highlight of my weekend of course was being there to see Genie finally win her emmy!!!!

Wow, what a moment. Everyone was standing and cheering. Some guys in front of us had a sign, We love Genie!!

When they announced all the nominees, we yelled out Genie, but then others in our balcony yelled out other names. When I watched the show though, I don't think you can tell who is yelling what, just a lot of excitement.

We wanted to watch Genie and the GH cast in the audience during the show, but couldn't really see them, just when we stood up during commercials and cranked our necks. The Craig actor was sitting next to Genie's daughter, too bad it wasn't Tony.

It was fun to be able to watch Tony and Genie while they were showing the Best Actress Emmy clips on tv. At one point, he leaned down and I guess was talking to her, but from our angle, it almost looked like a kiss.
And then at one point, they held hands, but it wasn't just the regular way. As I recall, one of them had their hand on the other's arm and they were holding hands with the free hands. Wish I could remember exactly, but it was just beautiful to see how their hands were intertwined so naturally.

Before the show started, someone came up and asked all the winners to come to the stage quickly, wait until later to hug everyone and keep their speeches short. Guess Genie was the only one who listened.

It was soooooo great getting together with Krista, Kat and Lucas again (wish we didn't live so far away from each other) and meeting our Luci and her friend, Lynn, and Vicky!!

All in all, a great weekend. Just sorry it had to end.

Sue --------------------------------------------------------------------------------