"From March 2003 until December 2005 2160 american soldiers was killed in the war in Iraq and during the same period around 4125 women were killed by domestic violence in the United States."source: Web site; http://www.mincava.umn.edu/documents/factoid/factoid.html and Web site; http://icasualties.org/oif/
"The budget of the whole United Nations is the same amount as the budget of the fire department of New York."source: News paper; Metro, Sweden
"20% of the world's population consumes over 70% of its material resources, and own's over 80% of its wealth(..)"source: Direct quote from web site; http://www.enough.org.uk/
"Bill and Melinda Gates was the second most generous donator of money in the United States, after Gordon and Betty Moore, beetween the year 2001-2005, donating 5458 miljon dollars."
source: News paper; Metro, Sweden
"In Sweden in the 1950´s the average time people laughed each day was 18 minutes, but in 2000 it had shrunken to 6 minutes, and stress is believed to be the reason the numbers had changed."source: Paraphrase from web site; www.aftonbladet.se
"Within four years of Columbus' arrival to the island Hispaniola, his men had killed or exported one-third of the original Indian population of 300,000 and within another 50 years, the Taino people had been made extinct."source: Direct quote from book; "Examining the reputation of Christopher Columbus" by Jack Weatherford
"In 2004 around 17 million people lived below the poverty line in Ethiopia, but in the United States around 35 million people lived below the poverty line."source: Paraphrase from web site; http://www.nationmaster.com
"A third of the women (in the world ,editors note) has during her lifetime been beaten, forced to have intercourse or been exposed to other forms of abuse (and in ,editors note) Great Britain a women screams for help every two minutes."source: Direct quote (translation) from book by Amnesty "Amnestyboken"(Amnesty´s book)) published 2006; http://www.sida.se
"The 230,000,000,000$ spend on the Iraq war until December 2005 could have fully funded world-wide AIDS programs for 23 years."source: Paraphrase from web site; http://costofwar.com
"The risk of catching the birdflu is 1 in 100 000 000; the risk of being in a plane accident is 1 in 9 200 000; the risk of slipping in the tub is 1 in 820 000 and the risk of being in a car accident is 1 in 19 000."source: News paper; Metro, Sweden
"The research, in today's Pediatrics, finds that the more television very young kids watch, the more likely they are to have trouble concentrating and to become impulsive and restless."source: Direct quote from Web site; www.usatoday.com
"In 2004 9 people were killed by sharks worldwide while 791 were killed by toasters."source: Paraphrase from web site; www.cbsnews.com
"In 1997 it was estimated that around 200 tons of poisonous heavy metals were released into the air from fireworks."source: Paraphrase from web site; http://www.skk.se/o1dSKK/antism/antismgl.htm
"In the United states the workers dont have the right to form unions freely, something that is taken for given Europe, and for a collective agreement to be made in a working place the employees have to prove to the employer that at least 50 % of the employees wants a collective agreement and is in favour of a union."source: Book; Americanos by Magnus Linton
"During 2004 and 2005 the salaries of the Swedish corporate executives rose 33% while other worker's salaries rose less than 7%."source: Paraphrase (and translated) from speech made in the Swedish parliament by the leader of "Vänsterpartiet" in Sweden Lars Ohly, January 18th 2006
"Every year the people of China uses 70 billion batteries."source: Paraphrase(translated) from "Sveriges radio P1" (Swedish radio program one) show "Studio Ett" Thursday 6th July 2006
"The United States now occupies 702 military installations throughout the world in 132 countries (...)"source: Direct quote from Harold Pinter's Nobel Prize lecture 2005
"If the west reduced their meat consumption by just ten percent, it would free up enough grazing land to grow food for up to 40 million people."source: Direct quote from web site; http://www.yellins.com/veg/
"The average meat eater is responsible for the deaths of approximately 760 chickens, 46 Turkeys, 29 Sheep, 20 pigs, 15 ducks, 7 rabbits, 5 cows and more than 1000 fish."source: Direct quote from web site; http://www.yellins.com/veg/
"Famous people who has been vegetarians include among lots of others Einstein, Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison, Charles Darwin, Bob Marley, Ghandi, Bono, John Cleese, Jerry Seinfeld, Kurt Cobain, Michael Jackson, Paul McCartney, Prince, Bob Dylan, Benjamin Franklin, Franz Kafka, Plato, Leo Tolstoy and Leonardo da Vinci."source: source: Paraphrase from web sites; http://www.ivu.org/people/ and www.yellins.com/veg/
"Ford Motor Co. said it will stop running ads for its Jaguar and Land Rover brands in the gay press, helping to avoid a confrontation with conservative Christians(...)."
