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Wat Bang Phra



At a request of a friend, I brought him to Wat BangPhra, Nakom Pathom, 30km away from Bangkok, for a sak-yant. Sak-Yant means tattoo, but difference from our modern tattoo. It is an ancient art of using long needles and magic inks that permanently put yants (magic tattoo) on your body, just like our modern tattoo which will be staying with you forever.



In the hall, many passionate devotees had arrived early for a sak-yant. From the pictures, you can see what we refer to long needle.



Devotees waited patiently and piously…



Mr. Lee has a oil sak-yant on his back. There are generally two types of sak-yants, one that is visible (using magic ink) and the other hidden (using magic oil).



Other devotees help to minimize his movement by pressing against his shoulders.



Done! A complete Yant Gao-York.


 Yant Gao-York


Next… a few pictures of another friend.


Pic 1



Pic 2



Pic 3



Pic 4



After the sak-yant session, both my friends were told to pay respect to the Master of Sak-Yant (LuSi) outside the hall.



On the way back to the temple, we were told by the driver (Mr. Sart) that Wat Bang Phra’s Sak-Yant is number 1 in Thailand. The conversation enhances the confidence of both my friends and they are sure that there will not be any regrets.


1) The below link contains some interesting elaborations about sak-yant.


Magic Tattoo Gallery


2) Informative Amulet Websites


Best of Thailand AmuletsThis website contains some interesting fundamentals knowledge.


Thailand Amulet GalleryCommercial website containing interesting amulets with concise elaboration.


Rare LP Daeng Somdej Kanaena rare somdej kanaen with a myth and details of the somdej.


Somdej Wat BangKhunPhrom - Must know details of a rare Somdej blessed by Somdej PhraPhutdhacharn(Toh) and contained in the main Jedi of Wat Mai Amataros (BangKhunPhrom).