note: This happened in December of 2005. After massive protests from the gay-community Ford later resumed adrvertising in the gay press.source: Direct quote from web site; www.washingtonpost.com
"A study made on 1300 people between 13 and 89 years of age showed that both men and women holds honesty as the most important trait in a partner."source: source: Paraphrase from web site; http://www.aftonbladet.se/vss/karleksex/story/0,2789,848897,00.html July 5 2006
"During 2004 67 cases of assault and battery in the laundry rooms of apartment buildings in Stockholm was reported."source: News paper; Metro, Sweden
"Ten million hectares of ancient forest are being cleared or destroyed every year."source: Direct quote from web site, February 5 2006; http://www.greenpeace.org
"The Catholic Church is telling people in countries stricken by Aids not to use condoms because they have tiny holes in them through which HIV can pass - potentially exposing thousands of people to risk."source: Direct quote from web site, October 9 2003; http://www.guardian.co.uk
"The United States possesses 8,000 active and operational nuclear warheads (of which; editor's note) two thousand are on hair trigger alert, ready to be launched with 15 minutes warning."source: Direct quote from Harold Pinter's Nobel Prize lecture 2005
"In 2004 OECD reported that 64,5% of the population in the United States was obese and overweight; in Mexico 62.3%, the United Kingdom 61%, and Australia 58.4% and Japan had the lowest per centage of the recorded countries with 25,8%."source: source: Paraphrase from web site; http://www.choicesmagazine.org
"United states and Somalia are the only two countries in the world who hasn´t signed the UN declaration for childrens rights that among other things forbids executions of minors."source: Direct quote (translation) from book by Amnesty "Amnestyboken"(Amnesty´s book)) published 2006; http://www.sida.se
"It is estimated that nearly 24 percent of mammals, 12 percent of birds and almost 14 percent of plants face extinction(...)most of these extinctions will be due to habitat destruction; most of these habitats are ancient forests."source: Direct quote from web site, February 5 2006; http://www.greenpeace.org
"The last decades a big part of the population in the world has raised its living standards(...)but at the same time the gap between the rich and the poor has never been bigger, and the gap continues to grow."source: Direct quote (translation) from book by SIDA "Perspektiv på fattigdom"(Aspecs of poverty) published June 2004; http://www.sida.se
"Every year enough bullets are produced in the world to shoot every person on the planet twice."source: Direct quote from "Sveriges radio P1" (Swedish radio program one) www.sr.se
"To produce one kilo potato you need 160 litres of water; to produce one kilo oat 1200 litres; one kilo cheese 5300 litres; one kilo chicken meat 6000 litres; one kilo cattle meat 15000 litres or more."source: Paraphrase from brochure "Vägen till Vegoland" (The road to Vegoland) published 2005
"Researchers believe 12% of all bird species in the world will be extinct by the year 2100, due to environmental changes caused by humans."source: Paraphrase from "Sveriges radio P1" (Swedish radio program one) www.sr.se
"About six billion chickens are brought up and killed each year within the European Union."source: Direct quote (translated) from pamphlet by "Djurens rätt" (the animals right´s association) published 2006
"Some countries claim that the death penalty is deterrent,(...)many studies has been done, mainly in the U.S, but none shows that the death penatly has any deterrent effect(...)."source: Direct quote (translation) from book by Amnesty "Amnestyboken"(Amnesty´s book)) published 2006; http://www.sida.se